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Dracula in The Great Yokai War: Guardians
Dracula in Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theatre
Species Vampire
Nationality Romanian (Transylvanian)
Gender Male
Aliases Count Dracula
Forms Normal
Bat form
Monsterious form
Giant sized
Related to Three unnamed bridesGMT
Allies Jay Gatsby (initially), Daisy Buchanan (formally), Werewolf, Sherlock HomesGMT, MummyGMT, FrankensteinGMT
Enemies Sherlock Holmes (initially) GMT (initially), Jay GatsbyGMT, FrankensteinGMT (initially) GodzillaGMT
First appearance Latest appearance
The Great Yokai War: Guardians Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theatre #3
Played by TiernanTGYWG
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Count Dracula (ドラキュラ伯爵,   Dorakyura Hakushaku) is a vampire created by author Bram Stoker for the 1897 novel Dracula. He has appeared in multiple pieces of kaiju and tokusatsu media, including the 2021 film The Great Yokai War: Guardians and the 2024 comic series Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theatre.


In The Great Yokai War: Guardians, Count Dracula possesses pale tan skin, pointed ears, fangs that faintly stick out of his mouth when closed, ragged neck-length brown hair, black eyeshadow, grayish-hazel eyes, a white undershirt, a brown classy coat complete with a cloak and a v-collar, a fuzzy dark brown top hat, and he wears a black hearing aid in his left ear.

In Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theatre, Count Dracula retains his world-renowned design. He possesses pale white skin, slicked back black hair, a widow's peak, a black cloak, two large fangs, and eyes that glow red.


The Great Yokai War: Guardians

Count Dracula was an attendant of the Yokai Yammit, an international gathering of yokai.


Mind Control

He was able to mind control others like Daisy Batchman, and Frankenstein though it failed to work on Godzilla.

Vampire conversion

He is able to turn others into vampires as he turned Sherlock Homes into an vampire obedient to him though able to briefly regain his sense of self briefly. It seem to be irreversable as Jay Gatsby seemly was force to kill Sherlock with silver knife without thinking of a way to reverse the effects.


Dracula like all vampires retains his renowned weaknesses to garlic, silver, holy crosses, and sunlight.

In Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theatre while giant sized, he was overpowered by Godzilla even with the help of Frankenstein, a giant Werewolf, a Giant Mummy. Godzilla tossed him into space, where the sun reduced Dracula to dust.

Video games


Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theatre


Dracula watching Godzilla destroy London

As Godzilla is rampaging through London where Dracula's three brides inform their master of the event. Dracula says that "London has became interesting".


After the attempt to kill Godzilla in Paris failed, the Time Machinist suggested Dracula's help. The vampire suggested that Godzilla was not evil but was rather a misunderstood creature, believing that whoever controls him controls the world. While Dracula started off friendly, as soon as Sherlock Holmes discovered his true identity, he attacked and killed the detective before bringing Daisy to Transylvania to watch Godzilla arrive.


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  • Toho/Toho Eizo produced a trilogy of tokusatsu vampire films in the 1970s, two of which contain Dracula's name in their international titles: Lake of Dracula (1971) and Evil of Dracula (1974).

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