Nezura / Nezoorabat

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Nezura / Nezoorabat
A horde of Nezura in a promotional still for Giant Horde Beast Nezura
Alternate names Nezra, Nezurabat
Subtitle(s) Giant Horde Beast (大群獣,   Daigunjū)
Species Giant mutated rodents
Height 2 meters
Weight 80 kilograms
Forms Rats, Nezura, Mammoth Nezura
Modeled by Ryosaku Takayama
Planned for Giant Horde Beast Nezura
Concept history NezuraGamera
First appearance Nezura 1964 (2020) - Dead Kamoebas.jpg [citation(s) needed] This article is missing references.
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Nezura (ネズラ,   Nezura) are unmade giant rat kaiju from the unproduced 1964 Daiei film, Giant Horde Beast Nezura (大群獣ネズラ,   Daigunjū Nezura). A winged counterpart, called Nezoorabat (ネズーラバット,   Nezūrabatto), was also later created by Nezura's planned director Mitsuo Murayama, but ultimately went unused.


The Nezura's name are derived from nezumi (鼠 or ネズミ), the Japanese word for "mouse" or "rat," combined with the suffix -ra which is commonly used in kaiju names. In the treatment for Giant Horde Beast Nezura, the mutant Nezura which grows to enormous size as a result of Nezuras artificially made to devour each other, is known as the Mammoth Nezura (マンモス・ネズラ,   Manmosu Nezura).[1]


The Nezura simply looked like sewer rats, due to their portrayal by them as well as large puppets modeled after them.


Giant Horde Beast Nezura was an attempt by Daiei to capitalize on the monster movie trend kicked off by Toho's Godzilla. Several still shots and promotional photos for the Nezura movie were produced and released, but the film was cancelled by Kojima, the executive at Daiei, due to very bad conditions (lice, ticks, and germs) brought on by the live, untrained sewer rats which they caught to shoot the movie, plus the worry caused for the neighboring town of Daiei Studios.[citation needed]

Daiei did not give up on making a kaiju film, however, and came up with Gamera by the next year.


Giant Horde Beast Nezura

At a Food Research Institute located on one of Japan's surrounding islands south of Tokyo, scientists develop a revolutionary high-calorie food source labeled the "S602." One of the scientists discovers the nutrient has terrible side effects that cause mutation in those who consume it. Plans to continue with the experiments of S602 are halted and the current supply is supposedly disposed of. An infestation of rats on the island leads to a number of disappearances. An investigation uncovers giant rats attacking and eating livestock, as well as human victims. One of the dead man-sized rats is dissected for study, and a decision is made to spray poison gas on the island to kill all the rats. Many of them escape to the sea and Tokyo is invaded by a horde of rodents as well as an enormous mammoth-sized rat. The rats eventually cannibalize each other, thus eradicating the threat on its own.

Nezura 1964

To be added.






  • Some elements of Nezura and its scrapped film were incorporated into the 2002 Japanese film, Nezulla the Rat Monster.[citation needed]
  • Nezura make a cameo appearance in the Zigra anatomy artwork used for Shout! Factory's 2011 DVD release of Gamera vs. Zigra and Gamera: Super Monster, trapped within one of Zigra's three stomachs with the other two housing Gamera's child friends and various marine animals, including an unlucky Virasian and Pairan.[2][3]


This is a list of references for Nezura. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Giant Horde Beast Nezura Filming Scenario, September 30, 1963, Daiei Tokyo Film Studio
  2. [1]


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