Sandbox:King Kong (The Kong Crew)

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King Kong
Kong in the 4th issue
Weight 40 tons[1]
Enemies United States military, The Kong Crew
Created by Merian C. Cooper, Eric Herenguel
First appearance Latest appearance
The Kong Crew issue 1: "Manhattan Jungle" {{{last}}}
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King Kong is a gigantic ape who lived on Skull Island until 1933, when he was relocated to New York City. He escaped captivity, but unlike more traditional interpretations of the character, he was able to succesfully fend off the United States military, and forced the evacuation of all of Manhattan, where he would live in relative peace for the next fifteen years.



The specifics of this Kong's origins are not explored, but up until his encounter with the Navy atop the Empire State Building, he lived on Skull Island and was taken from it in 1933, when he was put on display in New York. Although they tried to kill him, Kong defeated the might of the United States military, and caused the evacuation of Manhattan altogether. For the next fifteen years he was left to his own devices in his new urban jungle. In the time since, Kong became something of a celebrity, and his visage could be seen on cereal boxes, commercials, and by 1947 was being considered as the subject of a motion picture. Kong's status as a pop culture icon made it tricky for politicians to call for his execution.


The Kong Crew

"Manhattan Jungle"

When a young pilot named Virgil Price flew his plane toward the Flatiron building with a Pteranodon hot on his heels, Kong took notice and swatted at the passing vehicle, clipping its tail, and sending it spiraling to the jungle floor.

"Worse than Hell"




This is a list of references for King Kong (The Kong Crew). These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. *Herenguel, Eric (2018). The Kong Crew, issue #1. Caurette Editions. p. 8. ISBN 979-10-96315-09-3.


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