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Alternate names Kibou, Hope
Species Deceased reptilian
Height 155 meters[1]
Length 380 meters[1]
First appearance What to Do With the Dead Kaiju?
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Kibo (希望,   Kibō, lit. Hope) is a massive deceased kaiju that appears in the 2022 film What to Do With the Dead Kaiju?.


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Kibo appears to be a dinosaurian-type creature with mushrooms on its back, two horns on its snout, and thagomizer-like spikes at the end of its tail.


Reiwa era

What to Do With the Dead Kaiju?

To be added.


To be added.



This is a list of references for Kibo. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. 1.0 1.1 "特報映像解禁&追加キャスト・公開日決定!!". Kaiju Cleanup. 14 October 2021.
  2. @daikaijyu_movie (2 November 2021). "◤ 本日11月3日は#ゴジラの日 ◢ #大怪獣のあとしまつ に登場する大怪獣🦖の大きさはなんとシン・ゴジラの_人人人人_>1.3倍‼️< ̄Y^Y^Y^ ̄《邦画史上最大級》の大怪獣をお楽しみに🙌 2022.2.4公開🎬 #山田涼介 #土屋太鳳". Twitter.


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