Sandbox:Godzilla (Godzilla: Rage Across Time)

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Godzilla comic Incarnations
Godzilla (Godzilla: Oblivion)
Godzilla (Godzilla: Rage Across Time)
Godzilla (Godzilla: Monsters & Protectors)
Godzilla® trademark icon

Godzilla in issue 5

Godzilla in Issue 1

Godzilla in Issue 2

Godzilla in Issue 2

Godzilla in issue 4

Alternate names Gojira, The Monster, Monster, Beast, The Beast
Subtitle(s) Gojira, My Devil, Spirit of Rock and Fire,
Species Giant prehistoric radioactive amphibious saurian-like reptile
Place(s) of emergence Lake near Mount Purotekuta#1,
Waters off Greece (initially)#2,
Crator of Mount Vesuvius, Italy#2,
Unerground cavern beneath the
Alps mountains, Italy (initially)#4,
Rome, Italy#4,
Allies Anguirus
Enemies humans, Yamata No Orochi, Akio, Goruo Suda, Gigan, Megalon, Mongols, Nebulans, Poseidon, Olympians, Ares, Zeus, Hydra, Hannibal, Rome, Rodan, Varan, Baragon, Monster X/Keizer Ghidorah, Xiliens
First appearance Latest appearance
Godzilla: Rage Across Time #1 Godzilla: Rage Across Time #5
...Godzilla has changed our history more then we did his.

Dr. Benjamin Thompson (Godzilla: Rage Across Time #2)

Godzilla is a kaiju that appeared in the comic book series Godzilla: Rage Across Time. Over the course of Earth’s history, Godzilla repeatedly appeared before humankind and fought various enemies into the modern era, including certain historical groups of people, other giant prehistoric creatures, and even the Ancient Greek Gods themselves. In doing so, he left a lasting impact on Humanity’s history and culture, being responsible for the fall of the Roman Empire, the defeat of the Mongols during Japan's feudal era, and the infamous eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.


See also: Godzilla#Name.

Godzilla's Japanese name, Gojira (ゴジラ), comes from a combination of the Japanese approximation of "gorilla" (ゴリラ,   gorira), and kujira (クジラ), the Japanese word for "whale".


Throughout the series, this Godzilla’s design utilizes the MireGoji design as a base, changing certain details in each issue.

In issue 1, Godzilla’s atomic breath is cyan in color and bares the appearance of a fluid, cloudy vapor-like blast of fire. When charging up his atomic breath, a whitish cyan aura surrounds his dorsal plates as they glow green-blue at the base. His eyes are gold in addition to his facial structure, ears, and skin texture somewhat mirroring that of the FinalGoji design. His tail is very noticeably longer than that of the MireGoji design relatively speaking, being long enough for him to weaponize it without much effort. In one panel, his eyes appear dark red. In the panels throughout this issue when they aren’t close up, Godzilla’s eyes appear to lack pupils like that of the GMKGoji design in addition to being red-orange in color.

In issue 2, Godzilla’s appearance resembles the MireGoji design far more heavily but with some differences. His skin is much darker, his snout is rounder and slightly wider, and his skin is smoother. Due to the art style of the issue, Godzilla’s skin occasionally appears pale lavender. In the one panel which they are depicted close up, his eyes bare green irises, yellow sclera, and orange pupils. Starting in this issue, Godzilla’s atomic breath bares the traditional blue color and takes the form of a concentrated beam of fiery energy. When he erupted from Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, blue electricity was seen emitting from the beam.

In issue 4, Godzilla’s appearance is very radical compared to his other designs and even seems to resemble the GyuraGoji design in certain panels. His body is noticeably bulkier and his tail is much longer than it is in his other designs. Due to the art style of the issue, Godzilla’s skin generally matches up with his environment to an extent. When close up, his skin is purple and bares a very rough, scaly, almost chipped rock-like texture. His ears blend in with his skin texture, making them impossible to see in most panels. His dorsal plates are very large and sharp as well as baring a more coral-like texture, resembling the Minus One Godzilla’s dorsal plates. His snout is shorter and his teeth are incredibly large and plate-like, resembling that of sharks and the extinct prehistoric fish, Dunkleosteus. His dorsal plates completely glow blue when charging up his atomic breath, which itself is blue in color and is concentrated. In certain panels, Godzilla’s face very closely resembles that of the Kiryu Saga Godzilla.

