Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)
It has become even more enraged! It has even more powerful weapons! Mechagodzilla has been resurrected! Take the Earth! - Under the aliens' command, the new monster Titanosaurus causes great destruction throughout Japan! (さらに狂暴となって!さらに強力な武器を持って!メカゴジラがよみがえった!地球を奪え!―宇宙人の命令に新怪獣・チタノザウルスと日本中を大破壊!)
— Japanese tagline |
Ogres from a black hole in space use monsters to seize Earth!
— International tagline |
The mighty titan of terror in his most incredible adventure!
All new! Never before seen! King of the Monsters |
— American taglines |
Terror of Mechagodzilla (メカゴジラの逆襲 is a Mekagojira no Gyakushū, lit. "Mechagodzilla's Counterattack")1975 tokusatsu kaiju film directed by Ishiro Honda and written by Yukiko Takayama, with special effects by Teruyoshi Nakano. Produced by Toho Eizo, it is the 15th installment in the Godzilla series as well as the Showa series. It stars Katsuhiko Sasaki, Tomoko Ai, Akihiko Hirata, Tadao Nakamaru, Goro Mutsumi, Masaaki Daimon, and Katsumasa Uchida. The film was released to Japanese theaters by Toho on March 15, 1975 as part of the Spring Toho Champion Festival.[1] Bob Conn Enterprises released a heavily edited English-dubbed version of the film under the title The Terror of Godzilla to American theaters in 1978, while United Productions of America aired an expanded version on American television that same year under the film's international title.
Both the final entry in the original Showa series of Godzilla films and the last entry helmed by original Godzilla director Ishiro Honda, Terror of Mechagodzilla picks up directly after Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla, with INTERPOL searching for the wreckage of Mechagodzilla. Rather than any remains, they find the colossal dinosaur Titanosaurus, which destroys their submarine. Marine biologist Akira Ichinose works alongside INTERPOL agent Jiro Murakoshi to uncover the mystery around Titanosaurus and the disgraced scientist who discovered him, Shinzo Mafune. Unbeknownst to them, Mafune has aligned himself with the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens, offering them the services of Titanosaurus, who is under his control, and helping to repair Mechagodzilla. When both the rebuilt Mechagodzilla and Titanosaurus are unleashed in Tokyo by the aliens, Godzilla faces an uphill battle against two powerful foes, and humanity must find a way to help even the odds.
Terror of Mechagodzilla was not planned as the final Godzilla film at the time of its release, but its poor box office performance combined with the continued decline of the Japanese film industry resulted in a nearly decade-long hiatus in the series despite several attempts to revive it. The series would ultimately be rebooted with The Return of Godzilla in 1984.
Just one year after Godzilla's battle with Mechagodzilla, the INTERPOL submarine Akatsuki searches the ocean floor for the wreckage of Mechagodzilla. To the surprise of the sub's captain Kusakari, their scanner detects not a single trace of Space Titanium. As the submarine continues its fruitless search, a whirlpool forms seemingly out of nowhere and brings the Akatsuki to the surface. Soon, a pillar of water erupts from the ocean, and a colossal dinosaur surfaces before roaring and jumping onto the submarine. The creature drags the Akatsuki back to the ocean floor, then crushes it in its hands. The disaster is reported to INTERPOL, which brings in biologist Akira Ichinose to give his opinion on the tape recording salvaged from the sub. To everyone's shock, the tape contains audio of Kusakari exclaiming that he sees a giant dinosaur just before it cuts out. Furthermore, INTERPOL chief Tagawa reports that eyewitnesses saw flying saucers enter and leave the waters where the Akatsuki was destroyed. Agent Jiro Murakoshi is sent to a nearby oceanographic institute along with Ichinose to look into the existence of a giant dinosaur living under the sea. The head of the institute, Professor Ota, tells them about Shinzo Mafune, a brilliant marine biologist who worked at the institute 15 years ago. Mafune was researching ways to construct vast undersea ranches and scientifically control marine life before he claimed to have discovered a huge dinosaur living underwater, which he named Titanosaurus. Mafune said he would gain complete control over the dinosaur, which caused his colleagues to dismiss him as insane and cost him his scientific career. Mafune was fired from the institute, and retreated to his home at Manazuru. After hearing this story, Ichinose and Murakoshi travel to Mafune's home and ring the doorbell several times, receiving no answer. Finally a young woman opens the door and introduces herself as Katsura Mafune, Dr. Mafune's daughter. When the two men ask to speak with Dr. Mafune, she tells them that he died five years ago, and that she burned all of his notes after his death. She apologizes and tells the men she cannot help them, and shuts the door. Both Ichinose and Murakoshi are convinced that Katsura is hiding something as they depart.
