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Karin Saeki
Karin Saeki in The Gransazers
Karin Saeki's true form in The Gransazers
The Achelon Star Beast in The Gransazers
Species Achelon
Height Achelon: 165 centimeters
Star Beast: 63 meters
Length Star Beast: 125 meters
Weight Achelon: 40 kilograms
Star Beast: 32,000 metric tons
Forms Human disguise, Achelon,
Achelon Star Beast
Relations Wouf Manafe (leaders),
Clone Achelons (clones),
Akira Dentsuin (love interest)
Allies Akira Dentsuin, Ryoko Amemiya,
Jin Hakariya (initially)
Enemies Gransazers, Ultra Star Gods
Played by Human: Mika Chiba
Achelon: Sakiko Akiyama
Star Beast: Shinya Iwasaki,
Tomohiro Nagata
First appearance The Gransazers episode 1,
"Awaken! Star Warrior"
Latest appearance The Gransazers episode 12, "Ultra Star Gods vs. the Achelon Star Beast"
Star Beast:
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Karin Saeki (佐伯カリン,   Saeki Karin) is the identity taken up by an Achelon of the Space Alliance Wouf Manafe in the 2003 Toho tokusatsu series The Gransazers. Initially taking the form of the physicist Karin Saeki, her true nature as an Achelon (アケロン人,   Akeronjin) is revealed in the series' ninth episode. In episode 12, she mutates into the Achelon Star Beast (アケロン大星獣,   Akeron Daiseijū), a giant monster. Karin is the antagonist of the series' first story arc, deceiving the Wind Tribe into attempting to destroy their fellow Gransazers of the Fire and Earth Tribes.


Karin's name is not spoken until the series' fifth episode, though it is listed in the opening credits of previous episodes. After her true form is revealed, she is almost exclusively referred to as "Achelon" (アケロン人,   Akeronjin), the name of her species. In the show's English dub, it is pronounced as "Akeron" and is written this way in the subtitles on the VCDs released by Singaporean company Poh Kim. Later in the series, the subtitles switch to "Achelon" with the introduction of the Clone Achelons, though the spoken pronunciation is not changed; Achelon is the official English name in Japan, as evidenced by a Konami vinyl toy of the Clone Achelon Star Beast. Karin's giant form is officially called "Achelon Giant Star Beast" (アケロン大星獣,   Akeron Daiseijū) in Japanese. This name is not spoken in the show, except for in the episode 11 preview at the end of episode 10. In the English dub, the "Giant" portion is dropped, becoming Akeron Star Beast. Atsushi Misonogi refers to her as a "giant monster" (巨大な怪獣,   kyodaina kaijū), while she is designated as a "giant creature" (巨大生物,   kyodai seibutsu) by the press. These are replaced in the dub by "huge beast" and "unidentified monster," respectively.


To be added.


Heisei era

The Gransazers

"Awaken! Star Warrior" to "Descend! Dragon from the Sky"

To be added.

"Tremble! Karin's Real Shape" to "The Nine Sazers Finally Unite"

To be added.

"Ultra Star Gods vs. the Achelon Star Beast"

To be added.



Karin wears a crystal-like object around her neck which can fire purple laser beams. In episode 5, she launched a homing energy blast at a car from offscreen, presumably generated by the necklace; upon striking the car, it froze it in place before exploding. Karin was also able to levitate Ran Saotome safely out of the car. Later in the same episode, she uses the necklace to project a forcefield which stops Mika Shido. The necklace also doubles as a communication device, which she can use to summon her UFO.


Karin is capable of levitation and full-on flight. In episode 9, she flees from a battle by flying away, and floats down the side of a building in episode 10. In episodes 10 and 11, she hovers in the air to rain beams down upon the Sazers.


Like other Achelons, Karin has elastic arms which she uses to punch enemies from afar. She knocks Jin Hakariya and Atsushi Misonogi unconscious in this fashion in episodes 9 and 10, respectively.

Laser beams

Karin Saeki blasts a soldier with her forehead laser

In Achelon form, Karin possesses a jewel-like laser aperture in her forehead which projects a purple death ray. The beam was able to vaporize a metal drum in her fight with Sazer Velsou, but it left only burn marks on Special Forces soldiers. She can also charge up to fire a more powerful blast. She retains her forehead laser, now green, when transforming into the Achelon Star Beast, but gains additional projectiles from her chest and shoulders. Her shoulder beams were able to destroy buildings, and she floored Dorcrus with just two blasts. Garuda was sent flying by the Star Beast's chest laser.


As a Star Beast, Karin could change her state of matter into a liquid and travel beneath the surface of the ground. She could then reform as a solid, being partially buried in earth.

Human imprisonment

Akira Dentsuin inside the Achelon Star Beast's body

Through unknown means, Karin appeared to Akira Dentsuin in a vision before transporting him inside the body of the Achelon Star Beast. There he was imprisoned inside a chamber in the Beast's chest.


In Achelon form, Karin was shown to shrug off machine gun bullets. The Achelon Star Beast seemed unfazed by Dorcrus' Hercules Hurricane, and was not killed by the combined finishers of Garuda, Dorcrus, and Guncaeser.

During her fight with Sazer Velsou, Karin created a localized energy shield which deflected Velsou's Sel Cross.


The Achelon Star Beast is killed by Garuda's Firebird Crash

Karin must assume a human form while on Earth, as she is only able to stay in her true form for limited periods inside the planet's atmosphere. If she stays undisguised for too long, her body discharges energy and causes her immense pain, eventually causing her to black out. Though immune to conventional guns, Karin was killed by being shot off a building by Sazer Remls' Iron Gale. As a Star Beast, a combination of Remls' Final Judgement, Tarious' Burning Falcon and Tawlon's Matador Burst shattered her chest crystal. However, Karin can be indefinitely healed as well as resurrected by her UFO. The Star Beast's chest laser apertures was reformed by the UFO, and she was only defeated after the craft was destroyed by Garuda. Though she bested Dorcrus, she was driven to retreat by repeated blasts from Garuda's Azul Stream. The Star Beast was finally slain by Garuda's Firebird Crash.



Main article: Karin Saeki/Gallery.


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