Godzilla: A Comprehensive Guide
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Godzilla: A Comprehensive Guide is an American Godzilla book written by blogger and amateur author Ben Brykczynski.
Godzilla: A Comprehensive Guide was published through Blurb on July 13, 2019.
Where does Godzilla come from? Is it evil? How tall is it? Godzilla Movie Reviews Presents: Godzilla: A Comprehensive Guide, which offers detailed profiles on each incarnation of Godzilla, and the kaiju it has faced. This book offers answers to some of the most common questions about the king of monsters, as well as its rivals, allies, and abilities. It follows Godzilla's path from the beginning of the reptilian creature, up to its current incarnation.
- Frequently Asked Questions (p. 3)
- Godzilla (p. 8)
- Other Kaiju (p. 40)
- Unmade Godzilla Films (p. 97)
- Music of Godzilla (p. 105)
- Weapons of Godzilla (p. 108)
- Future of The Franchise (p. 112)
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