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Jia in Godzilla vs. Kong
Species Human
Nationality Iwi
Related to Ilene Andrews (adoptive mother), deceased sister, deceased parents
First appearance Godzilla vs. Kong
Played by Kaylee Hottle
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— Jia, signing to Kong (Godzilla vs. Kong)

Jia is a character in the 2021 Legendary Pictures Godzilla film, Godzilla vs. Kong.

A deaf orphaned Iwi girl, Jia has formed a special bond with Kong, who cares for and protects her. She is able to communicate with Kong via sign language. Jia is the adopted daughter of Ilene Andrews, an anthropological linguist working for Monarch.



Godzilla vs. Kong

To be added.


Kong and Me

Jia tells of her unusual friendship with King Kong, the Titan ruler of Skull Island. On the beach, Kong built Jia a huge sand castle and created a pool by cupping his hands together. Further inland, they explored the woods, watched clouds, and tried to play hide-and-seek, though Kong's footprints made him easy to find. Kong uprooted a tree trying to mimic Jia's flower-picking, and she convinced him to replant it. As the day ended, they tried seeing the world from each other's perspective: Kong lying in a field watching butterflies, Jia sitting on his head watching the sunset.



  • In the mobile game Godzilla Battle Line, Jia is mentioned on King Kong's information but spelled as "Gia".


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