In issue 5, his dorsal plates appear to be a color palette of yellow at the tips to dark orange at the base, though they completely glow blue when charging up and utilizing his atomic breath. His skin color is erratically unique to its appearance in the other issues, being a purplish charcoal hue. He retains the golden eyes from issue #1 and appears to have the ribbed neck that the KiryuGoji design possesses.


This Godzilla generally retains the character’s traditionally aggressive and morally free-spirited behavior, his role in the comic series thoroughly shifting between a destructive aggression-driven animal, the lesser of two evils, and an anti-hero. His behavior is unique in each issue, though he always inadvertently leaves an impact on the history of Earth and Humankind through the various fights and events that he gets himself involved with. Though the details are ambiguous and open to interpretation via the series’ events, Godzilla had reawakened in the modern day for reasons unknown and had made himself an enemy of humankind once more.

In Godzilla: Rage Across Time issue 1, Godzilla was seemingly dormant before being awakened by and drawn to the sound of Akio’s Shobijin-enhanced arrows hitting Yamata no Orochi’s heads. He unhesitatingly attacked the eight-headed dragon and brutally killed him. His aggression was soon redirected to Akio and Gorou Suda when the former shot an arrow at his face, thus angering him into pursuing them. Upon seeing Gigan and Megalon, he immediately faced off the evil duo and eventually sent them into retreat while Akio severed the Nebulans and Mongols' control over them. Unopposed, Godzilla proceeded to unleash his wrath on the Mongal fleet in Hagasaki Bay, burning the surrounding ships with his atomic breath.

In Godzilla: Rage Across Time issue 2, Godzilla retained similar behavior from the previous issue, albeit less aggressive. When faced with Poseidon, Godzilla proceeded to kill the Olympian off-panel and travelled to Mount Olympus afterwards. Godzilla proceeded to display merely reactive behavior when met with attempted attacks from Ares, the Hydra, and the egotistical King of the Gods, Zeus. Godzilla displayed moderate hostility when Zeus continued the fight alone, barely showing much aggression as he was sealed away by Zeus' power. For unknown reasons, Godzilla erupted from Mount Vesuvius many years later, displaying great ferocity as he fired his lightning-surrounded atomic breath into the darkened sky.

In Godzilla: Rage Across Time issue 4, Godzilla spends most of his time during the events of the issue traveling underneath the Alps. Mountains without any hostility or aggression. Whenever he was attacked by Hannibal and his men, Godzilla merely attacked out of defense and irritation. After freeing himself from his burial underneath the mountains with his atomic breath, he laid waste to Rome.

In Godzilla: Rage Across Time issue 5, Godzilla, alongside Anguirus, fought for their survival in prehistoric times, when the world was dominated by enormous monsters such as themselves. When the Earth was invaded by the Xiliens and their pawn, Monster X, in 136 million BC, Godzilla confronted the latter with Anguirus. When Monster X threw Anguirus down into a nearby lava lake, Godzilla displayed visible anger and proceeded to overpower his enemy, eventually pinning him down forcefully. He would face defeat by Monster X when his attention was grabbed by the Xilien invasion, seemingly concerned by their sudden appearance. After not much time passed, Godzilla erupted from the ground covered in lava, killing the first two Humans to inhabit Earth.


While mainstream public belief holds that humanity's relationship with Godzilla began with his 1954 exposure to the Bikini Atoll nuclear tests, historian and archaeologist Benjamin Thompson theorizes that Godzilla and other kaiju have been shaping human history for thousands, if not millions of years. Though his assistant Nikki Kasumi believed the uncovered historical evidence could point towards them being the actions of Godzilla's species in general, Thompson believes that it could very well be a single impossibly ancient individual.


