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There are "types" of colors that can be added to navigation templates, infoboxes, and more. Here is a list of all of them.
Colors should be assigned on the basis of the most prominent colors on the design of a monster, or the prominent colors on the design of the originating film/comic/video game in case of human characters.
Brick | Red | Orange | Brown | Taupe | Tan | Goldenrod | Gold | Yellow | Moss | Lime | Green | Artichoke | Viridian | Cyan | ||
Light | #D67873 | #e70000 | #F5AC78 | #74603a | #A29288 | #EBD69D | #D1C17D | #ffe86c | #FAE078 | #C6D16E | #72ff4e | #A7DB8D | #62835c | #9DC1B7 | #7FFFD5 | Light |
Normal | #C03028 | #bf0202 | #F08030 | #5c4415 | #705848 | #E0C068 | #B8A038 | #f4d424 | #F8D030 | #A8B820 | #33FF00 | #78C850 | #4B6F44 | #68A090 | #00CC88 | Normal |
Dark | #7D1F1A | #9f0000 | #9C531F | #241b08 | #49392F | #927D44 | #786824 | #cccc00 | #A1871F | #6D7815 | #28CC00 | #4E8234 | #283a24 | #44685E | #00CC88 | Dark |
Fighting | Red | Fire | Brown | Dark | Ground | Rock | Gold | Electric | Bug | Nuclear | Grass | Artichoke | ??? | Cyber |
Ice | Water | Blue | Navy | Lavender | Violet | Indigo | Purple | Magenta | Rose | Pink | ||
Light | #BCE6E6 | #9DB7F5 | #3293ff | #1f1fff | #C6B7F5 | #A27DFA | #A292BC | #C183C1 | #b61b59 | #FA92B2 | #F4BDC9 | Light |
Normal | #98D8D8 | #6890F0 | #0070FF | #1717d0 | #A890F0 | #7038F8 | #705898 | #A040A0 | #ab0045 | #F85888 | #EE99AC | Normal |
Dark | #638D8D | #445E9C | #0060CC | #0000a3 | #6D5E9C | #4924A1 | #493963 | #682A68 | #630028 | #A13959 | #9B6470 | Dark |
Ice | Water | Blue | Ocean | Flying | Dragon | Ghost | Poison | Cosmic | Psychic | Fairy |
White | Bone | Khaki | Silver | Gray/Grey | Charcoal | Black | ||
Light | #F6f6f6 | #FFFFF0 | #C6C6A7 | #D1D1E0 | #696969 | #4C5866 | #272727 | Light |
Normal | #F0F0F0 | #E3DAC9 | #A8A878 | #B8B8D0 | #525252 | #36454F | #181818 | Normal |
Dark | #dddddd | #9e988c | #6D6D4E | #787887 | #2a2a2a | #101417 | #000000 | Dark |
White | Bone | Normal | Steel | Machine | Charcoal | Black |
Compatible parameters:
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