Sandbox:Carl Majors
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Only Godzilla can save us now!
— Carl Majors (Godzilla, various episodes) |
Carl Majors is the captain of the Calico and one of the protagonists of Hanna-Barbera's 1978-1979 animated series Godzilla, as well as the 1999 bumper "Godzilla vs. Y2K Bug."
- Godzilla (1978-1979)
- "Godzilla vs. Y2K Bug" (1999)
"The Firebird"
As the Calico rocked due to Godzooky and Pete's playing, Majors remarked that he felt seasick for the first time. Brock informed Majors of a nearby tremor, to which he used the Godzilla Signal and called Godzilla, who scooped up the ship until the wave passed. Tracing the tremor to the nearby Alaskan island of Pitkin, the Calico also received an emergency transmission from two stranded scientists on the island and raced to save them. Arriving at the island, Brock and Majors set out in the Calico's hovercraft and rescued the scientists, taking them back to the ship. Though the volcano was preparing to erupt, Majors, Quinn, Brock, and Blake, one of the geologists, all ventured into a volcanic vent to investigate, where they discovered the Firebird bathing in lava and were attacked by it. Fleeing back to the Calico, Majors sailed away right before the Firebird burst from the volcano in pursuit. Majors called on Godzilla, who fought the Firebird while the Calico crew and their guests watched until the creature fled. Brock tracked its position and found it heading north to the Arctic, where Blake theorized it would lay eggs, and Majors set off in pursuit with Godzilla. After the Firebird's defeat, Majors sailed back to Pitkin to drop off the geologists.
"The Eartheater"
"Attack of the Stone Creature"
"The Megavolt Monster"
"The Seaweed Monster"
"The Energy Beast"
"The Colossus of Atlantis"
"The Horror of Forgotten Island"
"Island of Lost Ships"
"The Magnetic Terror"
"The Breeder Beast"
"The Sub-Zero Terror"
"The Time Dragons"
"Calico Clones"
"Ghost Ship"
While sailing through a patch of abnormally cold Atlantic waters, Brock alerted Majors of an iceberg, which he was unable to steer the Calico away from in time, lodging the ship in the ice. Exerting all the engine's strength, Majors managed to break free, and as he and the crew scoured the ship for hull damage, he noticed a German U-boat from the first World War, designated U-79. Excited to investigate the vessel, the crew called Godzilla and asked him to melt the iceberg. As Godzilla carefully blasted fire at the ice, Quinn and Majors noticed a massive torpedo on U-79's underside and speculated it was on a secret mission. After the ice melted, Brock and Pete flew up in the Mini-Copter to take pictures from above, while Majors and Quinn watched from the deck.
Suddenly, a hatch opened up on the U-boat and several crew members climbed out, who quickly shot down the Mini-Copter and took Brock and Pete prisoner. The crew then turned their gun towards the Calico, demanding surrender and be boarded or resist and be sunk. Reluctantly, Majors conceded. U-79's captain, Quart Schmidt, boarded the Calico and introduced himself and his executive officer, Fritz Krieger, before declaring the Calico a war trophy for Germany and her crew prisoners of war. Despite Majors and Quinn's best attempts to convince the Germans they were mistaken, they were unconvinced until Majors offered to show them technology that didn't exist in the 1910s. After being astonished by a live broadcast with color and sound, as well as the concept of satellites, Schmidt recalled how U-79 became trapped in the ice before he and Krieger admitted they were wrong and apologized. Majors allowed Schmidt to use the Calico's radio to call the U-boat and tell the crew to release Brock and Pete, only for the four to be informed the U-boat's torpedo was breaking loose.
Majors sped off, but the torpedo chased down the Calico despite her best evasive maneuvers. With no other option, Majors called Godzilla, who grabbed the torpedo and took it to the bottom of the ocean. Schmidt informed the crew that the torpedo would explode five minutes after launch, and shortly after Majors expressed doubt that Godzilla could survive the blast, a burst of water surged up from where Godzilla disappeared. Godzooky dove off to look for Godzilla while Majors sailed back to U-79, finding it besieged by a Giant Octopus. The Calico rammed the creature, which merely flicked it away before fleeing after being attacked by Godzilla, taking U-79 with it. After Godzilla defeated the Giant Octopus, Majors towed U-79 back to Germany, earning the crew's praises.
"The Beast of Storm Island"
"The City in the Clouds"
While the Calico sailed in the mid-Atlantic, Brock detected a large stationary storm ahead of the ship. Though Majors planned to steer the ship around it, Quinn requested the Calico sail through it to test out the ship's new meteorological equipment. Pete alerted the rest of the crew to the presence of a giant whirlpool, which Majors successfully steered the Calico away from. Despite this, the current began to pull the ship back towards it, aided by the Calico's electronics being disabled bySt. Elmo's fire forcing Godzooky to call Godzilla to save the ship. Though Godzilla moved the ship to safer waters, the whirlpool began sucking him up too, leaving the Calico and her crew helpless. After being sucked into the waterspout, the Calico was left powerless in a strange, cloudy land. The crew left to explore, discovering that they're standing on the storm clouds. Quinn and Majors then discovered a city floating in the clouds, which they entered while sending Godzooky to search for the missing Pete and Brock. More TBA
"The Cyborg Whale"
"Valley of the Giants"
"The Golden Guardians"
"The Macro-Beasts"
"Pacific Peril"
"Island of Doom"
"The Deadly Asteroid"
"Godzilla vs. Y2K Bug"
The Calico crew was celebrating the new millennium when the Y2K Bug appeared over the ship. Majors attempted to summon Godzilla, but the Godzilla Signal was dysfunctional due to its computer chips not being updated.
Concept art
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