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"Ghidorah Theme"
Ghidorah Theme
Composed by Bear McCreary
Lyrics by Unknown
Heard in Godzilla: King of the Monsters

"Ghidorah Theme" is a song composed by Bear McCreary for the soundtrack of the 2019 Godzilla film, Godzilla: King of the Monsters.


[Opening Chants] Bo dai sat-ta e han-nya ha ra / fu i shiki shiki soku ze ku soku ze / ko ku chu mu shiki mu ju so gyo
[Strings Theme] Bo dai sat-ta e han-nya ha ra / mu mu myo yaku mu mu myo ha ra / mu mu myo yaku mu mu myo jin nai
Bo dai sat-ta e han-nya ha ra / fu i shiki shiki soku ze ku soku ze / ko ku chu mu shiki mu ju so gyo
[Heavy Drums] Bo dai sat-ta e han-nya ha ra / mu mu myo yaku mu mu myo ha ra / mu mu myo yaku mu mu myo jin nai
[Horn Theme] Bo dai sat-ta e han-nya ha ra / mu mu myo yaku mu mu myo ha ra / mu mu myo yaku mu mu myo jin nai
[After Melodics] Bo dai sat-ta e han-nya ha ra / mu mu myo yaku mu mu myo ha ra / mu mu myo yaku mu mu myo jin nai
[Heavy Horn Theme] Bo dai sat-ta e han-nya ha ra / fu i shiki shiki soku ze ku soku ze / ko ku chu mu shiki mu ju so gyo
Bo dai sat-ta e han-nya ha ra / mu mu myo yaku mu mu myo ha ra / mu mu myo yaku mu mu myo jin nai
[Outro] Bo dai sat-ta e han-nya ha ra / fu i shiki shiki soku ze ku soku ze / ko ku chu mu shiki mu ju so gyo


Ghidorah Theme


  • The Buddhist chants used in the background of Ghidorah's theme are the Heart Sūtra in Mahāyāna Buddhism. This Sūtra is about the universal truth about how all people come from nothing and go to nothing; all phenomena are subjected Sūnyata which means emptiness or Zero.


This is a list of references for Ghidorah Theme. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


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