Godzilla: Rage Across Time

"Feudal Japan"

In Feudal Japan in 1274, Godzilla was awakened by the sound of an arrow energized by the Shobijin hitting one of Yamata no Orochi's heads. He was drawn to the resulting explosion, which lead to him firing his atomic breath at Orochi before fighting the dragon. After overpowering his opponent and finishing off Orochi with his atomic breath, Godzilla triumphed. His attention was then drawn to the nearby human warriors after one of them, Kunoichi Akio, shot an arrow at his head. Subsequently, Godzilla proceeded to chase Akio and Samurai Gorou Suda across the Japanese land, following them on their horses as they lured him to Hakata Bay, where the Mongols and their monsters were attacking. Godzilla engaged the duo, Gigan and Megalon, in battle and temporarily dominated their duel. Godzilla soon found himself struggling against his enemies until Akio destroyed the artifact that allowed the Mongols and Nebulans to control Gigan and Megalon. Subsequently, Godzilla swiftly sent the two into fleeing. With his enemies dealt with, Godzilla proceeded to unleash his atomic breath upon Hakata Bay, leaving the fate of the nearby Japanese warriors unknown.

"Ancient Greece"

In Ancient Greece, Godzilla would emerge and destroy two warring ships, catching the attention of Hermes, who brought the news to Olympus. Having grown arrogant and uncaring for the mortals worshiping them, Zeus scoffed at the news to Aphrodite's chagrin. Poseidon decided to look into the incident to ease Aphrodite's mind, only to run afoul of the untameable sea beast. Godzilla would not be moved by Poseidon's fury and the massive tidal waves created in their clash would sink a coastal city into the sea near Olympus's doorstep, the citizens cursing the gods as they drowned. With Poseidon dead, Godzilla turned his attention towards Olympus, incinerating Ares in an atomic blast. With Godzilla shrugging off his lightning bolts, Zeus would summon the Hydra to fight Godzilla. With the Hydra regrowing its heads even after Godzilla used his atomic breath to blast them off, Godzilla would slam the Hydra into Olympus and bring the whole mountain down on top of the beast. Now the last remaining god, Zeus would put all of his remaining power into one massive thunderbolt that seemingly obliterated Godzilla, with no one being alive to witness the deed. Ashamed, powerless and humbled, Zeus would leave Greece and settle in the Roman city of Pompeii to live among the mortals he had taken for granted and try and rekindle some faith in him. However, in 79 AD, Godzilla re-emerged in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, with Zeus being petrified by the volcanic ash that buried the city.

"Classic Rome"

During the reign of the Roman Empire in the year 218 BC, Godzilla had by then concealed himself underground in a cavern beneath the Alps Mountains. While a traitor of Hannibal had schemed a mutiny against the infamous man, Godzilla suddenly erupted from the cavern floor and inadvertently killed the surrounding men in his awakening. While Hannibal himself bared witness, Godzilla proceeded to make his way out of the cavern and into the mountains. After an unknown period of time traversing the mountain range, Godzilla had inadvertently lead Hannibal and his associates back into the underground cavern. When the two human parties had finally met and were about to engage in battle, Godzilla suddenly roared and incinerated a nearby man with a concealed blast of his atomic breath before continuing his way through the cavern. Eventually, Hannibal had his men fire a catapulted pile of lit bodies onto Godzilla's head, enraging him and causing the monster to pursue Hannibal. Suddenly, Godzilla was bombarded by a barrage of flaming arrows from Hannibal's men. In retaliation, Godzilla fired his atomic breath at the men, who proceeded to ignite barrels of vinegar, causing the cavern ceiling to collapse on top of Godzilla. With the monster buried beneath the Alps Mountains, Hannibal and his men marched onwards to Rome to unleash their attack on the city. Suddenly, Godzilla reawakened and blasted himself free with his atomic breath, beaconing the sky as the Romans looked in horror. Subsequently, Godzilla destroyed Rome, thus inadvertently ending the Roman Empire, off-panel.

