Godzilla Encounter
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The Godzilla Encounter is an exhibit located in San Diego, California, which first opened in July, 2013, at a near date to San Diego Comic-Con '13. One of the attractions of this exhibit is a "ride" where tourists can go up on an elevator in a building and see Godzilla outside in a dark rainy weather, walking by two times. The first is several meters away, and the second pass-by has Godzilla looking right inside through the windows.
Notable Exhibited Objects
- The MireGoji suit - The suit used in two films and in CR Godzilla 3S-T Battle.
- The Oxygen Destroyer - The prop used in the original Godzilla film.
- Godzilla Toys - Many Godzilla toys were being exhibited, many toys being from Bandai.
- Shindo's Ramen Bar - A bar where food is served to visitors. The various food items are named after classic Godzilla monsters.
See also
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