Mechagodzilla (GODZILLA anime trilogy)

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Mechagodzilla incarnations
Mechagodzilla (GODZILLA anime trilogy)
Mechagodzilla® trademark icon
Mechagodzilla render for GODZILLA: City on the Edge of Battle
Mechagodzilla City in GODZILLA: City on the Edge of Battle
Alternate names Mecha-Godzilla, Mecha Godzilla, MechaGodzilla, MG,
Last Hope of Mankind
Subtitle(s) Anti-Godzilla Super Heavy Mass Nanometal Decisive Battle Weapon
(対ゴジラ超重質量ナノメタル製決戦兵器,   Tai Gojira Chō Jūshitsuryō Nanometaru-sei Kessen Heiki)[1]
Counter-Godzilla Super Heavy Mass Nanometal Decisive Battle WeaponGBL
Species Robot duplicate of Godzilla
Height 50 meters[2]
Length 100 meters[3]
Weight 30,000 metric tons[2][note 1]
Diameter 14 kilometers (Mechagodzilla City)[1]
Forms Mechagodzilla, Mechagodzilla City
Place(s) of emergence Hamamatsu
Controlled by United Earth (Bilusaludo)
Allies United Earth (initially)
Written by Gen Urobuchi
Designed by Hiroyuki Seshita, Naoya Tanaka,
Eiji Kawada
Modeled by Ferdinando Patulli
First appearance Latest appearance
Yuko Tani:No way.
Martin Lazzari:I-Is this a city?
Haruo Sakaki:Why would such a...
Rilu-elu Belu-be:I-It's all Nanometal. But how? How did it get to such a large amount?
Mulu-elu Galu-gu:It took 20,000 years and kept growing. From Mechagodzilla's carcass. Yes, this is... Mechagodzilla City!
Yuko Tani, Martin Lazzari, Haruo Sakaki, Rilu-elu Belu-be, and Mulu-elu Galu-gu react to discovering Mechagodzilla City. (GODZILLA: City on the Edge of Battle)

Mechagodzilla (メカゴジラ,   Mekagojira) is a United Earth mecha that first appeared in the 2017 anime Godzilla film GODZILLA: Planet of the Monsters.

The fourth distinct onscreen incarnation of Mechagodzilla, the anime Mechagodzilla was constructed in secret by the Bilusaludo and humans in Japan from 2042 to 2046, only to be lost in the final battle between the United Earth and Godzilla in March of 2046.[4] However, Mechagodzilla's head remained intact, and its A.I. survived. Over the subsequent 20,000 years, Mechagodzilla's Nanometal gradually spread throughout the surrounding area, reconstructing its production facility around it and forming a massive Nanometal fortress dubbed Mechagodzilla City (メカゴジラシティ,   Mekagojira Shiti). When a deployment of United Earth soldiers returned to try and reclaim the Earth from Godzilla, they discovered Mechagodzilla City and prepared to use it to finally destroy Godzilla, who had grown to over 300 meters in height by this time. Godzilla was lured toward Mechagodzilla City and was attacked by the City's onslaught of weaponry, but Haruo Sakaki learned that the Bilusaludo intended to let Mechagodzilla's Nanometal spread across the planet and assimilate all life. He made the decision to stop Mechagodzilla City's expansion and destroyed its control room, allowing Godzilla to destroy it with two blasts of his atomic breath, eradicating every last trace of Mechagodzilla.


Mechagodzilla's name comes from the word "mecha," which is derived from "mechanical," and from another monster, Godzilla (ゴジラ,   Gojira). This incarnation's English name is variably spelled as Mecha-Godzilla, Mecha Godzilla, MechaGodzilla, or the character's trademarked English name, "Mechagodzilla." Mechagodzilla's official designation by the Bilusaludo is Anti-Godzilla Super Heavy Mass Nanometal Decisive Battle Weapon: Mechagodzilla (対ゴジラ超重質量ナノメタル製決戦兵器:メカゴジラ,   Tai Gojira Chō Jūshitsuryō Nanometaru-sei Kessen Heiki: Mekagojira), while it is typically abbreviated to just "Mechagodzilla" or MG.[1] Mechagodzilla was called the "Last Hope of Mankind" (人類最後の希望,   Jinrui Saigo no Kibō) when its existence was revealed to the public by the United Earth,[5] and it is referred to as such in the tagline for GODZILLA: City on the Edge of Battle. After its Nanometal spread and rebuilt its production facility around it, Mechagodzilla became the core of a colossal mechanized fortress called Mechagodzilla City (メカゴジラシティ,   Mekagojira Shiti).


