Guyferd image gallery
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"The Birth of Guyferd!"
Go is electrocuted by a Guyborg
Go fights Masato Kazama in a dream
Go in his Guyborg Armor fighting Jerks
"In Peril! Go"
Guyferd fighting Doggross
"Did You See It? The Ultimate Supertransformation!"
"Operation Battle Killer"
Go is cornered by Guyborg 801
Antaleess approaches Go
Guyferd fighting Deathferd
Gou (left) and his brother Masato (right) on their motorcycles
Guyferd fighting Metal Master
Go fighting Scarabess
Gou fighting Minos
Guyferd fighting Minos
Gou fighting Django
Guyferd fighting Valcanon
Go fighting Zodiac
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