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Godzilla comic incarnations
Godzilla (Godzilla: The Half-Century War)
Godzilla (Godzilla: Cataclysm)
Godzilla (Godzilla in Hell)
Godzilla® trademark icon
Godzilla in Godzilla: Cataclysm
Species Giant prehistoric amphibious saurian-like reptile
Place(s) of emergence Tokyo, Japan
Allies Mothra, Biollante
Enemies Humans, Anguirus, King Ghidorah, Mechagodzilla, Biollante (initially), Mothra (initially), Megaguirus, Destoroyah
First appearance Latest appearance
Godzilla: Cataclysm #1 Godzilla: Cataclysm #5

Godzilla is a kaiju that appears in IDW Publishing's 2014 comic book series, Godzilla: Cataclysm. A giant reptilian being that attacked humanity alongside many other monsters, Godzilla battled all that came in his path. After a long time, the conflict came to an end and Godzilla as well as the other monsters disappeared for twenty years. When some monsters return to wreak havoc upon humanity once more, Godzilla makes his own return to inflict vengeance against humanity for "hurting" him.


Main article: Godzilla#Name.

Godzilla's Japanese name, Gojira (ゴジラ), comes from a combination of the Japanese approximation of "gorilla" (ゴリラ,   gorira), and kujira (クジラ), the Japanese word for "whale."


Godzilla's design in the series primarily resembles the KiryuGoji design, though he bares MireGoji and FinalGoji-akin proportions on his face and snout. His skin is a blend of green and charcoal that gives his entire appearance a heavier resemblance to the MireGoji design. His claws and the base of his dorsal plates match his skin color before fading to a bone-like shade of gray in the latter case. His eyes for the most part appear green or black from panel to panel. He possesses six rib-like lines on his chest. His dorsal plates from the tail to his nape flare up in blue flames when charging and firing his atomic breath. When he utilizes his spiral heat ray, they glow orange-red instead.


Godzilla for the most part is a highly aggressive and unpredictable organism, waging conflict with humanity and all other monsters indiscriminately. After humanity's attempt to mind-control monsters in the distant past, Godzilla became incredibly violent and unforgiving. However, Godzilla proves reasonable when he rationalizes Mothra's aid against Destoroyah and later on saw the same with Biollante. Despite their recent conflict, Godzilla left Biollante and humanity in peace as he returned to the sea following Destoroyah's defeat.


Long prior to the events of the series, Godzilla and other inferred prehistoric monsters emerged and waged war against each other and in time, humanity as well. The conflict grew so intense, an effort was made to gain control over monsters and "influence" them via psychic individuals backed up by advanced technology. This resulted in "hurting" Godzilla, riling up the monsters, and leaving human civilization ruined when the apocalyptic war came to an end. For twenty years, Godzilla and the other monsters disappeared, giving the remnants of humankind a chance to live in worship of the deemed "gods". When monsters such as Kamacuras and Biollante began to reemerge, Godzilla himself reawakened to confront the latter.


Godzilla: Cataclysm #1

Nearly 20 years prior to the present events, Godzilla was caught up in a fierce battle consisting of himself, humanity, King Ghidorah, Mothra, Anguirus, and Manda. Personally engaged with King Ghidorah, Godzilla endured electrical bites from the three-headed-dragon and missile fire from nearby jets before suplexing his enemy over his head and into a building. Godzilla proceeded to obliterate King Ghidorah with his atomic breath before turning around to face Mothra and Anguirus charging at him.

In the present day, when Biollante emerged to attack a group of Kamacuras hunting a scouting party, the plant monster received a blast of Godzilla's atomic breath to her underbelly, signifying the return of the Kaiju. As human witnesses Arata and Shiori watch in horror, Godzilla engaged Biollante.

Godzilla: Cataclysm #2

As Biollante ensnared him with her tendrils, Godzilla tore through some of them with his raw strength. Strangled, he fired another atomic blast at Biollante to free himself and leave her severely injured. Godzilla subsequently tackled his opponent into a building as their fight got more gruesome, biting into her neck and clawing at her body. Suddenly, Mothra rammed Godzilla away from Biollante, buying the plant monster a moment to regenerate from Godzilla's attacks. The tides turned when Godzilla retaliated with a blast of atomic breath that cleaved Biollante into pieces and a second blast that scorched the tip of Mothra's wing, sending her spiraling in mid-flight. With both of his enemies defeated, Godzilla roared in triumph.