Hiroyuki Seshita's original rough sketch of Mechagodzilla

The anime Mechagodzilla's design was based on an initial rough sketch by director Hiroyuki Seshita. Production designer Naoya Tanaka produced a design based on the sketch using computer-aided design, with Eiji Kawada creating concept art of the design. Production designer Ferdinando Patulli created the final model for Mechagodzilla incorporated into the films.

Seshita took inspiration from echinoderms and sea urchins when coming up with the new Mechagodzilla design, as he felt such creatures had no affinity for humans or possibility for human interaction and wanted Mechagodzilla's appearance to reflect that. Mechagodzilla was given a forward-leaning posture, a tail stinger inspired by a warrior's axe, and legs modeled after those of birds and dinosaurs in order to give it an offensive appearance. Its body was designed to give the impression of being composed of continuous, living Nanometal. The appearance of randomness was inserted into every aspect of Mechagodzilla's design in order to express the occurrence of programming errors in its construction.[1]

The design of Mechagodzilla City is patterned after "a fungus or slime mold growing in a petri dish," with a collapsed section of Mount Fuji serving as the "petri dish" in this case. Mechagodzilla City is designed to look old and worn and also like a fungus that is growing and spreading randomly. The plant inside Mechagodzilla City is modeled after "factories at a time when pollution frequently occurred, and technology and economic development were the top priority."[1]


Side views of Mechagodzilla

The anime Mechagodzilla's design is radically different from that of previous incarnations of the character. While it retains the basic body shape of Godzilla, being bulky and bipedal with large metal structures resembling dorsal plates running down its back, this Mechagodzilla possesses a forward-leaning posture and is covered in very large spikes that are unevenly distributed across its body. Its silver armor bears a very segmented and uneven appearance, with its head consisting of five pieces and its entire body composed of 15 pieces.[1] The most radical departure in this Mechagodzilla's design is its head, which does not resemble Godzilla's very much at all. Its head is relatively flat and elongated, with two large spikes protruding from its upper jaw. It has one smaller spike jutting from the center of its lower jaw, and a very small mouth which is not immediately visible. Mechagodzilla's head is segmented like the rest of its body, and has smaller pointed spikes protruding from its cheeks and in front of its eyes. Mechagodzilla's eyes are relatively small glowing red slits located on the sides of its head. Mechagodzilla is a silver color over the entirety of its body. Its tail is very long relative to its body, and like the rest of its body is covered in spikes. Its tail ends with a long needle-like stinger, seemingly corresponding to the spike on the end of Godzilla's tail. Mechagodzilla's legs bend inward at the knees, similar to a bird or theropod dinosaur, and end in large rectangular feet, with a single triangular toe at the front of each foot and a smaller dewclaw-like spike protruding from its heels. Mechagodzilla also has a large spike protruding from the back of each of its knees.

In Godzilla Battle Line, its spines glow red when firing its Convergent Neutron Cannon or its lasers.


Mechagodzilla was constructed in secret from 2042 to 2046 by the Bilusaludo and humanity in Hamamatsu, Japan using "Nanometal," a special metal with "autonomous thinking abilities," with the intention of it being the ultimate anti-Godzilla weapon. Unfortunately, as Godzilla began to approach Hamamatsu in March of that year, the completed Mechagodzilla wouldn't activate. Before the Bilusaludo scientists in the facility could determine the cause of the issue, Godzilla breached the city and engaged in a final decisive battle with the United Earth. When the fourth armored wall of the plant was destroyed, the Bilusaludo began to evacuate. One of them, Mulu-elu Galu-gu, insisted that Mechagodzilla could defeat Godzilla if activated, but he was forced to evacuate along with everyone else. Godzilla was triumphant in the ensuing battle with the United Earth's forces, and Mechagodzilla was abandoned. The United Earth then organized an Earth evacuation plan after their latest defeat.[4] In its creators' absence, the Nanometal comprising Mechagodzilla had free reign to expand itself, growing into a massive 14-kilometer-wide city by the time the United Earth returned to Earth 20,000 years later.