Katsura approaches a mirror in her basement, which opens to reveal a secret underground laboratory. Inside, Dr. Mafune is alive and well and toasting with one of his financial backers, Tsuda, to the successful completion of his Titanosaurus control device. Katsura tells her father about the two men who came by, causing him to scoff and declare they came 15 years too late to ask for his opinion. He swears that he will soon unleash Titanosaurus on mankind, showing all those who mocked him that he was right all along and allowing him to have his long-awaited revenge on society. Tsuda tells Mafune that he and the rest of his organization have the perfect instrument for Mafune to complete his revenge, and brings Mafune and Katsura to Mount Amagi. There, he escorts them to a hidden base inside the mountain. There, Mafune witnesses Mechagodzilla being repaired, and realizes that his "financial backers" are actually the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens. Mafune is greeted by Mugal, the leader of the invasion force, who asks for Mafune's assistance. Mugal asks for Mafune to teach the aliens his control method, then they can unleash both the repaired Mechagodzilla 2 and Titanosaurus on Tokyo. Mafune agrees, and begins helping the aliens perfect Mechagodzilla's control device. Meanwhile, INTERPOL completes construction of the Akatsuki II, and prepares to launch the craft to search for Titanosaurus. Ichinose contacts Katsura and asks her to come along with them, saying it will help vindicate her father's reputation, but she begs him not to go. Ichinose ignores her pleas, and boards the Akatsuki II on its maiden voyage. Tsuda forces Katsura to unleash Titanosaurus against the sub, but before the dinosaur can destroy it, he is incapacitated by the sub's sonar. Titanosaurus writhes in agony, allowing the Akatsuki II to escape. After INTERPOL investigates the incident, they come to the conclusion that Titanosaurus cannot stand supersonic waves, and prepare to weaponize this weakness as a defense against Titanosaurus. Hoping to learn why Titanosaurus reacted the way he did, Katsura contacts Ichinose and gains his confidence by giving him some of her father's notebooks. Ichinose tells Katsura about the sonic wave oscillator they are constructing, and she reports this information to her father. Determined to prove Titanosaurus' strength, Mafune unleashes the dinosaur in Tokyo against Mugal's orders while Katsura and Mafune's butler sabotage the sonic wave oscillator. As Titanosaurus destroys the JSDF units attacking him, it seems Tokyo has no defense against the creature. Tsuda tells Mugal that Mafune could spoil their plans, but Mugal calmly says that Godzilla will arrive and fight Titanosaurus, leaving him too weak to stop Mechagodzilla. True to Mugal's prediction, Godzilla arrives in Tokyo and knocks Titanosaurus over with his atomic breath. The two monsters begin to fight, but Mafune deactivates the Titanosaurus controller after Katsura is shot by INTERPOL and falls off a cliff. Free from Mafune's control, Titanosaurus quickly retreats to the ocean, leaving Godzilla confused.
The Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens' surgeons recover Katsura's body and revive her by repairing the cybernetics they had installed inside her years before after she was injured in a lab accident. Mafune is grateful for the aliens again saving his daughter's life, and promises Mugal he will obey all his commands. When Ichinose learns of Katsura's apparent death, he refuses to believe that she sabotaged the sonic wave oscillator and travels to Mafune's home, where he witnesses a strange vehicle leave. Ichinose follows the car, but is ambushed by a group of armed men, who reveal they had baited him there. Thankfully, Ichinose is rescued by Murakoshi, who shoots several of the assailants and brings Ichinose back to INTERPOL HQ. After Tagawa orders his men to finish repairing the sonic wave oscillator within a day, Murakoshi tells him about the strange men who attacked him and Ichinose near Mt. Amagi. He notes that the silencers on their guns were not normal, and considers the possibility they were aliens. He then received permission to lead a group of men to Mount Amagi to investigate further. Aware that their location will soon be discovered, Mugal tells Mafune that their base of operations will be moved to Mafune's lab, while the base at Mount Amagi will self-destruct. He also reveals that the control device for Mechagodzilla has been installed inside Katsura, as Mafune himself claimed Mechagodzilla required living brain tissue to be truly perfect. Mafune is horrified at what he has let happen to his daughter, and breaks down sobbing next to her as she lays motionless on an operating table. When Murakoshi and his men arrive at Mount Amagi, they witness Mechagodzilla take off from a hangar and find the base abandoned except for several human prisoners, all of whom have had their vocal cords removed. They soon realize the base is rigged to explode, and quickly free the prisoners and escape. Meanwhile, Ichinose returns to Mafune's home to investigate further, but is knocked out by some of the aliens' guards. He is brought inside Mafune's lab, where he comes face-to-face with Mafune himself. He begs Mafune and Katsura to stop, but Mafune says they have come too far to go back now. At Mugal's command, Katsura unleashes both Mechagodzilla 2 and Titanosaurus on Tokyo.
The monsters quickly annihilate entire districts of the city, leaving the JSDF helpless. As the destruction mounts, INTERPOL races to repair the sonic wave oscillator before Tokyo is wiped from existence. Godzilla arrives and attacks Titanosaurus, but finds himself outmatched once Mechagodzilla begins opening fire on him. Together, Mechagodzilla and Titanosaurus overpower Godzilla and knock him unconscious, then bury him in a ravine. Titanosaurus victoriously jumps on Godzilla's earthen grave, but INTERPOL finishes repairing their sonic wave oscillator and loads it onto a helicopter. The chopper flies overhead and bombards Titanosaurus with supersonic waves, rendering him helpless. Mechagodzilla prepares to shoot down the chopper, but Godzilla bursts free from the ground and blasts him with his atomic breath. Godzilla engages Mechagodzilla in battle again while Titanosaurus is incapacitated, and quickly gains the upper hand over his doppelganger. Godzilla pummels Mechagodzilla, then tears its head off just as he did before, only to find that Mechagodzilla possesses a mechanical "brain" underneath his head. Mechagodzilla fires a powerful laser from this brain that knocks Godzilla to the ground. As Mechagodzilla repeatedly blasts Godzilla, INTERPOL assembles outside Mafune's lab. Mugal and several of his men leave to deal with them, while Ichinose breaks free of his bonds and strangles Tsuda to death. Katsura grabs a gun and prepares to shoot Ichinose, but is shot in the arm by Murakoshi. Mugal returns to the room and opens fire on Murakoshi, then uses Mafune as a human shield when Murakoshi returns fire. Mafune is fatally wounded and Mugal escapes. Mafune's dying words are to scream Katsura's name, which frees her from the aliens' control and restores her humanity. As she lays in Ichinose's arms, Katsura is horrified at what she has done and begins to sob before she realizes Mechagodzilla's control device is still inside her. She begs Ichinose to destroy her, but he says he can't. Finally, Katsura grabs her gun and fatally shoots herself in the chest. Mechagodzilla immediately short-circuits, allowing Godzilla to grab the mechanical monster and throw him into the same ravine where he was buried moments ago. Godzilla fires his atomic breath into the ditch, causing Mechagodzilla to explode and destroying his mechanical double once and for all. Unaware that Titanosaurus is no longer under the aliens' control, Godzilla blasts Titanosaurus with his atomic breath, then grabs him. Mugal evades INTERPOL and boards one of the aliens' UFOs before they try to escape. Godzilla sees the UFOs fly overhead, and destroys them all with a single blast of his atomic breath, putting an end to the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens for good. Godzilla lets go of Titanosaurus, then blasts him directly in the chest with his atomic breath, causing him to go limp and fall over a cliff into the ocean. Humanity celebrates as Titanosaurus strikes the water and leaves Godzilla victorious. Ichinose sets Katsura's body down on a hill as he watches Godzilla wade back out to sea. He is joined by Murakoshi and the other members of INTERPOL, who pay their respects to Katsura for her sacrifice. Godzilla lets out one more victorious roar before he finally heads out into the open ocean.
