User talk:PeterIsTheSenate

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Thank you for the gift!
So since comments are turned off. Anyone wanna talk about something?
Creepypasta I made!
alright so I just watched the Singular Point trailer and holy god it was epic! not gotta spoiler the Kaiju’s or Titan’s tho

Thank you for the gift!

JohnGojira (talkcontribs)

So since comments are turned off. Anyone wanna talk about something?

PeterIsTheSenate (talkcontribs)

You saw the title

TheCarlosfieldParadox (talkcontribs)

Wanna talk about the new MechaGodzilla?

Creepypasta I made!

TheCarlosfieldParadox (talkcontribs)

I need to get out and get some fresh air. I should go camping just this once. Ok, I am ready to go… ...Oh it’s such a beautiful place, except for the bugs. I hate bugs, the way they move or eat is just plain unnerving, but there are so many more bugs than normal out here. No...there aren't that many bugs you're just seeing stuff because of your fear. Oh... My fear you say? Well, buddy let's just see who is afraid now! I run as fast as I can to get away from all this guilt of what I have done over these years, but a sight makes me stop and back away a little. A corpse is piled with bugs and flies mostly and it's just so sickening that I just forget about it and move on. As I walk deeper into the forest I see more and more corpses as I walk to my destination. The deeper I go, the closer death gets. Finally, I see giant shadows moving about in the light and my destination calls me deeper and DEEPER!...silence...darkness..fear...regret...guilt...sadness...anger...hatred...I have arrived. The sight of it is like a deep gash in a beautiful forest. I see black, writhing, worm-like creatures and I start to change my mind about going in. But as I begin to walk away the stupidest thing I have ever done is done. I slipped...and my demise in the dark, writhing pit of doom...never to be seen again...

The coldness and mist hit me first, then he came...Dark like a scorched tree...a man of great age came to me and made a big grin that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “Greetings!” he said in a deep voice. “What brings you here?” Oh finally! Somebody who I can trust. “I am from…” Where am I from? I can’t remember…” Help me escape and I will give you anything, just please help.”I think about it, but with no hesitation.” sure” I say as he walks in a direction of his interest, I follow him. We walk for a while when he suddenly stops. “Get back,” he whispers. We don’t see it, but we can hear it. It sounds heavy and breathes very hard. The smell of the creature is horrible and I needed to hold in my vomit or we would get caught. Its footsteps get farther and farther until there is silence. ”How did you get here anyway?” I whisper and he says that some bullies pushed him off on the surface. We see a white light get brighter as we get nearer and I need to squint my eyes to block the glare of the sun. Yes! Fresh air. He says that we should bunker down and tell me what he needs help with escaping. “There is a hivemind in these woods and I need somebody like you to defeat it.” “So, that creature is part of the hivemind?” “Yes, and I have a plan.” He shows me the way to his “base”. Weapons, food, water, and books are what I only find. ”And how long were you down here?” “Exactly 10 years, why?” “Nothing.” I start to suspect that he couldn’t have been here for 10 years and not turn insane, right?...The plan is that we get into the cave, while I distract the creature and lure it into our base he sets up the trap that looks pretty sick…I try to anger it by calling it names and that sure got it riled up! I realized that It was faster than me and luckily I got it out of his domain...It caught me and split open to reveal dozens of teeth and things sticking out of its inner body…Then it stopped and put me down, so that it would go back...I stand in shock and wonder as I look up and see the old man behind some kind of boulder and I snap out of it and yell to him”Wait don’t do-”...It’s too late and he pushes the boulder on the creature before it even had a chance to look up and gets compressed by the amount of weight that rock had...The old man gets down and has a look of pride, ”Look, we didn’t even need our weapons! Let's celebrate our victory! I have some Vodka in one of our cupboards.” I nod with unease and take a better look at the creature...I see the shape of it’s skull and is very similar to a human’s skull , But when “The Old Man” starts to walk away, the creature whispers surprisingly in english ,” If you stay here with him, I will become you like most of us are on the surface…” And with that, he breathes his last breath and dies. I back away, right into “Him” and stares at me with the knife and traces my look to his hand. His veins were pulsing black and I think back to before I came falling down...The creature and the corpses weren’t some random corpses…they were the BULLIES...just as I open my mouth he shoves the knife into my chest...I muffle a scream and kick his hand. I run into the abyss and hear him running too...I think I lost him...My chest hurts...I feel my soul drifting away...I hope it carries me to the surface where I will be free from this maniac...

PeterIsTheSenate (talkcontribs)

Sounds cool

alright so I just watched the Singular Point trailer and holy god it was epic! not gotta spoiler the Kaiju’s or Titan’s tho

PeterIsTheSenate (talkcontribs)

you read the title

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