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Godzilla's species
Illustrations of members of Godzilla's species from Definitive Edition Godzilla Introduction
Species Giant prehistoric amphibious reptiles (GodzillasaurusTRoG-GvD, Titanus GojiraMV)
Allies Each other, Mothra's speciesMV
Enemies MUTOs, Kong's speciesMV
First appearance Latest appearance
Godzilla Godziban

Godzilla's species is usually a species of gigantic reptilian creatures. Godzilla himself is often depicted as the last and only surviving individual of his kind. However, others of his kind are alluded to in some media.


In the original Godzilla, it is proposed that Godzilla was a type of prehistoric intermediary reptile related to both land and sea reptiles that had slept deep underwater for millions of years. They fed on deep sea organisms and lived in peace until an American hydrogen bomb test eradicated all but one individual, who was mutated and scarred in the process. Dr. Yamane proposed that the original Godzilla might not have been the only survivor among others of his kind prior to the detonation, but the H-bomb completely destroyed his home and drew him out. This idea is supported by official artwork of the 1954 Godzilla living with other Godzillas underwater before a huge explosion destroys his habitat, killing his companions and both burning and enraging Godzilla and drawing him to the surface.[1] After the original Godzilla is killed, Yamane proposed that other Godzillas may have survived to the present day and could be awakened by future nuclear tests.

In the Heisei era, it is theorized that Godzilla was a species of dinosaur dubbed a Godzillasaurus that had survived the extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous Period.

Godzilla's origin is altered for the film Shin Godzilla. In this film, it is proposed that Godzilla is some kind of prehistoric sea creature that came upon nuclear waste on the sea floor in the 1950s and rapidly adapted to withstand it.


Video games


Known members


Gojira-kun: Kaijū Daikōshin

Godzilla Singular Point

See also


This is a list of references for Godzilla's species. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Definitive Edition Godzilla Introduction (14th edition). Shogakukan. 20 November 1996. p. 54. ISBN 4-09-220142-7.
    10689853 398606200295214 8421095972625706709 n.jpg


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