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Monro in Gimme Gimme Octopus
Alternate names Monroe
Species Anthropomorphic Walrus
Relations Takora, Tororo, Chonbo, Debura, Biragon, Herara, Ikary, Shikushiku
Allies Takora, Tororo, Chonbo, Debura, Biragon, Herara, Ikary, Shikushiku
Enemies None
First appearance Gimme Gimme Octopus Episode 1: The Winding of the Moon
To be added.

Monro (モンロ,   Monro) is a pink walrus kaiju created by Toho that first appeared in episode 1 of the 1973 tokusatsu kaiju show, Gimme Gimme Octopus titled The Winding of the Moon.


Monro is a pink anthropomorphic walrus. She wears a red bow atop her head just below a yellowish horn and has large rounded eyes with slender lashes which spread outwards from her eyes. She has large human-like hands and a long tail ending with a flipper.


Gimme Gimme Octopus

Monro makes up the entirety of Gimme Gimme Octopus's female cast and is constantly pursued by the rest of the male characters. With this, she has been romantically involved with every inhabitant of Wonder Forest, however quickly loses interest after demanding unreasonable items from them. For example, Monro once expressed her want for the Earth's Moon to Takora, which only lead to her not getting it and Takora injuring himself.


Main article: Monro/Gallery.

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