Hiroshi, Arata's grandfather and an elder survivor, awoke from memories of Godzilla's conflict with humanity. In a flashback, Godzilla is seen enraged and rampaging in an unspecified city in addition to Hiroshi's involvement in a technological experiment with his cohorts.

Godzilla: Cataclysm #3

In a recap of recent events, Arata and Shiori recalled Godzilla's intent on destroying Biollante. As Hirsohi spoke his part on the matter, he again remembered his own involvement in a technological effort during the conflict between Kaiju and humanity that consisted of him and his colleagues wearing advanced equipment. While speaking to Arata and Ishori, Hiroshi revealed that he was involved in an effort to psychically control monsters with advanced technological assistance. This effort somehow resulted in immense pain being inflicted on Godzilla, tremendously enraging him. Godzilla would suddenly make an appearance himself following the arrival of Megaguirus and her Meganulon subjects, who pursued the human survivors and fed on Biollante's tendrils. He suddenly shot Megaguirus out of the sky and into a nearby building, nearly missing Mothra and making his intentions clear. While Hiroshi hid Biollante from sight with Arata and Shiori, Godzilla squared off with Mothra as they prepared to wage battle once more.

Godzilla: Cataclysm #4

Godzilla found himself being shocked by Mothra's arc lightning as they waged battle again, retaliating against the insect with a tail swipe that floored her.

As the monsters fought, Hiroshi got into detail over humanity's various attempts at fending off the monsters, which consisted of a Mecha doppelganger of Godzilla and the attempt of psychically controlling and influencing the monsters. Initially, the latter was successful, managing to work on Angurius, Manda, and Rodan. Unfortunately, the psychic effort got overconfident and instead of maintaining an influence over the monsters, it aroused the monsters' anger, consequently implanting Godzilla's intense rage towards humankind.

In the present moment, Godzilla endured a second barrage of Mothra's arc lightning before retaliating with his atomic breath, to no avail as Mothra dodged the attack. Mothra subsequently blasted Godzilla with her hypersonic beams, knocking him backwards off his feet. As he fell into a building, Godzilla once more blasted Mothra's wing with his atomic breath, this time nearly cleaving it off and sending Mothra crashing down with her damaged wing lit aflame. Godzilla rose to his feet before blasting his spiral heat ray at Mothra off-panel.

Nearby, Hiroshi recalled when he first made psychic contact with Godzilla and how frightened he was by Godzilla and the other so deemed "demons."

Godzilla: Cataclysm #5

As Destoroyah chased the human survivors in his juvenile forms, Hiroshi "prayed" for Godzilla. In the pursuit, Hiroshi found himself impaled by Destoroyah from behind, leaving him in a state of slowly dying. As if his pleas were answered, Godzilla arrived regardless of such. Destoroyah subsequently transformed into his flying form to attack Godzilla, who proceeded to duck under before finding himself with Destoroyah's tail wrapped around his neck and being dragged over a great distance by the crustacean. In a futile attempt, Godzilla fired his atomic breath at the sky before Destoroyah ceased his attack and flew back around while the King of Monsters returned to his feet. Destoroyah proceeded to strike Godzilla's nape with his laser horn before dodging a blast of Godzilla's atomic breath. Subsequently, Godzilla watched as Mothra flew into the fight and inflicted her own attack on Destoroyah, only to be killed by Destoroyah's micro-oxygen beam after he turned back into his perfect form. Godzilla seized the opportunity to blast his enemy at the back of his head, knocking him down and leaving him vulnerable. Godzilla waited as Biollante ensnared and restrained Destoroyah with her tendrils before unleashing a powerful point-blank blast of his spiral heat ray at Destoroyah, fatally incinerating the crustacean beyond his regenerative capabilities. Triumphant, Godzilla roared victoriously before noticing Biollante's tendrils spreading throughout the city. Seemingly satisfied, Godzilla peacefully returned to the sea.


