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Species Human
Gender Female
Occupation Deer Island Prison Doctor (Undercover)
Unnamed Organization

Stella is an undercover doctor and ally of Mike Kozlov and Sandra in Godzilla vs. Cthulhu: A Death May Die Story.




After Mike Kozlov's cover was blown and knocked out by Nightmare Children. Stella helped him recover as he woke up. She asked if the undercover was for nothing but he mention about the cult waking up Cthulhu to bring the end of the world.

Stella would be informed by her ally [[Sandra]| of Cthulhu’s awakening effecting the ocean as they talk about on how to stop it.

Stella with Kozlov would witness Cthulhu rising out of the ocean to attack Boston as they both lament on them they tried to stop it and failed.

Stella would be informed by her Sandra that an another monster is coming it's way to Boston.

When Cthulhu summoned in monsters she mention it being an all out attack.

Stella would inform the general to use X-A Airship to use against the monsters.