Topic on User talk:Da1n0nly0mega

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MechaniKongZilla (talkcontribs)

But the novel isn't out yet, or is it?

Da1n0nly0mega (talkcontribs)

It is, theres been several post on reddit about it

MechaniKongZilla (talkcontribs)

Does it describe which one is wich?

Da1n0nly0mega (talkcontribs)

i don't have the novel, Mrpenguin and ferretman seem to know more.

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

I want the novel for that juicy lore.

Da1n0nly0mega (talkcontribs)

unrelated but why did jarred delete some of his AMA answers

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

Can you recall what they were about?

Da1n0nly0mega (talkcontribs)

he deleted confirmation that the whip was made from a warbat and that barugon was an influence on one of shimos earlier concepts.

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

Odd. The Warbat thing maybe wasn't actually official but why delete the Barugon influence? Hopefully this stuff will be covered in the art book.