Reiwa era

GODZILLA: Planet of the Monsters

Mechagodzilla was constructed by the Bilusaludo with the cooperation of humanity in Hamamatsu, Japan, in 2046. However, Godzilla breached the city that March and forced the United Earth to retreat before Mechagodzilla could be activated.

GODZILLA: City on the Edge of Battle

After discovering that the Houtua used Nanometal to construct their arrowheads, Mulu-elu Galu-gu and Rilu-elu Belu-be believed that Mechagodzilla's production facility could still be salvageable, giving them a way to finally destroy Godzilla Earth. The majority of the United Earth forces who had survived their earlier encounter with Godzilla Earth traveled to the foot of Mount Fuji to the former location of the Mechagodzilla facility. After passing through a cave, the group was attacked by a flock of Flying-type Servum. As the creatures attacked, they were suddenly impaled by spikes of Nanometal which erupted from the ground. The monsters' carcasses were then covered by a coat of Nanometal. The forces continued to advance, and in the crater below discovered a huge facility composed of Nanometal. Galu-gu and Belu-be realized that Mechagodzilla must have survived the destruction of its facility in 2046 and had remained active, spreading its Nanometal across the surrounding area and continuing its directive to "destroy Godzilla." The Nanometal's limiter had been damaged, and as a result the nanomachines had evolved and managed to reconstruct the original production facility, but entirely out of Nanometal. They dubbed the new facility "Mechagodzilla City," and believed that it could finally hold the key to killing Godzilla. As the troops approached the City, they passed the carcasses of more Servum which had been Nanometalized. Galu-gu and Belu-be insisted that Mechagodzilla had only assimilated them because of its directive, and would not do the same to humans. After the group entered Mechagodzilla City, they came across several Nanometalized human corpses, but the Bilusaludo assured everyone that the humans were already dead before being Nanometalized and had only been absorbed because they were dead. They eventually found Mechagodzilla's chamber, with Mechagodzilla's still-intact head buried under debris. While its body had been destroyed, Mechagodzilla's head contained an A.I. which was still half-active allowed its Nanometal to continue functioning and build Mechagodzilla City. Galu-gu completely reactivated Mechagodzilla's A.I., allowing them to use the City to its full potential. They set up a control room where they set Mechagodzilla City to install a heat-proof shield and begin constructing new weapons to use against Godzilla, such as superior modified Powered Suits called Vultures. They planned to destroy Godzilla Earth just as they had successfully defeated Godzilla Filius. Godzilla Earth would be lured to Mechagodzilla City and trapped in a pit of liquid Nanometal. They would isolate and play back the sound of his Asymmetrically Permeable Shield and wait for it to collapse, then destroy his dorsal fins using the City's cannons, temporarily disabling the shield. EMP Harpoons would then be fired into Godzilla Earth's back, causing electromagnetic energy to run wild inside of him until he exploded.

United Earth soldiers discover Mechagodzilla's head in GODZILLA: City on the Edge of Battle