- Main article: Terror of Mechagodzilla/Credits.
Staff role on the left, staff member's name on the right.
- Directed by Ishiro Honda
- Written by Yukiko Takayama
- Executive producer Tomoyuki Tanaka
- Associate producer Kenji Tokoro
- Music by Akira Ifukube
- Cinematography by Motoyoshi Tomioka
- Edited by Yoshitami Kuroiwa
- Production design by Yoshifumi Honda
- First assistant director Kensho Yamashita
- Director of special effects Teruyoshi Nakano
- First assistant director of special effects Yoshio Tabuchi
Actor's name on the left, character played on the right.
- Katsuhiko Sasaki as Akira Ichinose, Ocean Development Laboratory
- Tomoko Ai as Katsura Mafune, the Cyborg Girl
- Akihiko Hirata as Dr. Shinzo Mafune, marine biologist
- Tadao Nakamaru as Tagawa, Tokyo INTERPOL bureau chief
- Goro Mutsumi as Mugal, Black Hole Planet 3 Alien commander
- Masaaki Daimon as Chief Inspector Kusakari
- Katsumasa Uchida as Jiro Murakoshi, INTERPOL detective
- Tomoe Mari as Yuri Yamamoto, assistant professor at the Ocean Development Laboratory
- Toru Ibuki as Tsuda, Black Hole Planet 3 Alien deputy commander
- Shin Roppongi as Yuichi Wakayama, Ocean Development Laboratory engineer
- Kotaro Tomita as Professor Ota, director of the Ocean Development Laboratory
- Ikio Sawamura as Mafune's butler
- Kenji Sahara as defense commander
- Yasuzo Ogawa as fisherman
- Hiroya Morita as Nakatani, captain of the Akatsuki
- Kazuo Suzuki, Taro Yamada as Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens
- Shoichi Hirose as slave worker at alien base
- Seiji Yoshida as member of Ocean Development Laboratory / scholar in photograph
- Toshio Hosoi as member of Ocean Development Laboratory / JSDF soldier who shoots Katsura
- Yoshio Kirishima, Futoshi Kikuchi as Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens
- Hiroshi Ishiya as Yamashita, man who sees Kusakari at Mount Amagi
- Shizuko Azuma as fisherman's wife
- Toru Kawai as Godzilla
- Kazunari Mori as Mechagodzilla 2
- Tatsumi Nikamoto as Titanosaurus
- Akinori Umezu as Ken, city boy (uncredited)
- Takuzo Kumagai as Defense Corps leader (uncredited)
- Jun Nishihara, Takuya Yuki as Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens (uncredited)
International English dub
- Barry Haigh as Akira Ichinose / Tsuda / Akatsuki I and II crew members / radio announcer / Black Hole Planet 3 henchmen
- Linda Masson as Katsura Mafune / boy in red jacket
- Matthew Oram as Dr. Shinzo Mafune / Professor Ota / defense commander / Kusakari / Black Hole Planet 3 henchmen / JSDF soldiers / EAS announcer
- Michael Ross as Jiro Murakoshi / Mugal / Black Hole Planet 3 henchmen
- Tony Moore as Chief Tagawa / Captain Nakatani / Akatsuki I and II crew members
- Stuart Varney as Yuichi Wakayama / Yamashita / Akatsuki I and II crew members / Black Hole Planet 3 henchmen
- Aileen Bridgewater as Yamamoto / boy in pink jacket / fisherman's wife
German dub[2]
- Marion Hartmann as Katsura Mafune
- Leo Bardischewski as Dr. Shinzo Mafune
- Manfred Schott as Mugal
- Hans-Michael Rehberg as Tsuda
- Michael Eder as Jiro Murakoshi
- Michael Cramer as Chief Tagawa
- Christian Marschall as Professor Ota / EAS announcer / radio announcer
- Eberhard Mondry as Yuichi Wakayama
- Horst Naumann as defense commander
Italian dub[3]
Actor's name on the left, character played on the right.
