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Superspecies are a category of creatures described by the scientific organization Monarch in the Monsterverse franchise. The Kong: Skull Island Cinematic Adventure defines the term thusly:

Superspecies is a catch-all term coined by Monarch to describe the Titans and other creatures they were discovering. As time went on, it was refined to refer to plants and animals that have origins in Hollow Earth or were formerly thought to be cryptoozological species prior to confirmed evidence of their existence.[1]

As such, there are no strict metrics by which a creature is classified as a superspecies. However, ancestry with a known species seems to be a disqualifying factor, as Monarch's discovery of DNA relation between the Shocker Squid and the Humboldt squid led it to declare the former not a superspecies.[2] Superspecies range in size from as small as the flowers of the Butterfly Bush[1] to as large as the up-to-110 foot-long Mire Squid, with the latter's fragility and limited range being the only things keeping it from qualifying as a Titan.[3] In some cases, a creature may even be classified as a superspecies before its existence has been confirmed, as is true for the Spirit Tiger.[4]

Within the category of superspecies are "classifications" and "sub-divisions." Many of the superspecies discovered on Skull Island are placed into one or both of florafauna and megafauna, the former describing lifeforms which share genetic traits with both plants and animals.[5] However, other classifications exist, such as "megalopod" for the Mire Squid[6] and "necroserpere" for the Death Jackals and Skullcrawlers.[7] Sub-divisions, meanwhile, appear to describe the taxonomical class, family, or genus with which a superspecies is most closely related or most closely resembles; for example, "Arachnid" for the spider-like Mother Longlegs[8] and "Bovidae" for the water buffalo-like Sker Buffalo.[9]

Every superpecies also has a "cryptozoological classification" which, while never defined, appears to be a unique identifier given to them by Monarch in a manner akin to binomial nomenclature. However, these classifications do not appear to follow the rules of real-world taxonomy, as Leafwings, which are said to be a subspecies of Psychovultures, have a cryptozoological classification of Icarus Folium[10] as opposed to the Psychovultures' Vultura Insanus,[11] seeming to disprove that the first word is an indication of genus. Moreover, individual members of a superspecies may sometimes ascend to Titan status, such as the Alphas of the Skullcrawlers[12] or queens of the Snarehunters.[13] In the latter case, Snarehunter Valkyries (which are given the cryptozoological classification Cantus formica along with the other castes of Snarehunters[14]) are believed to transform into queens, but receive a new classification of Cantus Silva Ant despite being the same creature and giving birth to further Snarehunters.[15]

Known superspecies

Below are all known creatures which have been described as superspecies but not Titans, in alphabetical order. Blank cells indicate information that has not been given.

Designation Cryptozoological
Classification Sub-division Predation Behavior Nature
Butterfly Bush/Flower Tinea mortis Florafauna Shrub Parasitic
Coralmouth Thanocephala Coralliumos Megafauna Carnivorous
Corrupted Death Jackal Spinae Mortem Corrupted Carnivorous
Corrupted Psychovulture Vultura Insanus Corrupted Omnivorous
Corrupted Skullcrawler Cranium Reptant Corrupted Hypervore
Corrupted Sporefly Queen Protolampyris Sporis Corrupted Omnivorous
Death Jackal Spinae Mortem Necroserpere[a] Canus Carnivorous
Dream Slime Somnium mucosae Florafauna Slime Mold Carnivorous
Kong Apus Giganticus [b]
Lahamu Not Classified Unknown Bio-Transparent
Leafwing Icarus Folium Florafauna Reptilia-Aves Hybrid Omnivorous
Magma Jackal Canis Vulcan Magmafauna Carnivorous
Magma Turtle Tortoisa Vulkana Testudines Mineral Igneous Reptilia Herbivorous
Mire Squid Gigantus Leviapus Megalopod Architeuthis Hybrid Omnivorous
Mother Longlegs Arachnida Malum Florafauna Arachnid Carnivorous
Plague Weaver Araneae Pestilentiae Destroyer
Psychovulture Vultura Insanus Ctenochasmatoidea Reptilia Aves Hybrid Omnivorous
Rockclaw Saxum Brachyura Unknown Geovore
Sirenjaw Gigantus Crocodiliad Megafauna[c] Siren Omnivorous
Sker Buffalo Skerry Bubalis Megafauna[d] Bovidae Herbivorous
Skull Ant Cranium Oecophylla Megafauna Omnivorous
Skullcrawler Cranium Reptant Necroserpere/
Salamandra Hypervore/
Destroyer /
Skullcrawler (young) Destroyer /
Snarehunter Cantus formica Megafauna[f] Formicidae Omnivorous
Spirit Tiger Tigris Spiritus Unknown Unknown Unknown
Spore Mantis Phasmid Sylas Florafauna Ghost Insect Carnivorous/
Sporefly Protolampyris Sporis Florafauna Omnivorous
Swamp Locust Stagnum Acrididae Florafauna Water Nymph Omnivorous
Vinestrangler Vitis Strangulari Florafauna Fraxinus Devourer Carnivorous
Volt Panther Panthera Tempestas Panthera Unknown
Warbat Vellum Vespertilio Destroyer /

