Guardian Monsters

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Ancient depictions of the Guardian Monsters Baragon and Mothra in the fictional book The Biography of the Guardian Monsters by Hirotoshi Isayama[1]

Guardian Monsters (護国聖獣,   Gokoku Seijū, lit. "National Holy Guardian Beasts") is the collective term for three mighty beasts that would arise to protect Japan from a mighty force. They appeared in Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack.


Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack

  • Mothra (最珠羅 (モスラ),   Mosura) - God of the Sea (海の神,   Umi no Gami)[2]
  • Ghidorah (魏怒羅 (ギドラ),   Gidora) - God of the Sky (天の神,   Ten no Gami)[3]
  • Baragon (婆羅護吽 (バラゴン)) - God of the Earth (地の神,   Ji no Gami)[4]

Godzilla X Varan, Baragon and Anguirus: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack

In director Shusuke Kaneko's original story for the film, Godzilla X Varan, Baragon and Anguirus: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack, the three Guardian Monsters who would battle Godzilla were Varan, Baragon, and Anguirus. At Toho's request, Kaneko worked the more popular monsters Mothra and King Ghidorah into the film, dropping Varan and Anguirus but retaining Baragon as a compromise.

  • Baradaki - The White Wind Monster (白い風の怪獣,   Shiroi Kaze no Kaijū)[5]
  • Angira - The Golden Freezing Monster (金色の氷結怪獣,   Kiniro no Hyōketsu Kaijū)[5]
  • Baragora - The Red Flame Monster (赤い炎の怪獣,   Akai Honō no Kaijū)[5]



Wikizilla: YouTube Kaiju Profile: Baragon
Wikizilla: YouTube Kaiju Profile: Mothra and
King Ghidorah (Millennium)


This is a list of references for Guardian Monsters. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Shioya 2014, p. 38.
  2. Shioya 2014, p. 14.
  3. Shioya 2014, p. 16.
  4. Shioya 2014, p. 12.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Shioya 2014, p. 56


  • Shioya, Masahiko, ed. (26 December 2014). Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack Super Complete Works (Kindle ed.). Shogakukan. ISBN 978-4-09-101481-8.


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