When it became clear that Godzilla Earth would soon find Mechagodzilla City, Haruo Sakaki asked Galu-gu to postpone construction of defenses and focus on completing the weapons to kill Godzilla. The diversion of its resources caused Mechagodzilla City to cease releasing steam to conceal itself, making it visible to Godzilla Earth. Godzilla Earth awoke and began approaching the City. Once Mechagodzilla City was in view, Godzilla Earth fired his atomic breath, but Galu-gu was able to disperse a field of Nanometal particles around the City to deflect the blast. Haruo, Belu-be, and Yuko Tani then took command of three Vultures and assaulted Godzilla Earth in order to lure him to the trap point. Godzilla Earth tried unsuccessfully to shoot down the Vultures with his atomic breath, and was eventually lured to the trap point. The ground beneath Godzilla Earth exploded, and he fell into a deep trench that led right to the capture point just outside of Mechagodzilla City. As he approached, Godzilla Earth swung his tail, knocking debris into Mechagodzilla City and damaging it. Finally, he entered the capture point, and a section of the trench was closed off and flooded with liquid Nanometal. The Nanometal reached up to Godzilla Earth's knees and hardened, trapping him. Mechagodzilla City then opened fire with its cannons, causing Godzilla Earth to deploy his shield. The soldiers in the control room pinpointed when Godzilla Earth's shield collapsed, at which point Mechagodzilla City's cannons flanking Godzilla fired at his dorsal fins, disabling the shield. Two EMP Harpoons were fired into Godzilla Earth's back, and began to discharge electromagnetic energy. As the energy built to critical levels inside of him, Godzilla Earth roared out before slumping forward and falling silent. The United Earth forces believed that they had won, but to their shock Godzilla Earth did not explode. Rather, he began glowing red and giving off extremely intense heat which grew hotter by the second. Martin Lazzari theorized that Godzilla Earth was somehow converting the excess electromagnetic energy into heat to prevent himself from exploding. After the heat surpassed 1000 degrees Celsius, Mechagodzilla City's control room became unsafe. The Bilusaludo responded by allowing themselves to be Nanometalized, while Martin and the other humans present were horrified and chose to flee. Galu-gu was disappointed by the humans' weakness, but believed Haruo was different. Belu-be said that they could make Godzilla Earth explode by forcing him to fire his atomic breath, but the Vultures' bullets melted before they could reach him. The Vultures began Nanometalizing and fusing with their pilots, as Belu-be claimed the only way they could destroy Godzilla now was by flying the Vultures up to the tropopause before plummeting down into his dorsal fin. Being Nanometalized would allow the pilots to survive long enough to successfully strike Godzilla Earth. As the Nanometal began absorbing Haruo, the scales Miana had healed him with repelled it. Yuko tried to resist the Nanometalization and tried to eject, but her Vulture began falling from the sky. Metphies contacted Haruo and warned him that after destroying Godzilla, Mechagodzilla City would continue to proliferate and assimilate the entire planet. Forced to choose between killing Godzilla Earth and saving the woman he loved as well as the planet, Haruo flew his Vulture to Mechagodzilla City's control room. Galu-gu tried to convince Haruo to go through with the plan, but Haruo claimed that they would stop Godzilla as humans and not machines, then fired the Vulture's cannons at the control room, destroying it and deactivating the Nanometal. Belu-be's Vulture plummeted onto the control room and exploded, obliterating that entire section of Mechagodzilla City. Godzilla Earth began to stir and charged his electromagnetic energy before unleashing a blast of atomic breath which blew up a large portion of Mechagodzilla City. He followed it with another blast that completely destroyed Mechagodzilla City, ending the threat of Mechagodzilla once and for all.



Mechagodzilla is composed of a material called Nanometal, which is said to be "autonomous." It requires 100 gigawatts worth of power from thermonuclear reactors in order to function.[2] Because Nanometal is fluid, Mechagodzilla can reshape and deform any part of its body, as well as instantaneously regenerate any part of its body that is damaged and perform self repair and multiplication. However, it should be noted that the amount of time and energy required to repair damage increases nonlinearly as the damaged area does. Even after its facility was destroyed by Godzilla in 2046, Mechagodzilla's Nanometal continued functioning and growing, and over 20,000 years gradually Nanometalized the surrounding area, creating a mechanized fortress called "Mechagodzilla City" over a 14 kilometer diameter around the former site of the factory in Hamamatsu at the foot of Mount Fuji. The limiter on its Nanometal had been disabled, and as such the metal was able to replicate and even evolve and become more sophisticated.

Mechagodzilla City can use its Nanometal for a variety of purposes. Its Nanometal can expand a certain distance away from the City to attack and assimilate hostile creatures such as Servum. It can also emit a fog that forms clouds above the city in order to conceal it from Godzilla Earth. During its battle with Godzilla Earth, Mechagodzilla City flooded a chamber with liquid Nanometal in order to trap him. Mechagodzilla City's Nanometal can assimilate intelligent lifeforms so they too become one with the City, such as was the case with the Bilusaludo.

Computer and A.I.