It is possible, if not likely, that creatures like the Hellhawk, Rockclaw, and various monsters from Skull Island are superspecies, but due to the uncertainty behind the label's usage, this requires confirmation.

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Flagicon Japan.png Japanese 上位種 jōishu "superior species"
China and Taiwan Flags.png Mandarin Chinese 超物种/超物種 chāo wùzhǒng Translation of English name
Flagicon France.png French Surespèce "over (excess) species"
Flagicon Germany.png German Superspezies Translation of English name
Flagicon Italy.png Italian Specie superiore "superior species"
Flagicon South Korea.png Korean 우수종 usujong "excellent species"
Flagicon Poland.png Polish Supergatunek Translation of English name
Flagicon Portugal.png Portuguese Superespécie Translation of English name
Flagicon Spain.png Spanish Superespecies Translation of English name


See also


  1. The Death Jackal had never been given a classification prior to 2023, when the Kong: Skull Island Cinematic Adventure classified it as a "necroserpere."[16] Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers later classified it as its sub-division "Canus," likely in error.
  2. Though Kong's species has never been given a "predation" category, Kong himself is omnivorous, as he eats both meat (Mire Squid, Wart Dog, Drownviper) and plants (leaves, bamboo[17]).
  3. Classified as a megafauna, but described as being an example of "florafauna evolution."[18]
  4. Classified as a megafauna, but simultaneously "considered a kind of florafauna."[19]
  5. The Skullcrawler had never been given a classification prior to 2023, when the Kong: Skull Island Cinematic Adventure classified it as a "necroserpere."[20] However, this was contradicted by the 2024 game Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers, which instead classified it as a megafauna.
  6. Despite listing the Snarehunters as megafauna, the Kong: Skull Island Cinematic Adventure describes Snarehunter Queens as "Flourafauna" (sic).[15]
  7. The Spore Mantis' predation was given as "carnivorous" in its profiles from Kong: Skull Island's marketing and the Monsterverse Watchalong event.[21][22][23] The Kong: Skull Island Cinematic Adventure adds "fungivorous," explaining that the species is only "partly carnivorous".[24]


This is a list of references for Superspecies. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Trent et al. 2023, p. 84
  2. Trent et al. 2023, p. 92.
  3. Trent et al. 2023, p. 88
  4. Trent et al. 2023, p. 95.
  5. Trent et al. 2023, p. 7.
  7. Trent et al. 2023, pp. 85, 94.
  8. Trent et al. 2023, p. 89.
  12. Trent et al. 2023, pp. 94, 101.
  13. Trent et al. 2023, pp. 42, 75, 77-78.
  14. Trent et al. 2023, p. 90.
  15. Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 Trent et al. 2023, p. 101
  16. Trent et al. 2023, p. 85.
  17. "MONSTER". Movie "Godzilla vs. Kong" Official Site. Retrieved 22 April 2024.
  18. 24.jpg
  19. Trent et al. 2023, p. 93.
  20. Trent et al. 2023, p. 94.
  22. @kongskullisland (14 July 2017). "The Spore Mantis. #KongSkullIsland". X.
  23. @Legendary (16 April 2020). "Superspecies Profile: Spore Mantis
    Classification: Florafauna
    Height: Up to 50 FT

    Predation: Carnivorous
    . X.

    K-SI Monarch Superspecies Profile Spore Mantis.jpg
  24. Trent et al. 2023, p. 96.
  25. Keyes, Greg (12 May 2021). "Genitor is not a name, it is a description-- a gender neutral term I used in the script to denote something like a queen bee +, both the creator and controller of the smaller fish. So far as I know, the species is not named. While the term " sub- Titan" has been tossed around (by me at times) to designate creatures of Hollow Earth origin that don't quite rise to the level of Godzilla or Rodan, I have no indication this is a canon term or category". Instagram.



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