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Mechagodzilla® trademark icon
Mechagodzilla in Godzilla: Rulers of Earth
The Cryog Mechagodzilla army in Godzilla: Rulers of Earth
Mechagodzilla in Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters
Mechagodzilla in Godzilla: Ongoing
Species Giant Bio-Mech
Forms Fake Godzilla (Cryog Mechagodzilla)
Controlled by Earth Mechagodzillas: United States, onboard AI, Steven WoodsGKoM, Daniel Malmon (initially)G(IDW), HarrisonG(IDW), CKRGRoE, Jet JaguarGRoE
Cryog Mechagodzillas: CryogsGRoE
Allies Earth Mechagodzillas: Kumonga, GodzillaG(IDW), GRoE, Anguirus, Mothra, MOGUERA
Cryog Mechagodzillas: Each other, Mecha-King Ghidorah
Enemies Earth Mechagodzillas: Anguirus (initially), Godzilla (initially), King Ghidorah, Hedorah, Monster X/Keizer Ghidorah, SpaceGodzilla, Baragon, Destoroyah, the Cryog Mechagodzillas, the Trilopods
Cryog Mechagodzillas: Anguirus, Godzilla, Earth Mechagodzilla, SpaceGodzilla
First appearance Latest appearance
Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters #6 Godzilla: Rulers of Earth #25

Mechagodzilla (メカゴジラ,   Mekagojira) is a name applied to multiple mechas that appeared throughout IDW Publishing's 2011-2015 ongoing comic continuity consisting of Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters, Godzilla, and Godzilla: Rulers of Earth.

The first Mechagodzilla, hastily built in Detroit as a patriotic anti-Godzilla weapon, would run amok before breaking down in a forest. It was found by soldier Steven Woods and the young orphan girl Allie, who managed to reactivate it and used it to save Washington, D.C. from Godzilla and King Ghidorah. The second Mechagodzilla, built by billionaire Daniel Malmon as an improved version of the original design, would be stolen by the Monster Kill Crew to liberate monsters from Monster Island to help battle an invasion of space monsters and to help defeat SpaceGodzilla in New York City. The Counter-Kaiju Reaction Forces would go on to repair and upgrade the second Mechagodzilla and add it to their roster of anti-kaiju weaponry. Yet another Mechagodzilla model would be mass-produced in Russia by disguised members of the Cryog race for their invasion of Earth. At least one unit survived the battle for Earth that followed.


Mechagodzilla's name is a combination of "mecha," which is derived from "mechanical," and "Godzilla" (ゴジラ,   Gojira).

The name was applied to all of the Mechagodzillas featured across the trilogy, with no specific variations offered to differentiate between them.


All three of the suitmation Mechagodzilla designs were used in IDW's storyline. The Detroit Mechagodzilla used in Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters based on the Heisei incarnation with the addition of "MG" insignia on his pectorals and patriotic stars on his elbows that faded away not long after his berserk rampage. In Godzilla, Mechagodzilla, who uses Kiryu's design but is still referred to as "Mechagodzilla," utilizes his Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla backpack in Godzilla. In Godzilla: Rulers of Earth, Mechagodzilla bears his Godzilla: Tokyo SOS design. The mass-produced Russian/Cryog Mechagodzillas seen in Rulers of Earth utilize the Showa design, with them being distinguished from each other through numbered shoulder insignia similar to those seen on Mechagodzilla 2.




The first Mechagodzilla was built by the United States as an anti-Godzilla weapon about one month after Godzilla's first appearance in Japan and his subsequent arrival in North America. Seeing an opportunity for this weapon to revitalize the Rust Belt's production facilities and economy, President Ogden had Mechagodzilla's construction take place in Detroit, Michigan. However, the rushed construction of the mecha resulted in its faulty AI programming running haywire, leading it to become another rampaging monster.

Several years after the events of Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters, billionaire eccentric Daniel Malmon purchased X-rays of Godzilla that the U.S. government had taken during his time trapped underneath a mountain range and used the information to build a second Mechagodzilla. Eventually, the machine was acquired by the Counter-Kaiju Reaction Forces by unknown means, at which point it was repaired and upgraded. It was employed alongside their other mecha, MOGUERA, in response to the appearance of kaiju around the world.

Rhizon, the leader of the Cryogs, posed as a Russian billionaire who would mass produce much cheaper Mechagodzillas as a ploy to "help defend cities from kaiju". At least seven models were constructed.


