Mothra (Godzilla Singular Point)

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Mothra incarnations
Mothra (MonsterVerse)
Mothra (Singular Point)
Mothra® (Godzilla Singular Point) trademark icon
Mothra® (Godzilla Singular Point)
A group of Mothras in Godzilla Singular Point
Alternate names Butterfly, Mothra 2021
Species Silkworm moth
First appearance Godzilla Singular Point
episode 12, "Explorer"
The flight of yellow butterflies is a sign of warfare.

Goro Otaki, upon seeing a swarm of Mothras (Godzilla Singular Point)

Mothra (モスラ,   Mosura) are a group of giant silkworm moths who appear in the 2021 anime series, Godzilla Singular Point.


The name "Mothra" is the suffixation of "-ra" (a common last syllable in kaiju names) to "moth." Since the Japanese language does not have dental fricatives, it is approximated "Mosura" in Japanese. Originally, Mothra's name was approximated in English as "Mosla," but it was later corrected to "Mothra" by the time of the release of her debut film.[1]


As silkworm moths, their main body is more in-line to the correct proportions of the insect, sporting a white-furred exoskeleton with yellow dorsal stripe and black ventral stripe, yellow varied-antennae, and blue eyes. Their wings have an exotic pigmentation of yellow and black stripes, with red-accented hindwings. Additionally, they shed glitter-like scales in flight.


The moths were found in the areas of Tokyo blanketed in Red Dust emitted by Godzilla. Due to archetype's ability to terraform the surrounding environment and plantlife, Yun Arikawa theorized the Mothras were once specimens of Japanese giant silkworm moths, mutated during the monster's trek through Tokyo. In spite of this, these creatures do not appear to exude Red Mist by themselves, and are generally harmless to humans.


The Mothras have a docile behavior with no trepidation toward larger beings, as one moth gently landed on Jet Jaguar's finger for a moment before it flew away.


Godzilla Singular Point


While the Otaki Factory crew were heading towards Godzilla, a Mothra landed on Jet Jaguar's arm and flew away not long after that. A swarm of Mothra later appears, with each Mothra leaving yellow shiny particles behind. Goro Otaki says that yellow butterflies are a sign of warfare.



Concept art


Godzilla Singular Point




See Also


This is a list of references for Mothra (Godzilla Singular Point). These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Toho Special Effects Movie Complete Works. villagebooks. 28 September 2012. p. 56. ISBN 9784864910132.


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