Mothra Giant Monster Legend

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Mothra Giant Monster Legend (モスラ大怪獣列伝,   Mosura Daikaijū Retsuden) is a line of toys produced by Bandai in 1998. It contains four figures, all in 4-inch scale: Rainbow Mothra, Cretaceous King Ghidorah, and the 1998 and Heisei Godzillas.


The line's four figures are numbered on their boxes. Their numbers and names are as follows:

  1. Mothra
  2. Cretaceous King Ghidorah
  3. American Godzilla
  4. Heisei Godzilla

"Mothra" more specifically represents Rainbow Mothra, "American Godzilla" is the 1998 Godzilla, and "Heisei Godzilla" represents the MogeGoji design.


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Toy Line
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Godzilla (TriStar)