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Mikasa in a poster for Attack on Titan the Movie: Part 1
Species Human
Occupation Soldier
Allies Eren, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Hans, Souda, Shikishima
Enemies Pure titans, Kubal, Military police, Shikishima (Temporarily)
First appearance Latest appearance
Attack on Titan the Movie: Part 1 Attack on Titan the Movie: Part 2
Played by Kiko Mizuhara
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Mikasa (三笠,   Mikasa) is the friend of Eren and Armin. She is a member of the new Scout Regiment that appeared in Attack on Titan the Movie: Part 1 and later in Attack on Titan the Movie: Part 2.


In other Attack on Titan media, she is called Mikasa Ackerman. Her live-action iteration leaves out her surname, simply being referred to as Mikasa.


Mikasa is a young woman with light skin and neck-length black hair. During the traumatic events that separated her from her friends, Mikasa would gain a bite mark on the side of her stomach courtesy of a Titan.


Initially, Mikasa is sweet and caring.

After the events that traumatized her, Mikasa became cold and visually apathetic.

Over the course of Attack on Titan the Movie: Part 1, Mikasa warms up to her friends and showed no fear when Eren grabbed ahold of her in his Titan form.

Throughout Attack on Titan the Movie: Part 2, Mikasa proved protective over Eren and even rescinded her feelings for Shikishima after the pain he caused.


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Attack on Titan the Movie: Part 1


Attack on Titan the Movie: Part 2



Physical Capabilities

Mikasa is physically prow enough to dispatch multiple Titans on her own.






Mikasa's bitemark

At some point after being separated from Eren following the breach in the outer wall, Mikasa was bit by a Titan on her stomach. The offscreen incident left behind a bite mark, which she eventually showed to Eren.

(More TBA)




Attack on Titan: End of the World




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