Talk:Godzilla (GMK)

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This Godzilla's return, if the continuity is revisited, possible? Where would they go after, it regenerates from its disembodied heart? - GhydraGuy (talk) 01:07, 5 April 2019 (UTC)

Origins findings

Is he a physical embodiment of some kind or is he a possessed marine reptile?

  • 2002.01.10 GMK (Sonorama Mook) p006 - 50年を経て復活。その正体は戦役者の残留思念という設定。巨大な体躯は、まさに憎悪の塊
    • Resurrected after 50 years, said to be the residual thoughts of the war dead. Body is a mass of hatred.
  • 2002.01.15 TV Magazine Deluxe 122: Definitive Edition GMK Super Encyclopedia p09 - ゴジラは、地球上のどの生物にもない、さまざまな特徴をその体にひめている。どれも、ふつうの生物ではありえないものばかりだ。
    • Unlike any other organism on earth, has many features not possible for an ordinary organism to have.
  • 2002.02.19 GMK Encyclopedia (Keibunsha Encyclopedia 694) p039 - ゴジラは、太平洋戦争で命を散らした、数知れぬ人間たち—日本人ばかりではなく、太平洋戦争で犠牲になったアジアの人々やアメリカ人もいる—の強烈な残留思念、つまりは怨念の集合体である。そして、過去の歴史に消えていった多くの人々の無念を、現代の日本人がすっかり忘れ去ってしまったから、日本にやってくるのだ。
    • As explained by professor Isayama in the film, Godzilla is a collection of the resentment of those sacrificed in the Pacific War - not just Japanese, but Asians and Americans too. But starts out giving the mutated-at-Bikini-in-1954 origin, seemingly implying it's the same as the 1st individual?
