Sandbox:Kurt Metzger

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Kurt Metzger
Kurt Metzger
Species Human
Gender Male
Affiliation Germany Army (formally)
Nightmare Children
Occupation German Intelligence (formally)
Nightmare Children Priest
Allies Other Nightmare Children, Cthulhu

Kurt Metzger is an priest of Nightmare Children cult in Godzilla vs. Cthulhu: A Death May Die Story comic.




He served as a commander in the Germany Army in World War I before ending up as leader of the Nightmare Children cult. There he interrogate Mike Kozlov after his cover blown. There he laminate on coming of Cthulhu.

There he would preform an ritual that awakens Cthulhu.

However after Cthulhu was defeated by Godzilla, one of Azathoh's minions Tsathoggua, would hang him for his failure and Cthulhu’s defeat