- Gino Pagnani as Dr. Shinzo Mafune
- Andrea Lala as Mugal
- Elio Zamuto as Jiro Murakoshi
- Diego Reggente as Yuichi Wakayama
- Aldo Barberito as Professor Ota
- Sergio Matteuci as defense commander
Weapons, vehicles, and races
- Main article: Terror of Mechagodzilla/Gallery.
- Main article: Terror of Mechagodzilla/Soundtrack.
Alternate titles
- Mechagodzilla's Counterattack (literal Japanese title)
- The Terror of Mechagodzilla (alternate English title)[4]
- The Terror of Mecha-Godzilla (alternate English title)[5]
- Revenge of Mechagodzilla (alternate English title)[6]
- The Terror of Godzilla (United States)
- Monsters from an Unknown Planet (United Kingdom)
- The Monsters of the Lost Continent (Les monstres du Continent Perdu; France)
- The Ogres from Space (Les Ogres de l'espace; France)
- Terror of Godzilla (Terreur de Godzilla; French Belgium)
- After Holocaust (After Holocauste; French video title)
- Mechagodzilla Strikes Back (Mechagodzilla contre-attaque; French video title)
- Horror of Godzilla (Verschrikking van Godzilla; Dutch Belgium)
- Monsters of the Lost Continent (Monsters van het Verloren Continent; Netherlands)
- The Brood of the Devil (Die Brut des Teufels; West Germany)
- Destroy Kong! The Earth is in Danger! (Distruggete Kong! La Terra è in Pericolo!; Italy)
- Godzilla and the Extraterrestrials (Γκοτζίλα καί οί εξωγηϊνοι Gotzila kaí oí Exogiïnoi; Greece)
- Battle in Outer Space (Fezada Mücadele; Turkey)
- War of the Monsters (מלחמת המפלצות; Israel)
- The Fury of the Monsters (A Fúria dos Monstros; Brazil)
- The Return of Mechagodzilla (Powrót Mechagodzilli, Poland; El Regreso de Mecagodzilla, Mexican video title)
- Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla (Godzilla contra Mechagodzilla; Spain)
- Mechakong (Mecakong; Mexico)
Theatrical releases
View all posters for the film here.
