Topic on User talk:Shenanigans

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Some sort of error

Ufufuy14 (talkcontribs)

So I was browsing the page for Godzilla the half century war that you edited and an error came up ‘ [7ca7ca06b82c3808c7b96430] 2024-05-05 12:58:22: Fatal exception of type "Scribunto_LuaInterpreterNotFoundError"’

is there a fix for this on my end?

Titanus Kaiju Fan (talkcontribs)
Titanus Leo Mosura (talkcontribs)

i saw this for kaiju like Godzilla, gamera, king Kong, etc. the only kaiju I know of that aren't effected by this are jet jaguar, skar king, shimo, and destoroyah

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

That's a new one. I submitted a support ticket to WikiTeq.

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

Akane Yashiro and GBL too, Godzilla (Godzilla Minus One) is fine. No commenting functionality from what I can tell.