My top 15 Favorite Kaiju are
1 Godzilla 2004 2 Gigan (2004 3 Rodan (Showa) 4 Godzilla (1954) 5 King Ghidorah (GMK) 6 Godzilla (2014) 7 Orga (1999) 8 Godzilla (1999) 9 Baby Godzilla 10 Mecha King Ghidorah (1992) 11 Kiryu (2002) 12 Burning Godzilla (1995) 13 Monster X or Kaiser Ghidorah 14 King Caesar 15 Titanosaurus
Mexico , Mexico City
Mexico City, Mexico
September 7th
I am at hight school second year.
I am at hight school third year.
I have watched Godzilla movies since I was a little baby, my first movie was Godzilla 2,000(at since I have memory.My father one day came home with tickets for Godzilla final wars and I was so happy I couldn't even breathe.Going out of the cinema he bought me my first ever Godzilla toy which was Gigan with the bloody chainsaws.Since that day I have spent almost all my money on Godzilla stuff (I even bought a PS4 to play the Godzilla game).I have tons of Godzilla figures like Godzilla 2004,Shin Godzilla (all forms except the 3rd one),monster X, Orga, and dozens more.I am currently searching for deforiaru Godzilla (1954) syounenrikku Limited Edition.Since I was a kid people in school used to tell me the goji kid and its a nickname some people still use today.My favorite Kaiju is Godzilla 2004 (as you can see)and my second is Gigan (2004).I am really happy to join you and hope to make lots of friends here at Wikizilla.I live in Mexico and I am actually a real life friend of Legendary Godzilla 2014, he introduced me to wikizilla and he is very nice in person.