Adam Wingard

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Adam Wingard
Adam Wingard
Born December 3, 1982
Oak Ridge, Tennessee,
United States
Occupation Director, screenwriter, cinematographer, composer, actor
First work The Little One (2004)
Notable work You're Next (2011)
It’s a massive monster brawl movie. There’s lots of monsters going crazy on each other, but at the end of the day I want there to be an emotional drive to it. I want you to be emotionally invested in them. I think that’s what’s going to make it really cool.

— Adam Wingard on Godzilla vs. Kong[1]

Adam Wingard is an American film director, actor, editor, cinematographer, and screenwriter. Wingard is best-known for his work directing horror films, such as You're Next, The Guest, Blair Witch, Netflix's Death Note and segments of the anthology film V/H/S and its sequel. Wingard is directing the fourth entry in Legendary Pictures' MonsterVerse, Godzilla vs. Kong.

Selected Filmography


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This is a list of references for Adam Wingard. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


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