Toho Special Effects Collection Card
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Toho Special Effects Collection Card (東宝特撮コレクションカード is a collectible Tōhō Tokusatsu Korekushon Kādo)Godzilla card series exclusive to Godzilla Store. Yasushi Kishikawa writes the card text, while Fujimura Taka of Cast handles the coloring. A total of five 33-card sets have been released since June 1, 2018. Packs of four random cards can be purchased from the Godzilla Store for ¥400 each. A special 11-card set to tie in to the GODZILLA anime trilogy was released during the theatrical premiere of GODZILLA: The Planet Eater in select theaters in Japan. Promotional (PR) cards are released intermittently. A special card holder that holds up to 64 cards and includes PR 4 was released with Volume 3.
Card | # | Name (JP) |
Vol. 1 (Released June 2018) | ||
01 | The King of the Monsters Godzilla Appears!! (怪獣王ゴジラ現る!!) | |
02 | Godzilla or King Kong, Who is Stronger!? (ゴジラとキングコング、強いのはどっちだ!?) | |
03 | He's After the Giant Beached Egg! (ねらうは、海岸に漂着した巨大な卵!) | |
04 | Flying Monster Dogfight! (空飛ぶ大怪獣の空中戦!) | |
05 | King Ghidorah, the Strongest Monster that Destroyed Venus! (金星を滅ぼした最強の怪獣、キングギドラ!) | |
06 | The Robot Monster Born to Defeat Godzilla! (ゴジラを倒すために生まれたロボット怪獣!) | |
07 | The Bio Monster! A Fusion of Plant and Animal! (バイオ怪獣!生物と植物の融合) | |
08 | The Subterranean Monster of Terror that Appeared from Underground! (地下から出現した、恐怖の地底怪獣!) | |
09 | The Kind-Hearted Giant Raised by Humans (人間に育てられた心やさしき巨人) | |
10 | Defeat the Monsters with a Super Mecha Attack! (スーパーメカの攻撃で怪獣を倒せ!) | |
11 | The Kilaak Invasion Weapon! (キラアク星人の侵略兵器!) | |
12 | A Monumental Kaiju Movie! The First Film that Changed the World (怪獣映画の金字塔!世界を変えた1作目) | |
13 | The Dream Japanese-American Monster Showdown! (夢の日英怪獣対決!) | |
14 | Monster Stars Clash with an Eternal Evil (スター怪獣と永遠の悪役が激突) | |
15 | Godzilla, Revived by the Power of Lightning! (雷の力でよみがえれ、ゴジラ!) | |
16 | Toho Monsters Overrun the World! (東宝怪獣たち、世界を蹂躪!) | |
17 | A Wake-Up Call to Marine Pollution (海洋汚染への警鐘) | |
18 | The Giant Robot Jet Jaguar Appears! (巨大ロボット、ジェットジャガー登場!) | |
19 | The Formidable Foe Mechagodzilla is Reborn! (強敵メカゴジラ復活!) | |
20 | The Covert Operations of G-Cell Spies (G細胞ためぐる産業スパイの暗躍) | |
21 | 3 Giant Monsters Converge in Yokohama! (3大怪獣、横浜で対決!) | |
22 | A Godzilla Born from Godzilla!! (ゴジラから生まれたゴジラ!!) | |
23 | The Shocking Submersion of Shibuya! (渋谷水没の衝撃!) | |
24 | The Anti-Godzilla Weapon Type-3 Kiryu Appears! (対ゴジラ兵器・3式機龍登場!) | |
25 | The King of the Monsters Godzilla Appears from Antarctica!! (怪獣王ゴジラ、南極より現る!!) | |
26 | The Impending Crisis of Japan's Destruction!! (日本壊滅の危機迫る!!) | |
27 | The Flying Squirrel-Type Monster Appears! (ムササビ型怪獣、出現!) | |
28 | The All-Purpose Battleship, Gotengo!! (万能戦艦・轟天号!!) | |
29 | Toho's First Color Kaiju Film! (東宝初のカラー怪獣映画) | |
30 | A Model for Review? (検討用模型とは?) | |
31 | The World's Largest Special Effects Pool (世界最大の特撮用プール) | |
