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King Kong vs. Godzilla: When Worlds Collide
King Kong vs. Godzilla: When Worlds Collide
Publisher A360 Media
Publish date 3/11/2024

King Kong vs. Godzilla: When Worlds Collide is a magazine released on March 11, 2024.


There have been many movie monsters over the years, but two comically oversized creatures rule them all: King Kong and Godzilla. Movie lovers have thrilled to the tragically misunderstood, lovelorn giant ape Kong since 1933, and to the city-wrecking, fire-breathing giant lizard Godzilla since 1954. As a new high-budget film brings these beloved characters together this spring, we celebrate all things Kong and Godzilla: The countless films, the hilarious enemies (Mothra!), the fascinating evolution of special effects that bring them to life, and their outsized cultural impact.

— Magazine description

Everything you ever wanted to know about the two most oversized movie monsters that ever lived...

— Back cover


  • King Kong (p. 8)
    • (p. 10) Birth of a King
    • (p. 14) Kong Movies
    • (p. 18) Allies and Enemies
    • (p. 22)The Cultural Impact
  • Godzilla (p. 26)
    • (p. 28) How It Began
    • (p. 32) Godzilla Movies
    • (p. 36) Friends and Foes
    • (p. 40) A Monster Goes Mainstream
  • The Clash of Two Titans (p. 44)
  • Behind the Lens (p. 62)
    • (p. 64) Heroes and Damsels
    • (p. 68) Creators: Writers, Directors, and Producers
    • (p. 72) Behind-the-Scenes Wizards
    • (p. 76) Awesome Animal Inspirations
  • Monster Movie Magic (p. 80)
    • (p. 82) Playing with Perspective
    • (p. 86) Magical Music and Sound Effects
    • (p. 90) The Movie Illusionists
    • (p. 94) Spawn of Kong and Godzilla



Inaccuracies and inconsistencies


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