Mechagodzilla is equipped with a sophisticated Bilusaludo quantum computer and artificial intelligence (A.I.) called Zalu-zi Type 1 Modified (ザル・ジ1型改,   Zaruji Ichi-Gata Aratame). It is supplied with a Gematron calculation algorithm and simulation data regarding combat against Godzilla from the A.I. "Deinde," both of which are used to determine tactics against Godzilla.[2][5][3] Mechagodzilla's A.I. was able to survive after its facility was destroyed, and while only at partial capacity spent 20,000 years continuing its directive to destroy Godzilla by constructing Mechagodzilla City. Mulu-elu Galu-gu notes that the combined intelligence of Mechagodzilla City's A.I. and the Bilusaludo the City fused with is advanced enough to make its own decisions and form its own strategies, even while following orders given to it.

Convergent Neutron Cannon

Illustration of Mechagodzilla using its Convergent Neutron Cannon

Mechagodzilla is armed with a Convergent Neutron Cannon (収束中性子砲,   Shūsoku Chūseishi-hō), a charged particle gun composed of a special gun barrel and a generator located inside its head, which causes its head to deform when used. It uses the penetrating ability of neutrons to pierce the outer shell of a target and melt its body tissue. It allows Mechagodzilla to engage Godzilla from a distance of more than 5 kilometers, preventing Godzilla from having the opportunity to attack or counterattack and allowing Mechagodzilla to approach Godzilla safely.[5] In Godzilla Battle Line, the cannon takes the form of a red laser similar to the Monsterverse Mechagodzilla's Proton Scream. After reaching its target, it sets off explosions along its line of fire.


In Godzilla Battle Line, Mechagodzilla fires smaller laser beams from its back that appear to be weaker versions of the Convergent Neutron Cannon.

Blade Launcher

Illustration of Mechagodzilla using its Blade Launcher

Mechagodzilla has a Blade Launcher (ブレードランチャー,   Burēdo Ranchā) installed on its back. An electromagnetic catapult in Mechagodzilla's back launches the blades, which are then guided through the air toward their target, over a distance of up to 3 kilometers. A prototype of this weapon was previously installed in Gigan's abdomen during "Operation: Long March."[5] In Godzilla Battle Line, the Launcher's projectiles are depicted as red balls of energy.

Hyper Lance

Illustration of Mechagodzilla using its Hyper Lance

Mechagodzilla is equipped with a supersonic Hyper Lance (ハイパーランス,   Haipā Ransu), a piercing weapon generated by high-speed elongation of its forearms followed by hardening of the metal through rapid particle compression. The maximum elongation of the lance is 500 meters. After penetrating a target, the lance injects it with Nanometal particles which proceed to eat away at its insides. According to both the Mohs scale of mineral hardness and the Vickers test for hardness of minerals, the maximum hardening of the Nanometal reaches about ten times that of diamond. In theory, Mechagodzilla would utilize the Hyper Lance after jumping one kilometer into the air above Godzilla, piercing his skin and injecting him with Nanometal that would instantaneously erode his body tissue from the surface to the deepest interior part of his body until his bodily functions all ceased.[5] Mechagodzilla demonstrates this ability in Godzilla Battle Line, with one blade in each arm, although they are not specified to inject Nanometal into targets.

Plasma Booster

Mechagodzilla is equipped with a Plasma Booster (プラズマブースター,   Purazuma Būsutā) which grants it the ability to fly.[5]

Tail Blow

Mechagodzilla possesses a cutting attack called the Tail Blow (テイルブロー,   Teiru Burō), performed by swinging its tail in a whip-like motion. This attack would cut through and pulverize the target with an electrical shock through movement of Mechagodzilla's tail stinger at supersonic speeds, accomplished by twisting motion of the body along with additional acceleration in the direction of motion from the Plasma Booster, as well as deformation of the tail into a blade shape and repeated high-speed motion of this blade.