- Japan - March 15, 1975[1] [view poster]
- West Germany - 1975 [view poster]
- Brazil - March 6, 1976 [view poster]
- United Kingdom - June 1976 [view poster]
- Italy - 1976 [view poster]
- France - August 25, 1976 [view poster]
- Netherlands - February 19, 1977
- United States - 1978 [view poster]
- Mexico - 1970s [view poster]
- Turkey - 1970s [view poster]
- Greece [view poster]
- Poland [view poster]
- Yugoslavia [view poster]
- Israel [view poster]
Foreign releases
U.S. release
Terror of Mechagodzilla was distributed theatrically in the United States by Bob Conn Enterprises in 1978 under the title The Terror of Godzilla. As had become the custom for American releases of Godzilla films since Godzilla vs. Gigan, Bob Conn Enterprises simply used Toho's international English dub for the film, rather than commissioning a new one. To ensure a G rating, five minutes of footage were cut:[7]
- A shot of blood spraying from Godzilla's neck after being shot by Mechagodzilla's Space Beams during the opening credits montage of stock footage taken from Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla.
- Likewise, a shot right after Mechagodzilla's finger missiles are fired into Godzilla and he collapses on the ground is cut.
- The Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens shooting Kusakari dead.
- Mugal beating his men with a whip stick for failing to kidnap Ichinose and Murakoshi and ordering other Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens to execute them.
- Titanosaurus stepping on the two boys that saw him.
- Tsuda saying, "Damned Earthmen" as Katsura struggles to keep control of Titanosaurus while inside the control room after the Akatsuki II hits him with sonar.
- Katsura getting shot by Murakoshi and falling off a cliff.
- A shot of Katsura's breasts while the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens perform surgery and put Mechagodzilla 2's control device into her body.
- Wakayama saying, "Goddammit" after discovering the sabotage of the supersonic wave oscillator's circuit board.
- Ichinose saying, "Hell" when he replies to Yamato regarding Katsura's death.
- Ichinose saying, "Damn you" before telling the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens to let him go, as they grab hold of and tie him up.
- Murakoshi saying, "We're too late, dammit!" after the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens launch Mechagodzilla 2.
- Ichinose strangling Tsuda to death and killing him. Right as Ichinose uses the rope he was tied to the chair with to do this, the scene cuts to Godzilla and Mechagodzilla 2 fighting. Only one shot shows this briefly, but then it moves away from it. When it cuts back to Ichinose's struggle, it removes the death scene where Tsuda's mask is ripped off, revealing his real face as he dies.
- Murakoshi shooting Katsura's arm and blood coming from her arm after she holds Ichinose at gunpoint.
- Murakoshi shooting Dr. Mafune when Mugal tries to escape the base and is holding him as a human shield.
- Dr. Mafune's death is also removed after he cries out to Katsura.
- Katsura committing suicide by shooting herself in the stomach to shut down Mechagodzilla 2. The scene ends with Ichinose saying to her, "You aren't to blame, none of this is your fault."
- Ichinose holding Katsura's corpse in his arms and being greeted by Murakoshi and other INTERPOL agents as they watch Godzilla swim away.
An uncut version was released at the same time.[8] Advertising materials for the film curiously featured King Caesar, Godzilla's ally in the previous film, instead of Titanosaurus.
That same year, UPA began to air the film on American television, using its international title Terror of Mechagodzilla. The only deleted footage in this cut was the shot of Katsura's breasts. UPA's version of the film also added a prologue consisting of a narrated recap of the Showa series of Godzilla films over stock footage of the two other Godzilla films owned by the company, Invasion of Astro-Monster and All Monsters Attack, leading to a runtime six minutes longer than the Japanese version. In the 1980s, UPA replaced their cut with one based on the heavily-altered Bob Conn release, though the Terror of Mechagodzilla title was retained. Both UPA versions have since been released on VHS and DVD in the United States.[7]
Starting in 2017, per the acquisition of the distribution rights by Janus Films, Toho's international dub synced to the visuals of the regular Japanese version has been used on television broadcasts and several streaming platforms, and was included on The Criterion Collection's Blu-ray box set.