The following needs to be split into individual issues:

Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters

Only one month after Godzilla first emerged and attacked Japan, U.S. President Ogden announced that his think tank of military leaders, economists, and scientists had developed a plan to kill Godzilla - the Mechagodzilla Project, a joint U.S.-Japanese operation which would oversee the construction of a giant mecha being built in Detroit, Michigan. Mere weeks later, the completed mech was unveiled to the public before being dispatched to intercept Godzilla, who had by then made it to South Dakota. Upon arrival, Mechagodzilla unleashed a volley of missiles on its target, only to be knocked to the ground by Godzilla's atomic breath. The two foes exchanged further beam fire before Mechagodzilla switched tactics and flew directly into Godzilla to initiate a physical battle, though Godzilla gained the upper hand once again. During the struggle, Godzilla managed to strike Mechagodzilla in the back of the head, which had not been insulated against Godzilla's atomic breath like the anterior was, causing the mech to malfunction and begin acting on its own. The berserk Mechagodzilla flew to Atlanta, Georgia and decimated the city with its various weapons while the government tried and failed to regain control over it.

Sometime later, Steven Woods and Allie encountered the still out-of-control mecha ravaging the countryside minutes before it finally shut down. The next day, Steven and Allie entered Mechagodzilla's cockpit and reactivated the mecha, where they attempted to learn its controls. Shortly thereafter, Anguirus appeared before them, at which point Steven resolved to fight back against the monsters wreaking havoc upon the planet. Anguirus leapt at Mechagodzilla, and though Steven was able to block the attack, Anguirus curled into a ball to attack again, this time knocking Mechagodzilla down. As Anguirus began shredding through Mechagodzilla's armor with his claws, Steven discovered Mechagodzilla's paralyzer missiles and fired them point-blank, incapacitating Anguirus. Later, Steven and Allie detected Godzilla near Washington D.C. and plotted to stop the monster. Fresh off of his victory against King Ghidorah, Godzilla was immediately sent flying by Mechagodzilla's Mega Buster ray, though he recovered and fired his atomic breath at Mechagodzilla before charging into the mecha. Mechagodzilla narrowly avoided a point-blank blast of Godzilla's atomic breath by grabbing Godzilla's head and pointing it towards the sky, at which point Mechagodzilla beat Godzilla back with a volley of punches, drawing blood. As the battle continued, King Ghidorah recovered and reentered the battle, but opted to ignore Mechagodzilla and go after Godzilla. While Allie theorized that the three-headed dragon could be an ally, Steven did not want to risk taking that chance and fired Mechagodzilla's shock anchors at both monsters, electrocuting them. President Ogden then contacted Steven to tell him about Mechagodzilla's most powerful weapon that had been fully charged by Godzilla's atomic breath - the Plasma Grenade, which promptly subdued both Godzilla and King Ghidorah. Satisfied with defeating Godzilla, Steven switched off Mechagodzilla's manual override under President Ogden's orders, allowing the President’s team to remotely pilot the mecha back to Detroit, where it was to undergo much-needed repairs.


Over one month after Godzilla attacked Washington, D.C., billionaire Daniel Malmon unveiled a new version of Mechagodzilla that was constructed by his own company after the government was unable to repair the previous Mechagodzilla model, boasting that his mechanical creation was created using anatomical data obtained from the real Godzilla and, thus, was "better than the real thing". As Boxer's Monster Kill Crew were targeting Godzilla in Los Angeles County, California, Malmon piloted the new Mechagodzilla into battle, disrupting their plans. Malmon fired the Absolute Zero Cannon at Godzilla and knocked him down before further firing upon him with Mechagodzilla's railguns. Upon recovering, Godzilla charged into Mechagodzilla, but Malmon took the opportunity to grab his foe, fly up into the air, and drop Godzilla into a building. Shortly thereafter, Godzilla fired his atomic ray at Mechagodzilla, who attempted to counter with its own beam. Godzilla refused to back down, however, and continued to bombard Mechagodzilla with his atomic breath until Mechagodzilla suffered a total system failure from the intense heat and collapsed. In the aftermath, the mecha was eventually salvaged and was returned to its hangar, where Malmon stored other aircraft and vehicles that he owned.

