Godzilla CHOMP (web 2021-2022)
Godzilla CHOMP was a biweekly Godzilla documentary web series produced[1] and hosted by Toho International, Inc.'s then-Creative Manager Chris Mowry, detailing the everyday operations of the company's Los Angeles, California office. Mowry also frequently spotlit local destinations related to Godzilla and Japanese culture. The series aired from November 10, 2021 to February 16, 2022 on the Toho International-run YouTube channel "GODZILLA OFFICIAL by TOHO." The Japanese Godzilla Channel released Japanese-subtitled versions of the episodes weekly between February 21 and April 11, 2022.
No. | Title | Upload date | ||
English | Japanese | GODZILLA OFFICIAL | Godzilla Channel | |
1 | "Hello, Toho: Part 1"[a] | 『こんにちは東宝』前編 | 11/10/2021 | 02/21/2022 |
2 | "Hello, Toho: Part 2" | 『こんにちは東宝』後編 | 11/24/2021 | 02/28/2022 |
3 | "Beasts in the Basement: Part 1" | 『地下室の怪獣』前編 | 12/08/2021 | 03/07/2022 |
4 | "Beasts in the Basement: Part 2" | 『地下室の怪獣』後編 | 12/22/2021 | 03/14/2022 |
5 | "Godzilla vs. San Diego" | 『ゴジラVSサンディエゴ』 | 01/05/2022 | 03/21/2022 |
6 | "Godzilla on Film" | 『銀幕のゴジラ』 | 01/19/2022 | 03/28/2022 |
7 | "A Star Is Earned" | 『星を獲得』 | 02/02/2022 | 04/04/2022 |
8 | "Big Monster, Little Tokyo" | 『ビッグモンスター リトル東京』 | 02/16/2022 | 04/11/2022 |
Peanut Facts
Various relevant tidbits called "Peanut Facts" are given throughout each episode, attributed to Mowry's pet dog and cohost, Peanut. In the show's Japanese subtitles, these are renamed to simply "Trivia" (豆知識. Mamechishiki)
In the Japanese version, Peanut uniquely ends their sentences with "woof" (ワン, something typical of canine characters in anime. Below are all of the facts in both English and Japanese: wan)
- "The official 'Godzilla Day' is November 3, the day the first film was released in 1954." (episode 1)
- "GLJ also made products based on other popular shows and films of [the 1970s]." (episode 1)
- "Mattel also made a toy for Rodan which is highly sought after." (episode 1)
- "The original statue in Japan has been replaced by a larger one of Godzilla from 2016. An original script for the first film was sealed underneath the new statue." (episode 2)
- "You cannot score the number 23 [in a game of darts] by using only one dart." (episode 2)
- "Toho owned and operated a theater in Los Angeles in the 1960s. Sadly, it is no longer there." (episode 3)
- "Only a little over 500 of the Godzilla pinball machines were ever produced." (episode 3)
- "Many of the Toho films were renamed for statewide distribution. For example, 'Matango' was changed to 'Attack of the Mushroom People.'" (episode 3)
- "'Destroy All Monsters' came out in 1968 and featured the largest monster cast to date." (episode 3)
- "Promotion for the 1998 movie included a TV spot that aired seconds after the televised celebration in Times Square, making it almost seem like a live event." (episode 4)
- "The original Godzilla game featured a number of references to other Toho films such as 'Dogora' and 'Matango'!" (episode 4)
- "Some model kits inspired by [Noriyoshi] Ohrai-san's paintings have been designed by master sculptor, Yuji Sakai." (episode 4)
- "Mothra is such a popular character, that a large mural is painted on one of the building exteriors at Toho Studios in Japan." (episode 4)
