Category:Villain monsters
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This category contains monsters who are villainous in nature or otherwise oppose the protagonist(s) of a given story.
Pages in category "Villain monsters"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 528 total.
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- Sandbox:A*P*E
- Abaddon
- Agon
- Akumon
- Alien Dorok
- Alien spaceship (10 Cloverfield Lane)
- Alien Tiborus
- Aller-Ghidorah
- Almunga
- Amphibion
- Anguirus (Godzilla Singular Point)
- Anguirus (Millennium)
- Antaleess
- Antguirus
- Anthropoid
- Antra
- Aobozu
- ApBats
- Arachno-claw
- Armillaria
- Arrowsoras
- Arsinoitherium
- AstroGodzilla
- Axor
- Bacillus
- Bagan
- Baiken
- Bakugon
- Balgaras
- Baragon
- Barakidon
- Barem
- Barugon
- Bat Men
- Batrod
- Battra
- Berserk
- Biollante
- Biollante-King Ghidorah Hybrid
- Biono-bot
- Black Mechagodzilla
- Blanker
- Boarain
- Bolguiss
- Bombaron
- Breeder Beast
- Brontosaurus
- Buffalone
- Bulgario
- Bulguerrilla
- Bullman
- Bullpull
- Burrigane
- Butterfly Bush
- D.R.A.G.M.A.
- Dagahra
- Daimon
- Danbaraki
- Deafrog
- Death Jackal
- Deathber
- Deathper
- Deep-Dweller
- Demeking
- Demon Anguirus
- Demon Varan
- Deplector
- Desghidorah
- Destoroyah
- Destro-King
- Detragon
- Devil Mecha
- Devilish Destoroyah
- Devilish King Ghidorah
- Diplodocus
- Django
- Dobra
- Doggross
- Dogzilla (monster)
- Dongolar
- Doppelganger demon
- Dorat
- Dorcrus
- Dorola
- Dororin
- Dradozer
- Dragon (Son of Kong)
- Dragon King
- Dragonda
- Dragos
- Draudas
- Dream Slime
- Drownviper
- Dunket
- Gabara
- Gaira
- Galloping Crocodile
- Gamera
- Gamera (Showa)
- Gandora
- Ganimes
- Garamedon
- Garbage Monster
- Garoborg
- Garoga Gorilla
- Garoga Spider
- Garugaru
- Garuma
- Gattlar
- Gaw
- Gegil
- Geharha
- Gelderah
- George
- Gerarachin
- Gezora
- Ghamelean
- Ghost (Kong of Skull Island)
- Ghoston
- Giant Anaconda
- Giant Ant (Hanna-Barbera)
- Giant ant (Random House)
- Giant Antlion
- Giant Bat
- Giant Bee
- Giant Beetle
- Giant Black Widow
- Giant boa
- Giant Condor
- Giant Crab
- Giant Dragonfly
- Giant Fly
- Giant mosasaur
- Giant Mutant Bee
- Giant Mutant Termite
- Giant Mutant Widow Spider
- Giant Octopus (Hanna-Barbera)
- Giant Rat
- Giant Squid
- Giant Turtle
- Giant Venus Flytrap
- Giant Warrior
- Gigan
- Gigan Miles
- Gigan Rex
- Gilmaras
- Giringa
- Girudogira
- Gizarath
- Globe
- God-demon
- Godzilla
- Godzilla (First Generation)
- Godzilla (GMK)
- Godzilla (Godzilla Final Wars)
- Godzilla (Godzilla Minus One)
- Godzilla (Godzilla Singular Point)