32 | Attack Helicopters are Prepared for Attack! (対戦車用攻撃ヘリ攻撃準備完了!) | |
33 | Osaka Castle is Destroyed! (大阪城破壊!) | |
Vol. 2 (Released July 2018) | ||
34 | Fierce Battle with the Formidable Enemy Ebirah (強敵・エビラとの激闘) | |
35 | The Monster Corps vs. an Alien! (怪獣軍団VS宇宙人!) | |
36 | A Fierce Battle Between Godzilla and a Robot! (ロボット・ゴジラとの激闘) | |
37 | A Child of Environmental Pollution! (環境汚染の申し子!) | |
38 | The Strongest Anti-Godzilla Weapon (最強の対ゴジラ兵器) | |
39 | The God of Destruction, Black Mothra (破壊神・黒いモスラ) | |
40 | A Fearsome Healing Factor (恐るべき再生力) | |
41 | A Godzilla Evolved in a Black Hole! (ブラックホールで進化したゴジラ!) | |
42 | An Anti-Godzilla Weapon to Surpass Mechagodzilla! (メカゴジラを上まわる対ゴジラ兵器) | |
43 | A Righteous Robot Faithful to Humanity (人間に忠実な正義のロボット) | |
44 | The Brutal Cyborg Monster (残忍なサイボーグ怪獣) | |
45 | The Insect Monster Guardian of an Undersea Kingdom (昆虫怪獣にして海底王国の守護神) | |
46 | The Guardian Deity of Okinawa Wondrously Retaliates Twofold! (沖縄の守り神、驚異の倍返し!) | |
47 | The All-Purpose Submarine Attacks! (万能潜水艦出撃せよ!) | |
48 | The Evil Submarine Aiming to Destroy a Utopia (ユートピア破壊をもくろむ悪の潜水艦) | |
49 | Godzilla and Anguirus, Awakened by Hydrogen Bomb Testing! (水爆実験で蘇った、ゴジラとアンギラス!) | |
50 | The 2-Monster Showdown of the Century! (2大怪獣世紀の対決!) | |
51 | Godzilla Goes to Space!! (ゴジラ、宇宙へ!!) | |
52 | A New Reality! The Child of Godzilla is Born! (新事実!ゴジラの子どもが誕生!) | |
53 | Minilla Flourishes on Monster Island! (怪獣島でミニラが大活躍!) | |
54 | The Mortal Combat of a Space Monster Duo! (宇宙怪獣コンビの死闘!) | |
55 | Godzilla's Rival Mechagodzilla Appears! (ゴジラのライバル、メカゴジラ登場!) | |
56 | Godzilla's 30th Anniversary Work (ゴジラ生誕30周年記念作品) | |
57 | Mecha-King Ghidorah Suddenly Appears! (メカキングギドラ、爆誕!) | |
58 | The Birth of the Anti-Godzilla Weapon! (対ゴジラ兵器誕生!) | |
59 | The Negative Legacy of the Oxygen Destroyer (オキシジェン・デストロイヤーの負の遺産) | |
60 | A Unique Fusion of Monsters and Horror! (怪獣とホラーが融合した異色作!) | |
61 | A Person Enters Inside! (中に人が入る!) | |
62 | The Craftsmanship to Express the Giant Feeling of a Monster (怪獣の巨大感を表現する匠の技) | |
63 | Multiple Images in One! (複数の映像をひとつに!) | |
64 | He Did It! Godzilla's One-Armed Shoulder Throw!! (でた!ゴジラの一本背負い!!) | |
65 | What is Fake Godzilla's True Form......? (にせゴジラの正体は・・・・・・?) | |
66 | Bring Down Gigan With All Your Might! (力を合わせてガイガンを倒せ!) | |
Vol. 3 (Released November 2018) | ||
67 | Godzilla's Meltdown Draws Near! (ゴジラにメルトダウンの危機迫る!) | |
68 | Rebirth! The New Century Godzilla Appears!! (復活!新世紀ゴジラ登場!!) | |
69 | The Scariest, Evil, White-Eyed Godzilla Appears!! (凶悪・最恐、白眼のゴジラ出現!!) | |
70 | The Monster that Destroyed an Ancient Civilization Appears!! (古代文明を滅ぼした怪獣出現!!) | |
71 | She Landed in Tokyo After the Shobijin!! (小美人を追って東京に上陸!!) | |
72 | The Giant Flying Moth, Mothra!! (飛翔する巨大な蛾・モスラ!!) | |
73 | The First Monster to Fight Godzilla (ゴジラと最初に戦った怪獣) | |
74 | The Gliding Flying Squirrel Monster! (大空を滑空するムササビ怪獣!) | |
75 | The Guardian of the Earth's Rainbow-Colored Wings Shine (七色輝く翼を持つ地球の守護神) | |