"The Cretaceous"

In the early Cretaceous period around 136 million years ago, kaiju ruled the Earth with the dinosaurs scrambling to survive in the crossfire of their wars for territory. As Godzilla and Anguirus were locked in battle with Varan and Baragon, meteors began crashing to the Earth, knocking their enemies into crevasses opened up by the impact. These were heralds of the arrival of Keizer Ghidorah and a Xilien invasion fleet, with the three headed dragon turning its attention to Godzilla and Anguirus after taking out Mothra and Battra. Transforming into Monster X, the skeletal beast threw Anguirus into a chasm of magma, enraging Godzilla, who tackled him onto a cliffside and began beating into him before he was able to throw Godzilla over the edge into the lava. Believing their colonization was now unopposed, the Xiliens dropped off two Homo erectus to tame the land and spread across the planet to prepare it for their eventual return. As the Xiliens left however, Godzilla re-emerged from the lava pit, immediately incinerating the two colonists and a nearby Velociraptor, leaving behind confusing fossil evidence in modern day northern Israel.


Physical Capabilities

Godzilla is one of the most powerful beings in the comic series with few to no rivals in terms of Strength and Combat Prowess. In all of his fights Godzilla overpowers his enemies easily in addition to displaying great prowess and skill in hand-to-hand combat.

In issue 1, Godzilla swiftly overpowered Yamata no Orochi, performing a judo flip on the eight-headed dragon at one point. During the final battle of the issue, Godzilla bested Gigan and Megalon in spite of them outnumbering him. Godzilla at one point utilized the latter as a shield from one of the former’s attacks. He also utilized his long tail against the duo, knocking Gigan down with it easily. On a side note, Godzilla demonstrated fast reflexes when he occasionally dodged Gigan's laser.

In issue 2, Godzilla effortlessly laid waste to sailors and coastal cities throughout Ancient Greece prior to encountering the Sea God, Poseidon. Godzilla engaged and killed the powerful god in a fierce and mostly off-panel battle. Godzilla displayed little to no struggle while fighting the Hydra, brutally harming and decapitating the serpentine beast while being struck by Zeus' lightning. Godzilla effortlessly rammed his opponent into Mount Olympus, sending the mountain crumbling down and leaving Zeus as the sole survivor. After so much time passed after being concealed away by Zeus' lightning, Godzilla ferociously burst from the mouth of Mount Vesuvius, catalyzing the infamous volcanic eruption that wiped out Pompeii and its neighboring cities. During his fights against Poseidon and Zeus, Godzilla landed nearly successful blows from his tail in spite of his size.

In issue 4, Godzilla traversed an underground cavern within the Alps Mountains with little to no struggle. Not too long after finding himself buried when Hannibal and his followers caused the cavern ceiling to collapse on him, Godzilla broke free and laid waste to Rome.

In issue 5, Godzilla's match in strength and combat was Monster X. However, the Monster King gained the tide of battle and pinned the extraterrestrial monster in a fateful position. Godzilla had Monster X under his clutches until the Xilien invasion gained his attention. After seemingly being sent down the same fate as Anguirus by Monster X, Godzilla erupted out of the ground before proceeding to visibly swim through the lava.


Godzilla proves to be adept in maneuvering and fighting in aquatic environments as inferred in his fight against Poseidon in issue 2 and in the final panels of issue 1, when he massacred the Mongolians and disguised Nebulans.

Atomic breath

In issue 1, Godzilla utilized his atomic breath to kill Yamata no Orochi, to send Gigan and Megalon into retreat, and to lay waste to his surroundings in Hagasaki Bay.

In issue 2, Godzilla's atomic breath completely incinerated Ares as the god of war leaped down at him. Years later, his atomic breath played a key role in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the destruction it caused. It emitted a powerful blue glow as all life within proximity were obliterated or petrified to molten stone, though the exact cause of this blue glow is unknown.

In issue 4, Godzilla annihilated his human enemies with his atomic breath and caused great destruction to his surroundings. Most impressively, Godzilla freed himself from the earth buried over him before laying waste to Rome.

In issue 5, Godzilla utilized his atomic breath in his and Anguirus' battle against Baragon and Varan, though Baragon dodged the attack. In his fight with Monster X, Godzilla attempted to bring his enemy down to him after the former threw him over a ledge. Unfortunately, Monster X transformed into Keizer Ghidorah and flew away as the attack obliterated the ledge.


