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Species Mutated prehistoric creature
Other stats Fin length: 100 feet
Place(s) of emergence Bermuda Triangle
Enemies Godzilla, United States military
First appearance "Godzilla vs. Amphibion"
Amphibion seems to be the mutant form of an early prehistoric amphibious creature.

— Captain Larry Jennings (Godzilla vs. Amphibion)

Amphibion is an aquatic monster who fought Godzilla in the 1977 Wonderland Records audio drama "Godzilla vs. Amphibion" on their Godzilla: King of the Monsters record. It emerged from the Bermuda Triangle and escaped from Godzilla during their first encounter. It was later killed by Godzilla in the Miami Beach area.


Little is mentioned about Amphibion's appearance, aside from its possession of a 100-foot-high fin and lobster-like claws. Larry Jennings also notes that it glows. It is also known to have had a neck, given that Godzilla is able to break it.


Amphibion was an amphibious prehistoric creature presumably mutated through radiation exposure, but is also alleged to have been the source of the many legends about the Bermuda Triangle. The pronunciation of "Amphibion" and "amphibian" used by the character Larry Jennings makes it difficult to tell if he identifies Amphibion by name upon its arrival as a prehistoric species that he is already familiar with, albeit mutated, or if he is simply remarking that the creature is amphibious. With this indistinction, it is difficult to assess if Amphibion refers to this one mutated individual, or the entire species from which it was mutated.


"Godzilla vs. Amphibion"

While out fishing in the Bermuda Triangle, two men spotted a large fin in the water, which turned out to be Amphibion. Godzilla then arose out of the water and fought with Amphibion. The two men left the area in a panic and eventually reported what they had seen. Godzilla chased the amphibious creature towards the Miami Beach area.

Captain Rick Thompson and his son Tommy spotted Amphibion and Godzilla near a fishing boat. The pair took photographs of the two monsters and showed them to paleontologist Captain Larry Jennings for identification. Jennings recognized Godzilla, but could not identify Amphibion. Thompson and Jennings showed the photographs to Commander Radley, who doubted the monsters' existence. Radley then received an order to dispatch Thompson to lead nuclear fighter jets towards Miami Beach, as Godzilla and Amphibion had been sighted in the area.

As Amphibion and Godzilla arrived at the beach, they were spotted by civilians in the area. The U.S. military evacuated the beach as they prepared to fire at the monsters. The military fired its artillery at the monsters, doing little to no harm. The nuclear fighter jets arrived and fired at Godzilla and Amphibion, leaving them unfazed. The creatures continued battling, while the fighter jets fired at them a second time. Godzilla grabbed Amphibion and started twisting its neck as the fighter jets fired once more. Godzilla managed to break Amphibion's neck, killing it. The King of the Monsters roared victoriously before returning to the sea.

After Amphibion's death, Larry Jennings examined its carcass alongside Captain Wilson. The former explained to Wilson that Amphibion seemed to be a "mutant form of an amphibious prehistoric creature". When asked about the possibility of there being more creatures similar to Amphibion, Jennings replied, "Let's hope not, Captain Wilson."



Amphibion, as its name suggests, lives an amphibious lifestyle. It is able to attack Godzilla in the ocean and come ashore while fleeing from him. It is a skilled swimmer, managing to escape Godzilla during their first battle.

Physical strength

Amphibion is able to go toe-to-toe with Godzilla, as heard in their battle at the Bermuda Triangle, though its strength is not explicitly mentioned.


Amphibion has great durability, being able to withstand Godzilla's attacks. The U.S. military's conventional weaponry and nuclear rockets also proved to have no effect on the creature.


While it is able to hold off Godzilla on its own, Amphibion is ultimately no match for the King of the Monsters' strength. It fled the Bermuda Triangle after seemingly being overpowered by Godzilla. Amphibion was also killed after having its neck twisted and broken by Godzilla.


This is a list of references for Amphibion. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


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