Godzilla: Trading Battle (1998)
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Godzilla: Trading Battle (ゴジラ トレーディングバトル is a Japan-only PlayStation video game developed by Tao Human Systems and published by Gojira: Torēdingu Batoru)Toho Video. It was released on December 3, 1998.
To be added.
Charles Barkley in an event card
- Godzilla Trading Battle is one of the largest collections of Toho monsters ever. For comparison, this game features more kaiju than the films Godzilla Final Wars and Destroy All Monsters, and the games Godzilla Movie Studio Tour, Godzilla, King of the Monsters, and Godzilla Generations.
- This game is very similar to both Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon in many ways each, including having creatures within cards, being able to collect them, having them battle one another with an assortment of moves, each monster having different stats, it being turn-based, monsters being able to "evolve," and information being available for each card in an encyclopedia-like database once they have been collected.
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