Topic on User talk:CybaWrecker10

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Godzilla the brave (talkcontribs)


CybaWrecker10 (talkcontribs)

What's this for?

Godzilla the brave (talkcontribs)

1: I just wanted to say hi.

2: you weren’t replying on monster arena so I wanted to make sure you were ok.

CybaWrecker10 (talkcontribs)

I'm not okay because Larry got me

Godzilla the brave (talkcontribs)

Well you wanna do monster arena I will tell Larry to stop.

Godzilla the brave (talkcontribs)

Larry stop wait Louie not now ah ah ah ah I’m free stop now Larry.

Godzilla the brave (talkcontribs)

I smacked Louie’s wig off he ran away to put it back on.

CybaWrecker10 (talkcontribs)

I do not care. Louie deserves to dance inside a C4.