Nanometal Particle Diffusing-Type Thermal Energy Buffer Layer

Godzilla Earth's atomic breath being deflected by Mechagodzilla City's Nanometal Particle Diffusing-Type Thermal Energy Buffer Layer

Mechagodzilla can spread Nanometal particles over a radius of 300 meters in order to defend itself from energy-based attacks, a feature designated the Nanometal Particle Diffusing-Type Thermal Energy Buffer Layer (ナノメタル粒子散布型熱エネルギー緩衝層,   Nanometaru Ryūshi Sanpu-gata-netsu Enerugī Kanshō-sō). According to simulations, 90% of energy targeted at Mechagodzilla is diffused by this buffer layer. It can also protect Mechagodzilla against large projectile attacks.[5] In Godzilla Battle Line, the layer takes the form of a blue forcefield. This ability is retained by Mechagodzilla City, and used to defend the city from Godzilla Earth's atomic breath.

Laminated Heat-Resistant Armored Plate

Another means of defense used by Mechagodzilla is the Laminated Heat-Resistant Armored Plate (積層耐熱装甲板,   Sekisō Tainetsu Sōkōban), accomplished through momentary deformation of every part of Mechagodzilla's outer shell. Mechagodzilla was conceptualized as deforming its chest armor to form the Armored Plate immediately after approaching a 5 kilometer proximity to Godzilla, with the armored plate in combination with the Thermal Energy Buffer Layer protecting Mechagodzilla from Godzilla's atomic breath.[5] Mechagodzilla City also has the ability to form a heat-resistant armored plate around its structures, though it was unable to complete it.


Mechagodzilla City opening fire on Godzilla Earth with its railguns

The structures of Mechagodzilla City are lined with large railguns, which can target and destroy Godzilla Earth's dorsal plates when his Asymmetrically Permeable Shield is not up.

EMP Harpoons

Mechagodzilla City can fire EMP Harpoons, which are capable of penetrating Godzilla Earth's hide and injecting him with critical amounts of electromagnetic energy.


Mechagodzilla City has the capacity to convert Powered Suits into more powerful models called Vultures. As long as Vultures remain in the vicinity of Mechagodzilla City, they have access to unlimited energy. Mechagodzilla City can control the Vultures' Nanometal and forcibly fuse its pilots with the machines.


If Mechagodzilla's head, the core of Mechagodzilla City, is destroyed, all of the City's Nanometal will shut down and cease functioning. This made the City vulnerable to being completely destroyed with two blasts of Godzilla Earth's atomic breath.

In Godzilla Battle Line, Mechagodzilla's Nanometal Particle Diffusing-Type Thermal Energy Buffer Layer only protects against ranged attacks, with melee attacks dealing full damage.

Video games

Godzilla Battle Line

As Unit
Mechagodzilla(counter-Godzilla Super Heavy Mass Nanometal Decisive Battle Weapon) in Godzilla Battle Line
  • Stars: ★★★★
  • Energy cost: 8
  • Attack speed: 2.8 seconds
  • Target: Leader/Ground/Aerial/Facility
  • Movement speed: 6
  • Search range: 80
  • Reach: 75

On Deployment
Permanently immune to stun.

Takes 50% less damage from enemy units at a distance of 65 meters or more.
Damage reduction effect is removed if own HP is less than 50%.
One square on the battlefield is equal to 30 meters.

When Attacking
Attacks change according to the location on attacking.
When close to the allied Leader, it can attack a single enemy unit within its attack range 3 times.
When close to the enemy Leader, it performs a vertical long-range attack with an attack power boosted by 150%, and deals an additional 5 successive attacks with 30% attack power.

A balanced unit that takes reduced damage from long-range attack and changes up its own attack depending on its position on the battlefield.
Its high durability makes it a reliable unit with a variety of uses, such as to protect allies on the front lines or advance from behind other allied units as a key attacker.
Since it cannot mitigate damage from close-range attacks, try to prevent enemy units from getting too close to it.

As Leader
  • Reach: 85
  • Search range: 85
  • Attack speed: 2.8 seconds
  • Special move: Convergent Neutron Cannon
    • Energy cost: 4
    • Cooldown: 150 seconds

Deals [...] damage in a straight line and reduces the cost of allied units with Atk Spd or more than 2.8 seconds by 1 for 20 seconds.


