Topic on User talk:Keeri'ijra

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BaragonwaSaikoda (talkcontribs)

Wikizilla commenting is still broken :(

btw i met somebody on discord who i swear i thought it was you but it turns out it wasn't

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

I don't have discord, so unless I get it and notify you in the future, no one on there is me. That is funny, though

BaragonwaSaikoda (talkcontribs)


BaragonwaSaikoda (talkcontribs)


uradcy told me on discord that the comments being broken might be a sign that they've finally been removed

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

That is not true. It's a glitch, the staff will let us know in advance when the comments section is going to be removed. It'd be a pretty odd way to remove comments too, I assume they're just going with the much simpler solution of removing the Comments template from all of the pages.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)


BaragonwaSaikoda (talkcontribs)

ok good, im glad its just a glitch