"King Ghidorah's Counterattack!"

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Zone Fighter episodes
"Attack King Ghidorah!"
"King Ghidorah's Counterattack!"
"The Zone Family's Critical Moment!"
"King Ghidorah's Counterattack!"
King Ghidorah's Counterattack!
Series Zone Fighter
Episode # 6
Directed by Jun Fukuda
Written by Juro Shimamoto, Akira Ishikari
Air date May 7, 1973
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"King Ghidorah's Counterattack!" (キングギドラの (ぎゃく) (しゅう),   Kingu Gidora no Gyakushū!) is the sixth episode of Zone Fighter. Written by Juro Shimamoto and Akira Ishikari and directed by Godzilla series veteran Jun Fukuda, it is the second in a pair of episodes pitting Zone Fighter against King Ghidorah.


After a brief recap of the previous episode, we open with Zone Fighter chasing after Ghidorah in outer space. Hikaru calls the Research Institute to inform them that he'll corner the monster on the planet Venus. However, he finds that Ghidorah has gone away, and realizes that without the Proton Power, the Sakimori's are defenseless, so he hastily flies back to Earth.

Returning to his home, Hikaru's finds that his worst fear came true, his family has been kidnapped by the Garogas. Hikaru transforms into Zone Fighter to rescue them, locating the Garogas with an Anti-Proton detector.

Meanwhile, at the Garogas' headquarters, the Sakimori's are constrained, as the Garoga leader orders their execution. Thankfully, Hikaru finds them before he's shot out of the sky. After defeating a handful of Garoga soldiers, he rescues his family and escapes. Much to the Garoga leader's frustration.

Hikaru returns the Proton Power to his grandfather. Immideately after, Takeru calls for help at the Institute. Hikaru and his siblings head out to assist. When they arrive, they find King Ghidorah is using wind currents to elevate cars into the sky, with the unfortunate civilians trapped inside. The Garoga leader orders Ghidorah to blow them all away, but Hikaru transforms into Zone Fighter and manages to rescue the car drivers and passengers.

Still, Ghidorah proceeds to attack the Research Institute in order to destroy the Blue-Green System, with Hotaru and Akira doing their best to escort everyone out of the building. As Zone Fighter continues to fight Ghidorah, his siblings and Takeru escort the Institute's director, who carries the System's schematics.

As they witness their brother struggling against the monster, Hotaru and Akira transform into Zone Angel and Zone Junior, and jump into the Smokey to help him. Unfortunately they're too late, as Ghidorah manages to defeat Zone Fighter. Hikaru's siblings rescue him, and take their brother inside the Smokey. As they escape, Ghidorah destroys the Research Institute.

Hikaru lays in his family's living room sofa to recover, as his father offers to help him fight against Ghidorah next time they encounter the monster. Shortly after Hikaru makes a full recovery, his grandfather guides the Sakimori family down a basement, and shows them the Pandora Capsule, a space-ship that was built to allow the Sakimori's to return to their restored home planet, Peaceland, someday. As they worry that they might not be able to do so if they board the ship now, their grandfather assures them that planet Earth is their home now.

The Sakimori board the Pandora Capsule, and chase after Ghidorah in outer space. Zone Fighter steps out of the ship and confronts the monster. He cornes it on Venus as he originally planned, doing his best to put up a fight despite the intensed gravity. Eventually, he's able to beat the monster into submission, breaking each of Ghidorah's necks, and finishing him with his Meteor Missile Might. Dumbfounded by Zone Fighter's strenght, the Garoga leader orders Ghidorah to escape before he's killed. Angered, Zone Fighter chases after the monster, but his family convinces him to let it go, conviced that he won't return to Earth after that beatdown.

Some time later, the Sakimori siblings reunite with Takeru, who's glad that the Blue-Green System was salvaged. He comments that he admires and desires Zone Fighter's strenght, which embarrasses Hikaru. The episode ends with the the four of them racing laps around a fountain.



Weapons, vehicles, and races


  • This episode's Japanese title is identical to that of The Return of King Ghidorah, an unmade 1992 film, with the exception of the ending exclamation point.
  • King Ghidorah is one of very few of Zone Fighter's opponents to not be killed, likely because in the Showa Godzilla canon, of which the show is a part, Ghidorah does not die until the end of the 20th century in Destroy All Monsters.


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