Sandbox:Matan and Tango

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Matan and Tango
Matan and Tango in Godziban
Matan and Tango about to run from Minilla
Matan and Tango laughing
Alternate names Mushrooms, Matango[1]
Species Matango
Place(s) of emergence Bio Forest
Allies Each other, Godzilla-kun, Minilla, Little, Erika, Sakuya
Enemies Desghidorah
First appearance Latest appearance
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Matan (マータン,   Mātan) and Tango (タンゴ), known collectively as the Matangos (マタンゴズ,   Matangozu), are



  • Godziban (web 2019-) [episodes 54 and 57; more]


Mushroom Hammer


This is a list of references for Matan and Tango. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]