76 | The Space Monster that Eradicated the Dinosaurs (恐竜を絶滅させた宇宙怪獣) | |
77 | The Terrifying Humanoid Monster that Devours Humans!! (人間を喰らう恐怖の人型怪獣!!) | |
78 | What is the Identity of the Cold-Bodied Monster!? (極低温の身体を持つ怪獣の正体とは!?) | |
79 | The Legendary Dragon Appears!? (伝説の生物・龍が出現!?) | |
80 | What are the True Intentions of the Elusive Human Vapor? (神出鬼没のガス人間の目的とは?) | |
81 | The Latest Craft in the Super X Series (スーパーXシリーズの最新鋭機) | |
82 | Cut Off the Electromagnetic Waves Controlling the Monsters!! (怪獣を操る電磁波を遮断せよ!!) | |
83 | Nullify the Micro Oxygen! (ミクロオキシゲンを無効化せよ!) | |
84 | A Giant UFO Against Godzilla (巨大UFO対ゴジラ) | |
85 | A Godzilla of Collected Hatred Appears! (怨念の集合体のゴジラ登場!) | |
86 | Godzilla and Kiryu Face Off for a Second Time! (ゴジラと機龍、二度目の対決!) | |
87 | The Overseas Re-Edit of an American Cut (米国編集の海外版をさらに編集) | |
88 | The "Toho Champion Festival" Version of Destroy All Monsters (「東宝チャンピオンまつり」版『怪獣総進撃』) | |
89 | A Parasite from Space Has Created Monsters!! (宇宙からの寄生生物が怪獣を誕生させた!!) | |
90 | A Great Battle Over Venus!! (金星上空での大決戦!!) | |
91 | A Richly-Colored Insect Monster!! (極彩色の昆虫怪獣!!) | |
92 | Will Humanity or the Mysterians Be Victorious!? (勝つのは人類かミステリアンか!?) | |
93 | Change the Earth's Orbit! (地球の軌道を変えろ!) | |
94 | Godzilla Miniature (ミニチュアのゴジラ) | |
95 | The Craftsmanship Behind Making Monsters Look Giant (怪獣を巨大に見せる匠の技) | |
96 | Filming a Blue Background for Compositing (合成用に背景をブルーで撮影) | |
97 | A Sea Dragon Against the New Undersea Warship (海竜対新型海底軍艦) | |
98 | Godzilla Fights Against the Three-Headed Dragon!! (ゴジラに立ち向かう三つ首の龍!!) | |
99 | Anguirus' Bite Attack! (アンギラスのかみつき攻撃!) | |
Vol. 4 (Released October 2019) | ||
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Vol. 5 (Released July 2020) | ||
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Anime Godzilla Edition | ||
1 | A Godzilla Born from Godzilla!? (ゴジラから生まれたゴジラ!?) | |
2 | The First Unknown Giant Creature Encountered by Humanity (人類が初めて遭遇した未知の巨大生物) | |
3 | The Symbol of Fear. God's Beast. (恐怖の象徴。神の獣。) | |
4 | The Space Monster that Destroyed London (ロンドンを壊滅させた宇宙怪獣) | |
5 | An Anti-Godzilla War Machine!! (対ゴジラ用決戦兵器!!) | |
6 | The Legendary Space Monster Appears!! (伝説の宇宙怪獣出現!!) | |
7 | The East and West Crossroads are Destroyed!! (東西の十字路が壊滅!!) | |
57 | Mecha-King Ghidorah Suddenly Appears! (メカキングギドラ、爆誕!) (foil variant from Vol.2) | |
8 | A Monster Whose Bacteria Leads to Death!! (死に至る細菌を持つ怪獣!!) | |
05 | King Ghidorah, the Strongest Monster that Destroyed Venus! (金星を滅ぼした最強の怪獣、キングギドラ!) (foil variant from Vol.1) | |
9 | Godzilla is Critically Attacked from Another Dimension! (異次元からの攻撃にゴジラ絶体絶命!) |
External links
- Official webpage
- Vol. 1 listing on Godzilla Store
- Vol. 2 listing on Godzilla Store
- Vol. 3 listing on Godzilla Store
- Card Holder listing on Godzilla Store
- Vol. 4 listing on Godzilla Store
- Vol. 5 listing on Godzilla Store
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