Yonggary Chronicle Project (2019)

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Yonggary Chronicle Project
A poster for the Yonggary Chronicle Project
Directed by Evan Brehany
Producer Evan Brehany, Brad Sergi,
Paul Vik Marshall
Music by Matti Keskiivari
Production company Emerging Auteurs
Running time 122 minutes
(2 hours and 2 minutes)
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The Yonggary Chronicle Project is a feature-length independent documentary directed by Evan Brehany which details the production of the 1999 film Reptilian, otherwise known as Yonggary. Some unrealized Korean projects, including Condor, D-War 2: Secret of the Dragon, Fish War, and Memories of Bread, are also mentioned. The documentary was released on a dedicated YouTube channel on December 28, 2019.


Staff role on the left, staff member's name on the right.

  • Directed by   Evan Brehany
  • Produced by   Evan Brehany, Brad Sergi, Paul Vik Marshall
  • Music by   Matti Kaskiivari
  • Made with the participation of   Brad Sergi, Marty Poole, Paul Vik Marshall, Gi Hun Hong, Kim Song-ho
  • Special thanks to   Mark Jaramillo, Donny Winter, Packmule, Steve Sloss, Terrier


  • Brad Sergi, Reptilian actor
  • Paul Vik Marshall, Reptilian sound mixer


The project dates back to at least February 9, 2015, when a Facebook group was created for it.[1]


The full documentary

External links


This is a list of references for Yonggary Chronicle Project. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. "About - Yonggary Chronicle Project 哥斯拉复活 ヤンガリー 용가리". Facebook. Retrieved 15 May 2023.


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