Emiko Melchiorri

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Emiko Melchiorri
Emiko in the GAMERA -Rebirth-
Species Human
Nationality Japanese
Aliases Emiko Melchiori
Affiliation Eustace Foundation
Occupation Support scientist
Related to Nora Melchiorri (aunt)
First appearance GAMERA -Rebirth-
Played by Saori Hayami (voice)
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Emiko Melchiorri (エミコ・メルキオリ,   Emiko Merukiori) is a major antagonist in the 2023 animated series GAMERA -Rebirth-.


An agent of the Eustace Foundation. She is Tazaki's assistant.[1] (ユースタス財団のエージェント。タザキの助手。)


Reiwa era

GAMERA -Rebirth-

To be added.



  • Emiko Melchiorri's betrayal was very similar to that of Metphies in the GODZILLA anime trilogy, co-directed by Hiroyuki Seshita. Both characters pretended to support or befriend the protagonist(s) only to reveal that they were using them for ulterior motives, and intended them as sacrifices for a kaiju. Emiko Melchiorri pretended to support Boco, Joe, Junichi, and Brody (and even befriend Junichi), only to reveal that she intended to sacrifice them to Viras and carry out the purification of mankind; Metphies pretended to support Haruo Sakaki only to reveal that he intended for Haruo to sacrifice himself to King Ghidorah in order to destroy Earth and make Ghidorah a divine reality in the universe.


This is a list of references for Emiko Melchiorri. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. "Emiko". GAMERA -Rebirth- Official Site. Retrieved 25 March 2023.


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