Michael Dougherty

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Michael Dougherty
Michael Dougherty
Born October 28, 1974
Columbus, Ohio, United States
First work Season's Greetings (1996)
Notable work Trick 'r Treat (2007)
I like the horror community because they're subversive. They question things. If something is held back from them, especially if they've heard that it's good, they seek it out.

— Michael Dougherty

Some of my earliest memories are watching Godzilla movies. My mother is Vietnamese, and Godzilla movies and kung fu movies were the only places I could see Asian people on TV. He’s been with me my entire life.

— Michael Dougherty[1]

Michael Dougherty is an American film writer, director and producer. He is most well-known for writing and directing the horror films Trick 'r Treat and Krampus for Legendary Pictures, as well as writing for several films directed by Bryan Singer, including X2: X-Men United and Superman Returns. He is writing and directing the upcoming film Godzilla: King of the Monsters.

Selected Filmography



  • In 2008, Dougherty was attached to direct and co-write the screenplay for Calling All Robots, an animated kaiju film by Disney and ImageMovers Digital.[2] Unfortunately, ImageMovers Digital closed down after the box office failure of Mars Needs Moms in 2011, and Calling All Robots was never made.
  • In an interview with Cinema Today, Dougherty named Anguirus, Biollante, and Mechagodzilla as some of his favorite kaiju. He initially wanted to include Biollante in Godzilla: King of the Monsters and expressed a desire to bring her onboard a hypothetical sequel, along with Gigan.[3]
  • Dougherty's favorite Godzilla film is the original; among the more recent films, he favors Godzilla: Final Wars.[3]
  • Dougherty revealed his distaste towards Tristar's Godzilla[3], commenting "Godzilla in 1998 was like a mere oversized dinosaur, lacking mythical or spiritual factors necessary for monster movies"[4] and "I love the movie Godzilla: Final Wars because we saw many monsters and Godzilla crushed that fake Zilla".[5]

External Links


This is a list of references for Michael Dougherty. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Godzilla: King of the Monsters preview in the November 2018 issue of Total Film
  2. Michael Dougherty calls ‘All Robots’
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Cinema Today 2019 ハリウッド版ゴジラ続編モスラ・ラドン・キングギドラ以外にも怪獣登場!
  4. 「98年版のゴジラは、ただ巨大化した恐竜のようで、怪獣映画に必要な神話的でスピリチュアルな要素が一切ありませんでした。しかし、それから20年が経ち、怪獣映画を作るのであれば、彼らに対して心から敬意を払わなければならないんだと、僕らの理解が深まったのではないでしょうか」
  5. ハリウッド版についても、ギャレス・エドワーズ監督が手がけた前作は「大好き」だが、20年前のローランド・エメリッヒ監督版には手厳しい。「一番好きなシリーズは1954年のオリジナル版。あと、日本の最近のシリーズでは『ゴジラ FINAL WARS』(2004)も好きなんですよね。怪獣が全員集合するし、ゴジラが偽物の"ジラ”をぶっ潰してくれますから!」

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