The Kong Crew #2

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"The Kong Crew" #2
Cover of issue #2 by Eric Herenguel
Written by Eric Herenguel
Cover by Eric Herenguel
Pencils by Eric Herenguel
Edits by Jean-Christophe Caurette
The Kong Crew Logo.png
The Kong Crew

"Worse than Hell" is the second issue of The Kong Crew by Eric Herenguel. It was published by Caurette Editions in January 2019. While the comic is written in French, its issues are published in English after having been translated from Herenguel's text by Miceal Beausaung-O'Griafa. This is the first issue to feature "Kurt the Jerk" as a backup story.


Irvin Stone leads Dr. Jonas Parker into the subway line to avoid the soldiers they had seen above, and continues to mock the professor's behaviors. Unfortunately, they soon discover that part of the tunnel they are following has collapsed, and Stone has them descend into the sewer until they can get back into the subway tunnels. There, Stone hears a slithering sound, but before he can seek it out, Dr. Parker finds a giant trilobite and excitedly shows it to his companion. Unfortunately, Stone forbids him to keep it, and demands his flashlight. While this happens, a group of three, hungry quadrupedal reptiles with sails on their backs approach them from behind. Stone begins firing on them with his machine gun, and bids Parker to run.

Back on the Hancock air base, Spit is refusing to eat until his master returns, which further worries Betty Pearl, who is already losing sleep over Virgil's safety. Bradley Turner is reprimanded by colonel Pearl, but is only grounded instead of being thrown out of the air force, which the ground operator Andrew suspects is because he lost his arm doing something similarly reckless in 1937, and wants to give Bradley another chance. Despite this kindness, Pearl makes it clear that Bradley saw nothing out of the ordinary on his route, and that if he reports on any flying creatures attacking him, he will be suggested as 'prone to hallucinations'.

Virgil Price awakens, hanging upside down in his trashed P-26 Peashooter, and takes stock of his supplies before making a plan, and heading to the Empire State Building. Stone drops one of the pursuing creatures, but quickly runs out of ammunition. The two run from the dinosaurs, and when they are backed into a corner, the journalist produces a grenade, and despite Dr. Parker's warnings that it will ignite the sewer's methane gas if deployed, throws it at the creatures, blasting the men backward, and tearing the predator apart. After climbing the stairs up 102 floors of the Empire State Building, Virgil takes a rest at a hole in the building, offering a splendid view of the jungle. There, he admires a flock of large, colorful butterflies before being attacked by a truly uncanny creature with bat-like wings, a long tail and an earless head. However, part of the stairwell collapses under the beast's weight and it falls to its death. On the street, three people in various pieces of period armor launch grappling hooks up into the tower. On finally reaching the top, Virgil admires the bullet impacts on the tower from Kong's battle with the military in 1933 before deploying a smoke grenade to get a signal to the mainland.

At the tail gun diner, Andrew and Bradley try to get Spit to eat by serving him a decadent sundae, despite his strict no-sugar diet. Spit is unimpressed until Betty enters with news that Virgil's signal had been spotted, and that colonel Pearl is sending a supply shipment to aid him. At this news, Spit rushes from the diner. While looking over the horizon, Virgil is surprised to be approached by the three warriors. He tries to joke with them, and when he is met with silence he resorts to threatening them. The lead warrior removes her helmet, and strikes Virgil with the butt of her gun. Irvin Stone drags himself out of the sewer and into Central Park, but cannot find Jonas Parker. He soon spies a wooly mammoth and its child, and is bewildered at how this is possible. On the base, Spit hides in the shipment meant for Virgil before it is loaded into the plane bound for the Manhattan jungle.

The lead warrior, a woman named Venturi, approaches the Metropolitan Museum of Art demanding an audience with the queen. The guards refuse her entry, but she pushes through to the throne room to inform Queen Damara that she had captured the birdman. The Queen congratulates her on her mission, as elsewhere, the care package for Virgil drops into the city, and Spit ventures out. He is quickly spotted by some large dromeosaurs, who begin to chase him.



Weapons, vehicles, and races

  • North American P-51 Mustang
  • Boeing P-26 Peashooter
  • Grappling gun


  • Dr. Jonas Parker
  • Irvin Stone
  • Virgil Price
  • Spit
  • Betty Pearl
  • Colonel Pearl
  • Bradley Turner
  • Andrew
  • Venturi
  • Damara






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