User:The Boy Who Cried Godzilla/Sandbox/Broadway Kong

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King Kong
Kong in King Kong: Alive on Broadway
Height 20 feet[1]
Weight 2,000 pounds[1]
Enemies Giant serpent
Created by Sonny Tilders?
Played by King's Company Dancers
First appearance Latest appearance
King Kong (2013) King Kong: Alive on Broadway
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King Kong is a giant ape monster based on Merian C. Cooper's creation of the same name.


The marionette used in both shows was designed, fabricated and built, by Sonny Tilders and the crew at Creature Technology Co. in Melbourne, Australia. It weighs 2,425 pounds, and stands 20 feet tall. These physical characteristics were later used as the basis for Kong's in-universe height and weight. The outer body is build mainly of foam and muscle bags. Onstage, the puppet was performed by dancers from the King's Company, but his face, neck, back, shoulders, and voice were controlled wirelessly by three offstage puppeteers using VUDU technology.



King Kong (2013 musical)


King Kong: Alive on Broadway





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