- "Props were on display [at Comic-Con 2019] from other films ranging from King Ghidorah's heads in 'Godzilla vs. Gigan', to the ORCA from 'Godzilla: King of the Monsters'! (episode 5)
- "It took [Shinji] Nishikawa-san just over three hours to complete the entire [Godzilla mural at Comic-Con 2019]." (episode 5)
- "Godzilla holds the record for the longest continuously running film franchise." (episode 5)
- "The first [Godzilla] film was released on November 3, 1954." (episode 6)
- "Even before 1998's 'Godzilla', Hollywood was interested in making its own version of a movie. There was even a 3D version planned in the early 1980s." (episode 6)
- "Rolling Stone magazine named the original [Godzilla] film the '#1 Best Monster Movie of All Time' in a 2013 list." (episode 6)
- "The actual 'Godzilla Day' celebrated around the world is November 3rd. This was the date of the first film's release back in 1954." (episode 7)
- "There are [Hollywood Walk of Fame] stars for all kinds of talented people, including some animal celebrities." (episode 7)
- "The premiere for 'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' had everything from food trucks with Japanese food to a taiko drum band!" (episode 7)
- "The 'Godzilla Invasion' is the name of Kinokuniya's campaign, which features items from the official Godzilla Store in Japan." (episode 8)
- "Godzilla and other Toho films have inspired talented creators such as Brad Pitt and Tim Burton!" (episode 8)
- "There are more than just shops in Little Tokyo. There's the cultural center and a ton of restaurants to enjoy and during the holidays, they even have a 'Shogun Santa' to meet!" (episode 8)
- "公式「ゴジラの日」は1954年の映画第一作日の公開日である11月3日だワン" (episode 1)
- "GLJは他にも当時人気だった映画や番組の商品を作っていたワン" (episode 1)
- "マテルはラドンのおもちゃも作ってそれも大人気だったワン" (episode 1)
- "日本の初代の像はより大きいな2016年版ゴジラに置き換えられたワン 新しい像の下には第一作目の台本が封印されているワン" (episode 2)
- "一本のダーツだけで23点は取れないワン" (episode 2)
- "東宝は1960年代にロサンゼルスに映画館を持っていたけど残念ながら今はなくなってしまったワン" (episode 3)
- "ゴジラのピンボールマシンは全部で500台程しか生産されなかったワン" (episode 3)
- "東宝映画の多くは北米販売に向け題名が変えられたワン 例えば「マタンゴ」は「Attack of the Mushroom People」に改名されたワン" (episode 3)
- "「怪獣総進撃」はシリーズ最大数の怪獣が登場する作品だワン" (episode 3)
- "映画の宣伝としてタイムズ・スクエアの大晦日生中継直後に映画のCMが流れゴジラのイベントが行われているかのように見えたワン" (episode 4)
- "初代ゴジラゲームには「ドゴラ」や「マタンゴ」といったゴジラ以外の東宝特撮への言及が多く含まれていたワン" (episode 4)
- "生頼氏の画に影響を受け製造されたモデルキットは造形職人の酒井ゆうじ氏によってデザインされたワン" (episode 4)
- "モスラの人気を象徴するように日本の東宝スタジオの建物には巨大なモスラの壁画が描かれたワン" (episode 4)
- "「地球攻撃命令 ゴジラ対ガイガン」に登場するキングギドラの頭や「ゴジラ キング・オブ・モンスターズ」のオルカ等、他の映画の小道具も展示されたワン" (episode 5)
- "西川さんはたった3時間ほどで最高傑作を完成させたワン" (episode 5)
- "ゴジラは最も長く継続しているフランチャイズ映画の記録を持っているワン" (episode 5)
- "映画第一作目は1954年11月3日に公開されたワン" (episode 6)
- "ハリウッドでは「GODZILLA(1998)」以前からアメリカ版の製作に目を付けていたワン 1980年代初期には3D版も予定されていたそうだワン" (episode 6)
- "第一作目はローリングストーンズ誌が2013年に発表したモンスター映画のランキングで1位も獲得したワン" (episode 6)
- "世界中が祝う公式ゴジラの日は11月3日だワン これは1954年に第一作目が公開された日だワン" (episode 7)
- "動物セレブを含め色んなジャンルの著名人の星があるワン" (episode 7)
- "「ゴジラ キング・オブ・モンスターズ」のプレミアは日本食の屋台トラックから太鼓バンドまで登場した" (episode 7)
- "「ゴジラ・インベージョン」は日本のゴジラ・ストアのアイテムを販売する紀伊国屋のキャンペーン名だワン" (episode 8)
- "ゴジラをはじめとする東宝映画はブラッド・ピットとティム・バートン等に影響を与えたワン" (episode 8)
- "リトル東京にはショップだけでなく文化センターやレストランがあるワン ホリデーシーズンには「将軍サンタ」にも会えるワン" (episode 8)
- ↑ Called "Hello, Toho!" in the YouTube title.
This is a list of references for Godzilla CHOMP. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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