GODZILLA: Project Mechagodzilla

In 2042, with the threat posed by Godzilla increasing, all of humanity's resources not already dedicated to the construction of the Oratio and Aratrum were injected into the construction of Mechagodzilla at the foot of Mount Fuji in what was formerly Japan. The United Earth revealed the project to the public, claiming it to be the "Last Hope of Mankind," and even producing four propaganda films directed by Egerton Albury. The project, undertaken by both human and Bilusaludo scientists and headed by Bilusaludo technical officer Mulu-elu Galu-gu, was successful in completing Mechagodzilla by 2046 while United Earth forces stalled Godzilla during "Operation: Long March" and "Operation: Great Wall." However, during the "Battle at the Foot of Mt. Fuji" in Hamamatsu in March 2046, Mechagodzilla would not activate for unknown reasons, and was lost when Godzilla seemingly destroyed the facility with his atomic breath.[5]


GODZILLA: Planet of the Monsters

Mechagodzilla in Episode #1 of the GODZILLA: Planet of the Monsters manga

Mechagodzilla was constructed in a facility at the foot of Mount Fuji by United Earth scientists under the command of Bilusaludo technical officer Mulu-elu Galu-gu. While the machine was completed by 2046, it failed to activate when Godzilla stormed the facility, where it was lost and presumed destroyed along with the rest of the facility in the ensuing battle between Godzilla and the United Earth forces.


Main article: Mechagodzilla (anime trilogy)/Gallery.


While it doesn't roar in its film appearances, it reuses the Showa Mechagodzilla's roar in Godzilla Battle Line.

Mechagodzilla's roars in the Showa series


  • This is the first audiovisual incarnation of Mechagodzilla to be constructed by aliens since the Showa Mechagodzilla. However, like the Heisei Mechagodzilla and Kiryu, the anime Mechagodzilla was constructed with the assistance of humans as well and with the intention of defending the Earth from Godzilla.
  • The anime Mechagodzilla is tied with the Showa Mechagodzilla as the shortest incarnation of Mechagodzilla, at only 50 meters tall. It is also the lightest Mechagodzilla at only 30,000 metric tons in weight, 6,000 metric tons lighter than Kiryu without his battle gear.
    • However, as Mechagodzilla City, it is by far the largest incarnation of the character in absolute size, with a diameter of 14 kilometers.
  • This incarnation makes Mechagodzilla one of only three kaiju besides Godzilla himself to have appeared in some capacity in all four series of Japanese Godzilla films so far. Rodan appeared as a skeletal corpse in the title sequence of GODZILLA: Planet of the Monsters, while King Ghidorah appeared in GODZILLA: The Planet Eater. Mothra also exists in the continuity of the GODZILLA anime trilogy, but she only appears within a vision experienced by Haruo Sakaki, while her egg is also seen.
  • This is the only incarnation of Mechagodzilla that does not have a roar in its film appearances, although it reuses the Showa Mechagodzilla roar in Godzilla Battle Line.
  • In Godzilla Battle Line, Mechagodzilla fires its Convergent Neutron Cannon by turning its head vertically, rather than by opening up its face like in official artwork. This is identical to the way the weapon is used in the 2018 fan film -GODZILLA: Battle Mobile Proliferation Machine Beast-.


Wikizilla: YouTube Kaiju Profile: Anime Mechagodzilla / Mechagodzilla City


  1. While an informational pamphlet for GODZILLA: City on the Edge of Battle states that Mechagodzilla weighs 30,000 metric tons, Mulu-elu Galu-gu's "Proposal to develop heavy mass nano-metal decisive battle weapons" instead gives Mechagodzilla's weight as 10,000 metric tons, the same weight as the 50 meter Godzilla Earth and Godzilla Filius.
    Mechagodzilla Proposal stats.jpg


This is a list of references for Mechagodzilla (anime trilogy). These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 GODZILLA: City on the Edge of Battle (theater program). TOHO Visual Entertainment. 18 May 2018.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 City on the Edge of Battle pamphlet 2.jpg
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 Proposal to develop heavy mass nano-metal decisive battle weapons. Godzilla Store. 8 May 2018.
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 United Earth Investigation Report.png
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Oki, Renji (25 April 2018). GODZILLA: Project Mechagodzilla. Kadokawa. pp. 53–85, 112–139. ISBN 9784041063453.


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