Sometime later, a group of space monsters invaded Earth, prompting Monster Kill Crew member Harrison to venture to the hangar where he intended on employing Mechagodzilla in the fight against the alien invaders. After hijacking Mechagodzilla, he found that the weapons systems had not yet been repaired, though it was still able to move. Immediately after exiting the hangar, Harrison came face-to-face with the space monster Hedorah, who launched a volley of sludge at the mecha. Harrison was able to dodge the attack, only for Hedorah to latch onto Mechagodzilla and smother it anyway. Before Mechagodzilla could be completely overwhelmed, Godzilla suddenly arrived, diverting Hedorah's attention long enough for Harrison to escape. Harrison then flew Mechagodzilla to Monster Island, where the monsters that his team had defeated were being contained. Though Boxer had already freed most of the island's monsters with help from Asuka Hikari, Kumonga, being unable to swim or fly, was stranded until Mechagodzilla arrived. Harrison allowed the spider kaiju to hitch a ride on Mechagodzilla's back while Boxer and Asuka joined Harrison in the cockpit. Following a brief stop to refuel, Mechagodzilla journeyed to New York City to confront Monster X, who had already bested Mothra in battle. Once close enough, Kumonga leapt off of Mechagodzilla to attack the alien monster, though Monster X defeated him with ease and threw Kumonga's incapacitated body at Mechagodzilla. Asuka discovered Mechagodzilla's Absolute Zero Cannon was still functional and fired it at Monster X, though the alien invader retaliated with his own powerful Gravity Beams, sending the mecha flying into the Hudson River. The cockpit quickly began to flood with water, though the arrival of Godzilla and SpaceGodzilla distracted Monster X from attacking the mecha further. Desperate to escape, Boxer ordered Harrison to activate the Absolute Zero Cannon again to further damage Mechagodzilla's destabilized hull, creating a crack in the mecha's armor large enough for them to escape through. The blast from the Absolute Zero Cannon also managed to strike SpaceGodzilla, which allowed Godzilla to land a crippling blow on the space monster that sent him into retreat.

Godzilla: Rulers of Earth

While speaking with Kenji Ando, a commander in the Chinese military addressed Ando’s involvement with the first Mechagodzilla Project. Steven Woods also kept a toy of the first Mechagodzilla on a desk in his office; his experience with the mecha was a major factor in placing him in charge of the new Counter-Kaiju Reaction Forces.

At some point following the invasion of the space monsters, the Counter-Kaiju Reaction Forces acquired, repaired, and upgraded the second Mechagodzilla, which was dispatched to stop Baragon after the monster attacked Paris. Baragon fought fiercely by biting, clawing, and spewing flames at the mecha, but Mechagodzilla was able to disorient the small kaiju with a missile attack before knocking him unconscious with an additional punch to the head. Mechagodzilla then transported the monster to the newly-established Monster Islands. Afterwards, Mechagodzilla was stationed on a refueling ship that was part of a navel fleet assembled outside of the Monster Islands, which soon came under attack by the Devonians. Destoroyah attacked the fleet and killed Mechagodzilla's pilot, though the ship and Mechagodzilla itself were saved by Jet Jaguar, though he quickly realized that he was no match for Destoroyah. Noticing Mechagodzilla, Jet Jaguar shrunk to human size to pilot Mechagodzilla and quickly activated the mecha’s Absolute Zero Cannon, allowing him to freeze Destoroyah and shatter the monster's body.

Years later Rhizon, the leader of the Cryog aliens, held a weapons demonstration for world leaders under the guise of a Russian warmonger named Dyachenko, during which he unveiled yet another version of Mechagodzilla - a cheaper, yet deadly, mass-produced model. As part of the demonstration, Anguirus was lured to a Mechagodzilla unit disguised as Godzilla. After shedding its disguise, the Cryog Mechagodzilla unleashed a volley of finger missiles and Space Beams onto the smaller kaiju. While Anguirus refused to back down and eventually got a few hits in, his persistence only allowed Mechagodzilla to test more of its wide array of weapons against Anguirus, as well as its physical capabilities when it tried to break the monster's jaw. Eventually, Anguirus collapsed and was left for dead, though his body was discovered by the CKR shortly thereafter, prompting them to mobilize their own Mechagodzilla alongside an investigative team to learn more about what had happened to the fallen kaiju. Upon arrival, the CKR discovered that Anguirus was still alive and used their Mechagodzilla to restrain him, allowing them to discover missiles embedded in his underbelly.

Concurrently, Godzilla attacked Boston, Massachusetts, prompting U.S. Senator Payne to enlist the help of the disguised Rhizon, who deployed four of his Mechagodzilla units to destroy Godzilla once and for all. The Mechagodzilla army bombarded Godzilla with a volley of missiles and were able to briefly incapacitate him after he bit one of the Mechagodzilla's hands, which detonated its missiles directly into his mouth. After Godzilla got back to his feet, the Mechagodzillas deployed their Defense Neo Barriers that shielded them from his attacks until the King of the Monsters used his nuclear pulse, which disrupted their shields. By concentrating on a single target, Godzilla managed to knock one of the Mechagodzillas down, stomp its head into the ground, and blast it apart with his atomic breath before using its severed arm to beat another unit back. One of the Mechagodzillas then initiated a Beam-Fight which Godzilla won, allowing him to defeat it while also knocking the head off of another unit in a physical attack. After one of the remaining Mechagodzillas began bombarding him with its Space Beams, Godzilla lifted and threw the headless Mechagodzilla at it and appeared to dispatch both in a great explosion just before he was abducted by the Cryog's ultimate weapon - Mecha-King Ghidorah. Meanwhile, in Russia, Rhizon ordered two more Mechagodzilla units to shoot down the CKR's Mechagodzilla, downing it just outside of the facility that they were meant to transport Anguirus to - a battle arena that Rhizon had constructed. Mecha-King Ghidorah brought Godzilla to the facility, where two of the Cryog's Mechagodzillas assisted the cyborg dragon by restraining Godzilla. The trio overwhelmed Godzilla until Anguirus, who had managed to free himself from the CKR Mechagodzilla's grasp, entered the facility and immediately mauled one of the Mechagodzilla units, catching it by surprise and destroying it. The remaining Mechagodzilla fired upon Godzilla, but the King of the Monsters dodged the attack and tricked Mecha-King Ghidorah into attacking it. With a well-timed shot with his atomic breath, Godzilla managed to destroy the last Mechagodzilla unit and cripple Mecha-King Ghidorah. Defeated, Rhizon called for his remaining forces to evacuate the planet, revealing that only two of his Mechagodzilla units had survived their various encounters with Godzilla and Anguirus.