Godzilla possesses incredible durability, taking attacks even from the likes of Monster X and Zeus.

In issue 1, the same arrows that could obliterate Yamata No Orochi’s heads only succeeded in enraging Godzilla. Gigan and Megalon merely created sparks on Godzilla’s skin whenever their sharp melee weapons made contact with his hide.

In issue 2, in spite of Zeus exerting all of his power to vanquish and seal him away, Godzilla erupted from Mount Vesuvius centuries later completely unscathed. Additionally, Godzilla’s role in causing Mount Vesuvius’ eruption is a testament to his strength.

In issue 5, Godzilla was unscathed from being in molten lava in addition to receiving no visible injuries from Monster X. Some time after getting thrown in a lava pit, Godzilla emerged unharmed from underground after inferably swimming through the lava in the surrounding environment.


Godzilla demonstrates impressive intelligence both in and out of battle. He used Megalon to shield himself from one of Gigan’s attacks. When Zeus proved irritably distracting as he fought the Hydra, Godzilla rammed the multi-headed serpent into Mount Olympus, bringing down the Olympians’ home and leaving Zeus as his only remaining opponent. In issue 5, Godzilla turned the tables on Monster X in little time through tactics, only being defeated when his enemy exploited him being distracted.

Heat manipulation

Throughout his on-panel appearances, Godzilla seems to manipulate the heat of his surroundings to some extent, particularly when utilizing his atomic breath for different purposes, hence its inconsistent appearance and color.

Healing factor

Godzilla possesses regenerative capabilities that allow him to heal minor injuries almost instantaneously or even regenerate after receiving attacks that may or may not obliterate him.


In spite of his size, Godzilla is a very stealthy creature, coming upon his enemies without gaining their attention as shown with Yamata no Orochi and Poseidon.

Prow senses

As a visibly predatory organism, Godzilla naturally possesses relatively enhanced senses, however he proves to be very skillful with his senses. From sensing the utilization of an arrow enhanced by the Shobijin to navigating his way through lava as shown in issue 2 and issue 5, Godzilla is adept with his instincts.

Water manipulation

After somehow killing Poseidon in issue 2, Godzilla gained some degree of hydrokinesis, manipulating the surrounding water into a tidal wave that brought mass destruction as he swam to the foot of Mount Olympus. When Zeus questioned his fellow Olympians regarding Godzilla’s existence, Hephaestus proclaimed in self-defense “No, Zeus, it was not I. It must have been Poseidon! That is his wave. He sent that monster here.


In issues #2, #4, and #5, Godzilla demonstrated the ability to burrow through solid rock and swim through lava without struggle.


In issue 5, Godzilla visibly felt pain from Monster X’s destroyed thunder and physical blows. Aside from that, Godzilla is seen visibly irritated by attacks from weaker opponents, such as Zeus’ lightning, Akio’s Shobijin-enhanced arrows, Megalon's drill arms, and the explosives utilized by Hannibal and his men.

Zeus was able to somehow temporarily seal Godzilla away via his lightning.



  • Godzilla leaves an impact on various historical cultures in each of his issue appearances, including the particular following:
    • In issue 1, his actions left an impact on Japanese history during its Feudal Era in the year 1274 AD.
    • In issue 2, his actions left an impact on Ancient Greek Mythology as well as being the cause of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.
    • In issue 4, his actions put an end to the Roman Empire in 218 BC, overtaking the credit that would've gone to Hannibal in 476 AD.
    • In issue 5, his actions left an impact on the first human beings to ever inhabit Earth 136 million years BC. Additionally, Godzilla is possibly responsible for the Xiliens' absence during the events of the other issues and the modern-day.
  • Due to issue 2 incorporating figures of Ancient Greek Mythology, in addition to issue 5 depicting him and other kaiju fighting 136 million years ago in the Cretaceous Period while the Xiliens invade Earth and introduce the very first human individuals, the origins of Godzilla and his fellow kaiju are left ambiguous and completely unclear.
  • Godzilla faces against multiple kaiju that are multi-headed serpentine organisms throughout the series including: Yamata no Orochi, the Hydra, and Keizer Ghidorah.


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