United Kingdom release
Terror of Mechagodzilla was released theatrically in 1976 by Miracle Films under the title Monsters From an Unknown Planet. Although initially passed uncut with an "A" certificate,[9] later 16mm and VHS releases by Derann Film Services are known to censor two shots: Godzilla bleeding profusely from Mechagodzilla's Space Beam in the opening credits sequence, and Kusakari's pained death throes from his execution. The uncut international version was shown on Channel 4 in 1990. It was later released on VHS in 1992 by Polygram (paired with Son of Godzilla) and by its imprint 4Front Video in 1998. As with their releases of Godzilla vs. Megalon, these releases were uncut except for the removal of the Toho and/or Toho Eizo logos. The latter includes the Toho logo with the opening music from Godzilla vs. Gigan logo before fading into the beginning of the film. Sony released the Japanese version of the film on Blu-ray in 2019 as part of The Criterion Collection's Godzilla: The Showa-Era Films, 1954–1975 box set, with the international English dub available as a secondary audio option. The BBFC rated the film 12 for "moderate violence, brief nudity," with previous releases on VHS having given the film a 15 rating.[10]
Video releases
Power Multimedia DVD (2000)
- Region: None
- Discs: 1
- Audio: English (Mono), Mandarin (Mono)
- Subtitles: Chinese (traditional and simplified)
- Special features: None
- Notes: Presents an unaltered 35mm transfer of the film's international version, albeit cropped to 1.33:1. Out of print.
Simitar DVD (1998)
- Region: 1
- Discs: 1
- Audio: English (2.0 Mono and 5.1 Surround)
- Special features: Simitar-produced trailers for the company's kaiju releases, art gallery, trivia game
- Notes: Cropped 1.33:1 aspect ratio. Uses the heavily edited UPA cut of the film. Out of print.
DVD Toho DVD (2002)
- Region: 2
- Discs: 1
- Audio: Japanese (1.0 Mono, 5.1 Surround)
- Subtitles: Japanese
- Special features: Audio commentary by Sokei Tomioka and Yasuo Kurashiki, heatrical trailer, several photo galleries, interactive storybook, Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla trailer, Ishiro Honda and Tomoko Ai biographies, interview with Kimi Honda, Ishiro Honda's wife (40 minutes), interview with Teruyoshi Nakano (30 minutes)
Classic Media DVD (2002)
- Region: 1
- Discs: 1
- Audio: English (2.0 Mono and 5.1 Surround)
- Subtitles: English
- Special features: Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee trailer
- Notes: Cropped 1.33:1 aspect ratio. Uses the heavily edited UPA cut of the film. Out of print.
Madman DVD (2007)
- Region: 4
- Discs: 1
- Audio: Japanese (2.0 Mono and 5.1 Surround), English (5.1 Surround)
- Subtitles: English
- Special features: Terror of Mechagodzilla theatrical trailer and other Madman-produced trailers
Classic Media DVD (2008)
- Region: 1
- Discs: 1
- Audio: Japanese (2.0 Mono), English (2.0 Mono)
- Subtitles: English
- Special features: Audio commentary for the U.S. version by Keith Aiken and Bob Johnson, The Women of Godzilla featurette (11 minutes), image gallery
- Notes: The U.S. version presented on the disc is a widescreen reconstruction of the 89-minute UPA television version of the film. Read the details of the U.S. version's reconstruction here. Reissued in 2012; both releases are out of print.
The Criterion Collection Blu-ray (2019) [Godzilla: The Showa-Era Films, 1954–1975]
- Region: A or B
- Discs: 8
- Audio: Japanese, English
- Subtitles: English
- Special features: All bonus features on Criterion's Godzilla Blu-ray, 1990 Ishiro Honda interview by Yoshimitsu Banno, interview with director Alex Cox, interviews with actors Bin Furuya and Tsugutoshi Komada, 2011 interview with critic Tadao Sato, Toho Unused Special Effects Complete Collection, trailers, illustrated hardcover book with an essay by Steve Ryfle and liner notes on each film by Ed Godziszewski[11]
- Notes: Uses a new English subtitle translation. Sony distributed a Region B version of the set in the United Kingdom.