A few weeks later, after his warship came under attack by SpaceGodzilla, Rhizon sent the two Mechagodzillas out to fight him. However, as predicted by one of his underlings, the Mechagodzillas were frozen by the cold vacuum of outer space, allowing SpaceGodzilla to immediately destroy one by impaling it with his tail. While the other was able to fire its Space Beams, it too was destroyed by SpaceGodzilla. The Counter-Kaiju Reaction Forces repaired their own Mechagodzilla yet again and later deployed it alongside MOGUERA and a massive fleet of warships to counter an invasion by the Cryog Emperor's new monsters, the Trilopods. Upon landing outside of the Trilopod hive in Los Angeles, Mechagodzilla and MOGUERA quickly joined forces with the severely outmatched Godzilla and battled the various Trilopod hybrids that had been released from the Hive. Mechagodzilla managed to freeze and shatter the Baragon-Trilopod, though it was knocked down by the Rodan-Trilopod and later pounced on and seemingly destroyed by the Varan-Trilopod and Sanda-Trilopod. Fortunately, the mechas managed to buy enough time for King Caesar to free the other monsters from the Trilopod Hive, who joined Godzilla in a great final counterattack in which the kaiju of Earth thwarted the invasion.

While the Cryog were seemingly wiped out in the battle, a single Cryog Mechagodzilla unit was later seen being repaired alongside Gigan in an unknown location.

Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters

Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters issue 6


Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters issue 8


Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters issue 9


Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters issue 10


Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters issue 12


Godzilla (IDW comic)

"The Mission is a Giant Monster"


"His Whole Life Was a Million-to-One Shot"


"The War's Not Over Until the Last Monster Goes Home!"


"This Time He's Fighting For His Life"


Godzilla: Rulers of Earth

"In the Court of the King"




"The Devils and the Deep"


"As Above, So Below"


"Changing of the Guard"




"Hunting Party"


"King for a Day"


"Space and Time"






All four different Mechagodzillas are equipped with most of their respective film-originating inspirations' weaponry.

The first Mechagodzilla retains the Heisei Mechagodzilla’s Mega Buster, Laser Cannons, Shock Anchors, Paralyzer Missiles, Plasma Grenade, Diamond Coating (minus the back), flight capabilities, and High Power Maser Cannons.

The second Mechagodzilla bears much of Kiryu's weaponry, except for the Mega Buster taking the place of the Twin Maser Cannon.

The Rulers of Earth Mechagodzilla retains his film counterpart’s Twin Maser Cannon, Railguns, Back Unit, Multiple Interlocking Rockets, Multipurpose Guided Missiles, Spiral Claw, Wire, and of course, the Absolute Zero Cannon.

The Cryogs’ Mechagodzillas retain their film counterpart’s Space Beams, Finger Missiles, Cross Attack Beam, flight capabilities, head rotation, and Neo Defense Barrier.

Text-to-Speech Speaker

The second Mechagodzilla possesses an ability to convert text-to-speech as it permitted Harrison speak to his father through the mecha's speakers.

Physical Abilities







The first Mechagodzilla's diamond coating only protected the front half of the machine, as covering the back half was deemed too costly compared to the likelihood of attack and less likely chance of attacking from behind. Godzilla's atomic breath struck the back of Mechagodzilla's head, causing its onboard AI to go haywire and attack human cities.

The second Mechagodzilla was damaged after loosing a Beam-Fight. When Harrison took control of Mechagodzilla, he was unable to use most of its weaponry due to repairs from its previous battle still being required, though Asuka Hikari managed to bring some back online. This Mechagodzilla also occasionally required time to recharge. This Mechagodzilla was rendered inoperable when one of Keizer Ghidorah's gravity beams struck it and the accumulated damage proved too much for it.

The Cryogs' Mechagodzillas were incapable of operating in space, immediately freezing over when they were deployed to fight SpaceGodzilla, allowing him to easily destroy them.

(More TBA)






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