Physical Capabilities

Godzilla is a heavily strong and competent combatant, easily overpowering King Ghidorah and flipping the three-headed dragon over his head in the distant past. Additionally, he fought the likes of Anguirus and Mechagodzilla, two beings that don’t return in the present. Godzilla proves superior to Biollante in spite of his size disadvantage, easily overpowering her as well as inflicting a claw mark and a bite wound on her neck. When he charged up his atomic breath, Godzilla's dorsal plates severed Biollante's mouthed vines and tendrils through their sharpness and the intense heat they emitted. Though Mothra proved a tricky opponent due to her flight capabilities and repertoire of projectile weapons, Godzilla succeeded in tail-slamming her onto her back. Though he required aid against Destoroyah, Godzilla fared enough to see through the crustacean's demise.

Atomic Breath

Godzilla possesses the trademark atomic breath. It is capable of causing fires and explosions, reaching great distances, and can critically inflict damage on other monsters. He succeeded in obliterating King Ghidorah in the distant past with it. Godzilla left Biollante's underbelly singed with a single blast and later left her critically damaged when Godzilla utilized a more powerful blast to cleave her into pieces and reduce her to a nucleus-like structure small enough to be carried by people. Godzilla’s atomic breath also succeeded in damaging one of both Mothra and Megaguirus' wings, resulting in the former being weakened and the latter crashing down onto a building ruins. It even proved powerful enough to knock Destoroyah down when shot at the back of his head.

Spiral Heat Ray

Godzilla possesses a more powerful, spiral-surrounded, orange-red variation of his atomic breath that he utilized against Mothra and later Destoroyah. It proved sufficient in harming Mothra the first time he used it. When he fired a more powerful, point-blank blast of it at Destoroyah, it killed him and left his face gruesomely burned.


Following his triumph over Destoroyah, Godzilla returned to the ocean.


Godzilla possesses a degree of cunning and tactical prowess that he utilizes in sync with his strength. He nearly killed Biollante by firing his atomic breath at her underbelly and cleaving her in half, forcing her to take a smaller form to survive. He also used his atomic breath to hinder Mothra's ability to fly as well as send Megaguirus crashing down. In the distant past, Godzilla thwarted humanity's attempts to stop him, including the creation of a robot built in his image and the utilization of psychic influence. When Destoroyah proved too overwhelming for him alone, Godzilla recognized Mothra and Biollante's acts of aid and reacted accordingly. He finished off Destoroyah with a point-blank blast of his spiral heat ray.


Godzilla possesses incredible durability and a resilient hide that can take attacks from even his strongest enemies. He stood unaffected by King Ghidorah's electrical powers, ignored Biollante's mouthed vines biting into his neck and her tendrils strangling him, endured Mothra's arc lightning and ultrasonic beams without sustaining any injuries, and even took attacks from Destoroyah. The crustacean failed to effectively harm Godzilla with his attempt to drag the King of Monsters by the neck with his tail. When Destoroyah flew back to slash Godzilla's nape with his horn, his efforts proved futile as Godzilla's skin remain unscratched.

Regenerative capabilities

Godzilla possesses incredible regenerative capabilities, instantaneously regenerating from Biollante's mouthed vines biting into his neck.

Psychic abilities

Godzilla possesses some degree of psychic powers that have connected him to the elderly human survivor, Hiroshi. Through these powers, Godzilla may or may not have heard the "prayers" sent to him by Hiroshi in addition to being able to locate the old man's whereabouts as well as sensing his state of being.


While Godzilla is incredibly resilient, some Kaiju are still capable of inflicting pain on him. Biollante's mouthed vines drew blood from his neck. Mothra, Destoroyah, and humanity's psychic mind control attempt all caused Godzilla some degree of pain, the third of which inflicted enough to arouse his ruthless rage. Destoroyah proved too troublesome in his flying form for Godzilla on his own and thus required help to defeat him.



  • Destoroyah dragging Godzilla along the ground by the neck with his tail as he flies is a direct reference to Godzilla vs. Destoroyah in which the same thing happens. By contrast however, Destoroyah inflicted this attack in his final form rather than his flying form as he does in the comic.
  • Godzilla's role in the series is heavily identical to that of his counterpart in the continuity of Godzilla: Oblivion, both of them acting as highly aggressive attackers of humanity that wage a conflict against other monsters and the human race so significant, it leaves the Earth in ruin. Additionally, the main character(s) of both continuities are responsible for Godzilla and the other monsters destroying human civilization.


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