TOHO Visual Entertainment 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray/Blu-ray (2025) [Godzilla 70th Anniversary 4K Remaster Box][12][13]
- Region: None (4K Ultra HD) or A (Blu-ray)
- Discs: 7
- Audio: Japanese (LPCM Mono 1.0)
- Subtitles: Japanese
- Special features: 114-page booklet, replica of the Mechagodzilla II emblem, Spirit of Godzilla documentary, Haruo Nakajima and Kenpachiro Satsuma's Tour of Toho Studios", "The Phantom Godzilla Head", The Return of Godzilla rushes, trailers for "Godzilla Movie Collection" and "Godzilla Resurrection Festival 1983", Godzilla vs. Biollante promotional material, "Sebongodzilla", "Takarazuka Family Land 'Go! Godzilla'", digital clock (Godzilla Store exclusive), six photo cards (Godzilla Store exclusive)
- Notes: Packaged with Godzilla Raids Again, Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla, The Return of Godzilla, Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II, and Godzilla Final Wars. The Blu-ray included with the 4K Ultra HD edition of this set contains the special features. The first three video special features listed were originally included in a DVD edition of Godzilla Final Wars, but omitted from the film's standalone Blu-ray.
- Terror of Mechagodzilla was released as part of the 1975 Spring Toho Champion Festival, alongside New Hakkenden: Part I - The Duel at Horyukaku; A Gift from Agnes; Heidi, Girl of the Alps: The Mountain Children; Gon, the Stone-Age Boy: Mammogar, and Sazae-san: Reading My Farewell Speech!.
- Yukiko Takayama is the second woman to write a Godzilla screenplay, after Kazue Kiba, who collaborated with Shinichi Sekizawa on Son of Godzilla.
- In her original scenario, the role of Titanosaurus was filled by two dinosaurs called Titans, who became violent only when their necks were entangled.[14] Her script also called for the total annihilation of Tokyo by Titanosaurus and Mechagodzilla, who would enter the city through Tokyo Bay and target Shinagawa Ward first. Budget constraints forced Toho to scale back the destruction.
- This is the final Godzilla film to not mention Godzilla himself in either its Japanese or international titles.
- This is the final Godzilla film in which Godzilla is not attacked by Japanese, American, or international armed forces.
- This was the last Godzilla film directed by Ishiro Honda before his death in 1993.
- Terror of Mechagodzilla was the last Toho-produced Godzilla film to be released in a month other than December until Shin Godzilla in 2016.
- This was Akihiko Hirata's final appearance in a Godzilla film. Hirata was set to portray Dr. Hayashida in The Return of Godzilla, but became severely ill prior to the start of filming, and passed away prior to the film's release.[citation needed]
- This is the final Godzilla film to be filmed in anamorphic widescreen, and the last Toho-produced Godzilla film to use the 2.35:1 aspect ratio until 1999's Godzilla 2000: Millennium.
- This was Tomoko Ai's film debut. She was previously a semi-regular in the TV series Ultraman Leo as a member of MAC.
- This is the first Godzilla film to feature an original score by Akira Ifukube since 1968's Destroy All Monsters; although Ifukube's music had previously been used in 1972's Godzilla vs. Gigan, it was recycled from previous scores.
- This was the first Godzilla film to credit the monster suit actors' roles in an English language version.
- Dr. Mafune's anatomical drawings in his lab are from Ultra Series kaiju, specifically Kemular, Zaragas and Telesdon. In addition, there is an anatomical diagram of Kemular hanging on the wall in Akira Ichinose's office.
- Jun Fukuda was initially offered the role of director for this installment but refused, having become tired of the Godzilla series by that time. Before Ishiro Honda agreed to return, Yoshimitsu Banno may have also been asked to direct due to Tomoyuki Tanaka being pleased with his work on Prophecies of Nostradamus.[15]
This is a list of references for Terror of Mechagodzilla. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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